At what age to start doing botox?

Do you have to wait until the 50 with a facelift? At what age to start doing botox? Will the treatments performed at the 20-year-old make the skin “lazy”? – we ask Dr. Marek Wasiluk * from the Triclinium Modern Medicine Center in Warsaw.

It is not only the skin and face that ages, but also our internal organs. However, if someone is not a very “neglected” person, taking away from him the aforementioned 10 years, often even 20 years, is not a special problem for aesthetic medicine – says Dr. Marek Wasiluk

One of the most common reasons why women in their thirties visit an aesthetic medicine doctor is the effects of pregnancy on their bodies. Excess body fat, stretched and not very firm abdominal skin, stretch marks and cellulite – this is what aesthetic medicine treatments can handle

The most powerful treatment improving the quality of the skin, which can be recommended for 30-year-olds, is the one with the use of ablative fractional laser. It works by heating and controlled skin damage in order to force the process of its reconstruction.

Can a 65-year-old woman look 55?

Dr. Marek Wasiluk from the Triclinium Modern Medicine Center: Aging is a complex and continuous process. It is known that not only the skin and face age, but also our internal organs. However, if someone is not a very “neglected” person, taking away from him the aforementioned 10 years (and often even 20!) Is not a special problem for aesthetic medicine. However, for this to happen, several conditions must be met. A person must lead a healthy lifestyle, must be reasonably healthy, and aesthetic medicine treatments should be performed skillfully and sensitively.

So how?

Of course, a woman of 65 will not suddenly look like a 25-year-old. In patients over 35 years of age, time can be “stopped” for a long time, which does not mean, however, that the person will look the same all the time. Aging is a multidimensional process, we know what changes in the aging process, but we are not able to recreate everything using aesthetic medicine.

Remember that it is never too late to start using the benefits of aesthetic medicine and you can always improve your appearance. Of course, for the satisfactory results in a person over sixty years of age, you will have to work with stronger treatments, while for a 35-year-old gentle therapy is enough, but it does not change the fact that it is never too late to take care of your skin.

Before you decide on botox and the first wrinkles appear under your eyes, you can try Orientana natural eye cream with Japanese honeysuckle. However, if you have deepened furrows, reach for the natural eye cream for mature Orientana skin with Chinese peony. You can find both cosmetics at Medonet Market. It is also worth trying the Regenerating Booster Orientana with reishi and purple rice for the night, which delays the aging process of the skin. Anti-wrinkle serum for mature skin with coenzyme Q10 Vianek regenerates, nourishes and protects the skin against damage.

On sunny days, use the SPF 30 FLOSLEK anti-wrinkle protective cream, which, in addition to smoothing wrinkles, also acts as a barrier to UV rays. If, on the other hand, you have a problem with bags under the eyes and the loss of firmness of the skin around the eyes, try the Anti-aging Eye Gel with firefly and FLOSLEK peptides.

It is worth starting some treatments at a very young age – preventively, or is it rather wasted money?

It is better to start doing these treatments sooner rather than later, but don’t overdo it. It is better to delay the aging process than to rejuvenate the body or face of an old man. It is simpler, less costly and produces more natural effects, and is healthier from a systemic point of view. As in everything, also in this case it is better to prevent than to fix something after the fact.

  1. Young people can use the EPTA AGE Anti-Aging Cream for Young Skin, which inhibits the formation of wrinkles.

What to do and at what age?

For a young person, for example, platelet-rich plasma or botox will be more effective, for an older person, for example biostimulators, HIFU and hyaluronic acid. Because in the case of a 20-year-old girl, we primarily want to delay the aging process of the skin and keep it in a healthy, beautiful condition as long as possible. Anti-aging treatments ensure proper hydration and nourishment of the skin, protect and stabilize the tissues. They also support natural regeneration processes. An ideal treatment against mimic wrinkles is botulinum toxin, because it inhibits the work of muscles and prevents frequent bending of the skin. The treatment is minimally invasive, does not require convalescence and is safe. This treatment is intended for younger people, because it will protect them from deepening wrinkles.

