Ataxia in humans
If the body does not obey at all, coordination of movements suffers, this can be a serious neurological disorder that needs to be treated. Why does this pathology occur and what to do? Find out with an expert

If the connection between the brain, especially the frontal and temporal cortex, the region of the cerebellum and the vestibular apparatus, is disrupted, ataxia may occur – a violation of coordination of movements.

What is ataxia

We are constantly moving, without even thinking about how it happens. But our movements are precise, arms and legs do exactly what we need at the moment. This is in healthy people. If there are problems with the nervous system, in particular – ataxia, the coordination of movements may be disturbed, the body simply does not obey.

Ataxia, as explained neurologist Svetlana Ryazantseva, is one of the dysfunctions of the body’s motility. To be more precise, this is not the coordination of movements, even simpler – a violation of the coordination of movements. Although the strength of the muscles in the arms or legs is preserved, or slightly reduced, the movements themselves are not as accurate as they were. A person becomes awkward, awkward, the sequence of a motor act is disturbed, balance suffers when a person stands or walks.

If the balance is affected when standing, it is called static ataxia. If it is difficult to move – dynamic.

Causes of ataxia in humans

“This condition,” says neurologist Svetlana Ryazantseva, “is the result of both damage to the brain (for example, if there was a stroke, there is an anomaly in the development of the brain, hereditary diseases), as well as damage to the arteries of the brain, disorders in the vestibular apparatus, against the background of hypothyroidism, poisoning with chemical reagents, as well as as a result of hypovitaminosis of B vitamins.

Types of ataxia in humans

In practical work, doctors use different classifications of ataxia, they distinguish their different types, which depend on which part of the nervous system has suffered the most. Stand out:

  • posterior columnar (sensitive) form – the paths along which impulses pass from deep muscle sensitivity suffer;
  • cerebellar form – it occurs if the cerebellum, the part of the brain responsible for the coordination of movements, is damaged;
  • vestibular form – with it, the vestibular apparatus suffers, which gives the body a sense of position in space;
  • cortical form – these are problems with movement if the areas of the large brain are affected – the frontal lobe or its temporo-occipital regions.

The manifestations of ataxia will largely depend on which areas of the system are affected.

Symptoms of ataxia in humans

With sensitive ataxia limbs suffer – there may be damage to both arms and legs at once, or to one leg or arm. Due to the fact that a person loses musculo-articular feeling, when walking, his legs are strongly bent in the pelvis and knees, the gait becomes stamping (sharp, strong steps with reprinting of the foot to the floor). There is a feeling that you are walking on a mattress or wadding, which is why people with ataxia constantly look at the floor. If the disorders are severe, it is almost impossible to stand and walk.

With cerebellar form a person cannot stand straight with his arms spread, he immediately collapses, falls on his side or forward / backward. When walking, staggering is visible, a person puts his legs wide, cannot walk in a straight line. All movements are very sweeping, awkward and slow, visual control does not help improve gait and balance. Speech suffers – it is slow, stretched out with jerks and chanted (like Mayakovsky’s poetry). Handwriting is broken – it is uneven, very large and sweeping. Muscle tone suffers, they weaken, tendon reflexes change.

vestibular form manifested by bouts of dizziness – there is a feeling that all objects are spinning in the same direction. If you turn your head, dizziness increases, which leads to unsteady gait and falls. The man tries not to turn his head. Additionally, nystagmus occurs – the eyes seem to “float”, nausea and vomiting appear.

Cork ataxia manifested by instability when walking, especially when cornering, when tilting to the side. If the cortex is very severely affected, a person can hardly stand and walk. Visual control does not improve the situation. In addition, a grasping reflex, mental problems, and olfactory disorders appear.

There are also a number of complex ataxias that are inherited, they are usually severe, progressive and quickly lead to disability.

Treatment of ataxia in humans

If a person notes problems with gait, clumsiness and other disorders, you need to visit a neurologist and exclude the development of ataxia. With an early diagnosis, you can control the problem, take certain actions to make life easier.


For the diagnosis of ataxia, a detailed conversation with the patient, clarification of all existing complaints and symptoms, specifying the time period when they appeared and how they changed is important. Additional research is needed:

  • EEG – to detect pathological waves of brain activity;
  • biochemical blood tests – to detect disorders of amino acid metabolism that can damage the nervous system;
  • MRI or CT of the brain – to determine possible injuries, vascular lesions, tumors, cysts;
  • electromyography – it helps to determine the condition of the muscles and the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbtheir lesions.

To identify hereditary forms of ataxia, a consultation with a geneticist and molecular genetic tests are needed.

Modern treatments

– Methods of treatment – says neurologist Svetlana Ryazantseva – is most often drug therapy aimed at improving blood circulation, adjusting hormonal levels, and vitamin therapy. We also add physiotherapy, training on stabiloplatforms has proven to be excellent, as well as physiotherapy exercises, especially aimed at the formation of feedback (if there is a lesion of any part of the brain, it is possible that another similar part of the brain would take over this function, a kind of formation mirror neurons).

Prevention of ataxia in humans at home

– Prevention, – says neurologist Svetlana Ryazantseva, – is a warning of those conditions that call for this ataxia.

As an example, the prevention of atherosclerosis is the annual ultrasound of the brachiocephalic arteries after 40 years, the identification of atherosclerotic disorders, diet and the use of drugs aimed at lowering blood cholesterol. This can lead to a reduced risk of stroke and, as a result, ataxia will not occur.

Taking B vitamins will keep the nervous system in order for a long time. Periodic medical examination will help to identify hypothyroidism, arterial hypertension at an early stage will also help to avoid the occurrence of ataxia.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with neurologist Svetlana Ryazantseva possible complications and consequences of ataxia, as well as the possibility of its self-treatment or the use of traditional medicine.

What are the consequences of ataxia?

The consequences of the onset of ataxia can be quite deplorable, in the early stages it is not a very pleasant feeling for patients, in more pronounced stages it is disability, impaired function of support and self-service.

Can ataxia be cured with folk remedies?

I do not know folk methods of treating ataxia. Several times I received patients in the department of vascular neurology who were diagnosed with strokes. If these people had gone to the doctor at an early stage, and not treated with methods from the category, I would not have had to treat a stroke. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor, get examined, start treatment, and “herbs” can be drunk if they are medicinal and recommended by the doctor.

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