At what age does the administrative responsibility of a minor begin?

At what age does the administrative responsibility of a minor begin?

The legislation clearly establishes the framework from what age the administrative responsibility comes. This issue is regulated by paragraph 1 of Article 2.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, abbreviated to the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Administrative responsibility for minors

A child who at the time of the misconduct has reached the age of sixteen can be brought to administrative responsibility. The law believes that such children already understand the severity of their actions and can be responsible for the consequences. But in practice, only a small number of adolescents are brought to trial. Indeed, according to one of the paragraphs of the Code, leniency is shown to a person aged 16 to 18 years.

The age at which administrative responsibility begins is 16 years.

Cases of adolescents’ administrative offenses are considered by a special commission. Unlike criminal proceedings, administrative hearings do not require a lawyer. But it is not forbidden to bring a defender. In addition, it is allowed to involve in the proceedings:

  • witnesses;
  • psychologists;
  • experts in adolescent affairs.

In general, involve in the proceedings all those who can mitigate the guilt of a juvenile delinquent. The teenager is obliged to be present at the hearing. The term for consideration of an administrative case is 15 days from the date of receipt of all materials. If you disagree with the verdict, you can appeal it within 10 days.

If the guilt of a juvenile offender is proven, the court will appoint him measures of influence. It should be understood that arrest or imprisonment for administrative matters is not provided. And a teenager can be assigned the following punishments:

  • Administrative penalty. This impact applies to adolescents who work or receive scholarships.
  • Compensation for the damage caused, and the teenager will help to restore the destroyed by his own labor or material payment.
  • A reprimand informing the educational institution or place of work of the minor.
  • Apologizing to the injured party.
  • Transfer of a teenager to reeducation of a public or state organization.
  • Sending to a closed educational institution for difficult teenagers.

A teenager who has reached the age of sixteen can be brought to administrative responsibility. The impact on the child depends on the severity of the offense, as well as the presence of mitigating or aggravating circumstances.

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