Instead of Botox, you can try skin firming cosmetics first, e.g .:

  1. Anti-wrinkle face and eye serum COLLAGEN up, which is designed to regenerate, strengthen and shape the face oval,
  2. Collagen anti-wrinkle cream for mature skin COLLAGEN up, which improves skin firmness and elasticity,
  3. Anti-wrinkle multi-collagen cream COLLAGEN up for mature skin, which significantly reduces the number of wrinkles,
  4. DERMO EXPERT® rejuvenating acid peeling for the night, which smoothes the skin, ensures its optimal hydration and reduces the visibility of wrinkles and discoloration.

What if the girl has no mimic wrinkles, but poor skin condition?

The regeneration of the epidermis is facilitated by alpha-hydroxy acids, i.e. fruit acids used in the form of peels. It is worth choosing, for example, delicate cosmetic peelings. The best nourishing effect is achieved by mesotherapy with platelet-rich plasma. A preparation obtained from the patient’s own blood is like fuel for cells. Injecting the skin with boatoplatelet plasma significantly improves the work of the skin, and thus its nourishment and better condition.

So botox in a 20-year-old makes sense?

Yes, it is, but not always. I often hear from young patients that they do not need botox for anything yet, that they are too young for it. Meanwhile, in the case of certain problems, botox is really the only sensible solution, and secondly: in the case of some ailments, it also simply has a preventive effect. Sometimes it is even worth giving it before the appearance of visual aging of the skin (if we are sure that they will appear and will be difficult to correct). Therefore, treatments with the use of botulinum toxin are often performed in the case of even twenty-something-year-olds, which thus eliminate, for example, a lion’s wrinkle. If a young patient knows that he has a family, all adults have a “bottom” in the area of ​​the lion’s wrinkles, and he begins to have its symptoms himself, then botox is able to effectively counteract this. When we lead to the fact that the lion’s wrinkle becomes a deep furrow, then no method of aesthetic medicine will be able to do much as much as earlier prophylaxis. A similar issue is also the wrinkles around the eyes, the so-called Crow’s feet. A patient who thinks preventively should start using botox early enough to prevent these changes from becoming permanent (at the beginning, it is enough to administer the toxin even every 8-10 months, you do not need to block everything rigidly and forever).

Are you looking for anti-wrinkle cosmetics? At Medonet Market you will find products with snail mucus, including Orientana eye cream, Orientana face cream, as well as a set of rejuvenating cosmetics for the face, eye area and nails. Try also unique cosmetics with the addition of CBD – Mikka collagen day cream, Mikka collagen night cream and Mikka lifting serum.

Zobacz: Microneedle radiofrequency – skin that looks young despite the passage of time

It is not true that treatments performed too early “make the skin lazy?

There is no such thing as lazy skin with treatments carried out at a young age. Of course, the body becomes lazy with age, but the slower effects of the treatments are not due to the fact that someone performed them at a young age. Well, unless someone at a young age would fill the skin on their cheeks, stretch it excessively, and then leave it “on its own”. Then, of course, such skin will simply stretch, just like the skin on the stomach after pregnancy.

Something else could be the problem. Each organism functions differently. If someone has, for example, some chronic diseases, they will not be able to use any treatments, because some will not give results because of the disease or medications taken, and others may cause complications. It is also worth remembering that there are no completely universal devices or preparations for rejuvenating and beautifying. In a word, not every method will work for every patient. The third issue is some kind of conditionality: not everything will work equally well for every patient. Only with the above issues in mind, can we move on to the main part of the question.

  1. Take care of your skin today and start using the Klimuszko Mystery of Longevity Tincture.

What is worth doing after 30?

One of the most common reasons why women in their thirties come to an aesthetic medicine doctor is because of the effects of their pregnancy on their bodies. Excess body fat, stretched and not very firm skin of the abdomen, stretch marks and cellulite – aesthetic medicine treatments can handle this luggage. Treatments that restore the skin’s proper firmness and elasticity are fractional microneedle radiofrequence, HIFU. Fractional micro-needle rf copes best with stretch marks. However, there are many options for removing unnecessary fat tissue. They are more and less invasive, such as ultrasonic cavitation, cold laser, cryolipolysis or injection lipolysis. All of them should be selected according to the place and type of adipose tissue the patient has.

  1. To take care of your skin and prevent wrinkles, order the anti-wrinkle day cream – revitalizing and illuminating SKIN DELIGHT Sensilis today.

What about women in their 30s who don’t have children?

