Atherogenic coefficient – what is it? What is the norm?

Any average person knows that high blood cholesterol is “bad”. Possessing a rather meager amount of knowledge on the subject, having barely seen a result above the norm in the “total cholesterol” or “HDL-cholesterol” column (before having obtained information about the interpretation of analyzes on dubious sites), a person goes on a strict diet or, even worse, begins to exercise self-medicating and taking statin drugs.

Meanwhile, it is necessary to evaluate the results of laboratory tests and interpret them correctly according to special rules. Separate columns of the description will not allow to draw a correct conclusion about the processes occurring in the body. To talk about the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other diseases, directly or indirectly caused by an increased level of “bad” cholesterol, a special value has been introduced in medical practice: the atherogenic coefficient.

What is the coefficient of atherogenicity in a blood test?

Atherogenic coefficient – this is the balance of “good” cholesterol and total cholesterol, which in the future can go into a bound state (LDL), is their proportional ratio.

What is this ratio? At a general, everyday level, everyone knows that there is a “bad” (or LDL-cholesterol) and “good” (HDL-cholesterol) cholesterol. The complex molecules of good cholesterol are too large to be absorbed into the tissues, they “collect” the molecules of “bad” fatty alcohol and forward them to the liver for processing. On the contrary, “bad” cholesterol settles on the walls of blood vessels and forms plaques that narrow the lumen of the blood vessel and worsen blood circulation. In addition, total cholesterol, that is, a substance in an unbound state, also circulates in the blood.

At the moment, this is the most accurate indicator of the state of lipid (fat) metabolism in the body and the assessment of the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases (although the role of fatty alcohol in the development of pathologies of this kind is debatable).

In addition, the definition of this indicator can be informative in the following cases:

  • Diagnosis of diseases of the thyroid gland and liver;

  • Control of the dynamics of cholesterol (with drug therapy);

  • During the initial preventive examination of the patient.

The norm of the coefficient of atherogenicity

When calculating the coefficient of atherogenicity, experts use a simple formula:

Atherogenic coefficient (Atherogenic index) = (Total cholesterol – HDL) / HDL

Atherogenic coefficient - what is it? What is the norm?

* HDL – high density lipoproteins.

The norm of the atherogenic index varies from laboratory to laboratory, in general, this indicator is normal in the range from 2 to 2.5 units (but not higher than 3.2 for women and 3.5 for men). An indicator above the specified norm may indicate the presence of atherosclerosis. However, the coefficient alone does not allow us to accurately state the presence of the disease.

If the atherogenic index is below the specified norm, this is not a cause for concern. This result is irrelevant.

Increased atherogenic coefficient, what to do?

If the results of laboratory studies revealed a high coefficient, this indicates that the body produces mainly “bad” cholesterol. Despite the lack of evidence of the direct and main role of fatty alcohol in the formation of cardiovascular diseases and pathologies, it is not worth the risk. Measures should be taken immediately to normalize the indicator.

This can be done in two ways:

  • Change lifestyle and diet.

  • Start taking prescription drugs.


The increase in the index is due to a number of reasons:

  • The presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use). Psychoactive substances “inhibit” normal fat metabolism and disrupt the synthesis of fats.

  • Sedentary lifestyle. Hypodynamia entails stagnant processes. Fats and fatty complexes are synthesized too actively.

From this we can conclude that to normalize the index you need:

  • Lead a more active lifestyle. Feasible physical activity can normalize the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and lipid metabolism. A healthy person is recommended to conduct 4 classes during the week for 35-40 minutes each. If you have a history of diseases, you should consult a doctor to rule out contraindications and select the optimal mode of physical activity.

  • Give up bad habits.


It is advisable to limit or completely avoid the following foods:

  • Sausages;

  • Fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream, butter);

  • Products rich in trans fats (margarine, palm oil spreads, etc.)

On the contrary, include in the diet:

  • Fish. Cod, hake, flounder and others. Frying should be excluded, preferring cooking.

  • Nuts (almonds, walnuts). Nuts contain monosaturated fatty compounds and can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

  • Fruits vegetables. Especially beets. Potatoes are not recommended.

  • Chocolate and green tea.

  • Garlic.

  • Cereals.

As well as other products containing fats of vegetable, not animal origin.

Taking medications is another way to reduce the atherogenic index. However, statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) have many side effects and should be taken strictly on the advice of a doctor and in a very limited number of cases.

What factors can affect the result of the analysis?

Atherogenic coefficient - what is it? What is the norm?

The result will exceed the normal values ​​if:

  • The patient sits for a long time on a strict diet (close to starvation). To avoid exhaustion, the body begins to break down fat reserves. Lipids enter the bloodstream and can artificially increase the index.

  • Taking hormonal drugs (steroids).

  • Nicotine addiction.

  • Peak hormone-dependent states. Pregnancy, menstruation, menopause.

The result will be below normal if:

  • The patient is on a hypocholesterol diet.

  • The patient is taking statin drugs.

  • The patient is actively involved in sports (which is rather controversial).

Thus, the index (or coefficient) of atherogenicity is the proportion of total cholesterol to high density lipoprotein complex. The indicator characterizes the lipoprotein balance in the body and can help in determining the early stages of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases caused by an increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

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