After the age of thirty, the first static wrinkles and furrows appear, and the facial skin begins to sag. This is the time when you should start using lifting aesthetic medicine treatments. I admit that there are many methods, at this age we should rather focus on regenerative treatments than camouflage or filling treatments. Methods such as fractional laser, HIFU or fractional micro-needle rf will allow you to realistically rebuild the skin by producing new collagen in it. Corrective treatments such as hyaluronic acid, especially in large amounts at this stage, may cause an artificial effect and be insufficient.

We suggest taking hyaluronic acid orally. Try Hyaluronic Acid 7000DA in YANGO liquid, which ensures proper skin hydration, and additionally improves its elasticity and inhibits aging processes.

The method should be selected individually for each patient. The most powerful version that refreshes the skin, recommended for people of this age, is the fractional laser ablation treatment. It works by heating and controlled skin damage in order to force the process of its reconstruction. What gives us such severe skin damage? Through them, we can persuade the body to self-rebuild and regenerate the skin, and in addition, it exfoliates, which makes it superficially, very refreshed.

What to do after 40?

Strongly rejuvenating treatments are needed. Middle-aged women, if they want to significantly delay the aging process and maintain a youthful appearance, should opt for intensive rejuvenating therapy. Rejuvenation at this age requires comprehensive knowledge and experience of a specialist and a very well-equipped and variously equipped aesthetic medicine office, because the symptoms of aging are more intense, and a good effect can only be achieved by using a combination of various methods. With advanced facial signs, it is very important to have a good diagnosis, i.e. to assess how the face has aged and to develop an appropriate rejuvenating therapy plan.

The therapy is usually longer and combined, it combines several different regenerative treatments (which will simultaneously improve the quality of the skin, its unity, thickness and smoothness), treatments supplementing tissue defects and lifting treatments. It is important that such intensified activities give an effect that is as natural as possible – without the impression of artificiality and at the same time really rejuvenating, i.e. we reverse the signs of aging, and not only camouflage them.

Health considerations prevent you from going botox? Or maybe you are afraid of the “needle”? You can try the anti-wrinkle serum Biolaven, which smoothes wrinkles, or the anti-aging cream SPF 30 FLOSLEK that prevents discoloration and protects the skin against the harmful effects of sunlight. Cosmetics with bee venom are a very interesting solution, eg Eco serum for mature skin with bee venom and honeydew honey Bee Venom BeeYes, which stimulates cells to regenerate and visibly tightens the skin, reducing the visibility of wrinkles.

And what does aesthetic medicine have for 60-year-olds?

Strongly camouflaging treatments will work. At this age, the signs of aging are clearly visible, but also the difference between individuals is even more apparent. Therefore, if we want to achieve natural and significant rejuvenation effects, and not to correct a single defect, it is necessary to individually select the therapy for each person. Regenerative treatments, unfortunately, do not give such good and quick results and are usually not sufficient, and you need to perform more of them and combine them with other methods, e.g. lifting threads, l-polylactic acid, hyaluronic acid. Invariably for a century, ablative fractional laser treatments have remained the gold standard in skin refreshment.

It is also worth remembering that similar problems may have a different cause in different people or at different ages. For example, in 25-30-year-olds who come to me with the problem of dark circles under the eyes, the main cause of this problem is almost certainly thinning of the skin and the shadows of the capillaries. So we will act either towards lightening or thickening the skin. On the other hand, when a person in their forties comes with the aforementioned shadows under the eyes, the reason is probably the collapses that need to be filled in the first place. In a 50+ person, the same problem may result from other, more serious reasons, so it will have to be approached differently.

There is no one-size-fits-all method for the same problem in patients of different age groups. Very necessary and perfectly working methods are HIFU and microneedle radiofrequency, fillers and biostimulators, as well as fractional lasers and platelet-rich plasma improving the quality of the skin. These are proven and effective methods, but they work a bit differently for everyone and should be administered in different amounts.

For firming the skin, you can use Mialenia Firming Cream, which reduces puffiness and improves skin microcirculation.

What would be the ideal treatment schedule for a person with a genetically average (spread over the years) statistical skin condition for a woman who is 30 today and wants to look as attractive as possible also as a 60-year-old?

The first, standard treatment should be platelet-rich plasma. It should be of good quality and served properly. He performs them regularly every 3-6 months. It works as a stimulator, it will nourish and stimulate the skin to work, delaying the aging process. Another thing is botox, which should be administered preventively if the patient is prone to mimic wrinkles – in larger amounts, e.g. for a lion’s wrinkle, and in smaller amounts in other areas of the upper part of the face. Then, once a year (stronger in autumn), it is worth doing ablative fractional laser, which will refresh the skin, smoothen it and rejuvenate it a bit. In slightly older people, closer to forty, a lifting treatment should be added, lifting the skin. Microneedle radiofrequency will work well (preferably a series of two treatments every year, performed at two-month intervals). And finally, at an even later age, it is worth adding one more fractional laser treatment, so there will be two (one stronger in autumn, the other weaker in spring).

This is the perfect cycle for a person who comes forward at a young age and wants to keep his face in good condition for many years to come.

  1. To improve the appearance of the skin and effectively rejuvenate it, reach for MEDEL Dermo Peel facial microdermabrasion, which can be used at home.

If more difficult cases occur, e.g. the skin tends to age more strongly, you can add the HIFU treatment. These are ultrasounds that work very deeply in the skin, firming and lifting it, but these are very point-based, very specialized treatments. These are safe methods, giving natural effects, stimulating the skin to regenerate naturally, so they will protect it against aging. After XNUMX, it is usually necessary to add fillers to correct the appearance of furrows.

Does this therapy spread over the years depend on the age or the condition of the skin?

Both of these factors must be taken into account. Everyone and their skin ages differently. Therefore, there is absolutely no rule here.

To effectively support the condition of the skin, reach for the Bioherba Lifting Face Serum with bakuchiol and retinol, which you can buy on Medonet Market at a promotional price separately or in the Bioherba Anti-Aging Set together with a caring and regenerating cream.

Peelings are good for everyone and they really rejuvenate the skin, or for example with mature skin their effect will be disappointing?

It all depends on the peeling. When it comes to a gentle peeling, acting on the epidermis itself, it will only be good for a young person, e.g. struggling with acne-prone skin. An alternative to delicate peels are, of course, deep peels, which are able to rejuvenate the skin, but these are quite dangerous treatments, because it is relatively easy to hurt the patient. Therefore, my suggestion is to do peels at a young age (i.e. from 20 to thirty years old), and then simply replace it with a fractional laser. The effect will always be better, and at the same time the safety will be greater.

Which treatments, although advertised as working well, are not worth doing for specific skin problems, e.g. couperose skin, etc.

The market is diverse as companies come up with different treatments for different problems. It is increasingly moving towards universal therapies. Hence, there are a lot of theories saying that, for example, a fractional laser should work on a lot of completely different beauty problems. Unfortunately, from the patient’s point of view, it is very difficult to objectively check and verify whether a new emerging method or procedure (usually under a fancy trade name) is really anything of value. Often even doctors themselves are not able to objectively assess it.

So, unfortunately, there is no universal recipe here. In such a case, you just need reasonable and common-sense thinking (on both sides, the doctor and the patient), but also the knowledge of the doctor who performs the procedure.

As for those treatments that are not worth doing for specific problems, for example, anyone with collapses under the eyes should be given hyaluronic acid in the lower eyelid (because there may be very unethical swelling, the acid may move). Or to remove discoloration with a fractional laser or peelings (they can often help only for a moment or vice versa, worsen the discoloration condition).

What can you do during menopause and is it possible to radically improve the condition of the skin at all, or is it only possible when the woman is also taking HRT?

It does not work the way that if someone is not taking HRT, they cannot rejuvenate themselves and do this type of treatment. Maybe they will also bring good results. It is known that regeneration is slower then, but it is not so that when a person at this age breaks his leg or cuts his finger, he dies because of it. Regeneration of the body in the case of people of this age also takes place. It translates into treatments in such a way that you simply need to perform a larger number of them, with greater strength to obtain a satisfactory effect.

  1. As an aid in the fight against wrinkles, reach for the EPTA AGE Anti-Aging Cream for mature skin and the EPTA C35 Intensive Anti-Aging Serum with 35% vitC. You will also get the serum in the Glow and Strength set – an anti-aging set for a beautiful complexion and hair.

* Dr. Marek Wasiluk specialist in aesthetic medicine. Owner of the Triclinium Modern Medicine Center in Warsaw (, blog, author of the book “Aesthetic Medicine Without Secrets”. A graduate of MSC in Aesthetic Medicine at Queen Mary University in London.

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