At 5 years old, we let go of mum or daddy’s hand
From the first grade, your toddler no longer needs you to read a story, to tie his laces, and soon… to circulate! In this area, Paul Barré explains that “ he ownsa relative autonomy, in other words, he fends for himself, but the adult must still accompany him ».
Most children begin to analyze danger and control their behavior around the age of five. If you feel like he’s ready, let go of his hand on the routes he already knows. But, above all, keep it in your field of vision ! Pitchoun can walk in front of you or by your side, but never behind your back.
It is also time to teach him to:
— cross a road when there is no pedestrian crossing or little green and red figures: look first to the left then to the right, do not run on the road or go back, assess the speed at which the cars are coming…;
— cross a garage exit or abandoned garbage cans on the sidewalk.
In video: Benevolent education: my child does not want to join hands to cross the road, what to do?
Girls, more careful than boys? « Whatever we say, we don’t raise them in the same way. Boys are allowed more things earlier. And naturally, the girls take better care of themselves. On the road, they are more attentive, more intuitive “, Advances Paul Barré. An assertion that is also verified in the statistics: seven out of ten small victims of a traffic accident are boys … |
At 7 or 8, we go to school like a grown-up
According to a recent survey by the Road Safety Authority, parents are increasingly worried about letting their child go to school alone. Today, a little Frenchman makes his first trip, without being accompanied by an adult, at the age of 10 on average!
However, the specialist Paul Barré specifies that ” at 7 or 8 years old, a child can move around very well on his own,on condition of having already walked several times with his parents to know all the dangers ». Ask him at least once to guide you to school to make sure he can manage like a grown-up!
two is better. Your toddler may have a classmate who lives near you. Why wouldn’t he meet in the morning at the corner of the street to go to school together?
Prepare it well
Ensuring the maximum safety of your child begins … with the choice of clothes! Dress it preferably in bright colors to be easily spotted by motorists. Other possibilities (for really anxious parents): phosphorescent bands to stick on the schoolbag or sneakers that flash.
There are rules that your child must take into account at all costs, such as, do not run, even if he is late, or don’t talk to strangers. Don’t be afraid to sound pushy by reminding your little schoolboy every morning to be careful on the road!
To consult with the family:, educational games for children and advice for their parents!
At 10 years old, parents no longer need!
« Some parents accompany their children to school throughout primary school. When they arrive in 6th grade, they face an unfamiliar environment, often further from home, and have to take a new route. It is no coincidence that there is a peak in accidents among young pedestrians at the entrance to college », Emphasizes Paul Barré. By wanting to protect your toddler too much, you prevent him from becoming independent. Do not let him think that the street is the place of all dangers, but a space for learning about social life. And as the specialist puts it so well: “ we all keep memories of our school paths: the secrets we tell each other with friends, the snacks we share, etc. We must not deprive children of this kind of thing ”.
The onset of pre-adolescence rhymes with the desire for freedom. Children no longer really appreciate being accompanied everywhere by mum or dad … Your toddler is old enough to venture out alone on unfamiliar routes or to go cycling with his friends. Only one rule to impose: find out where he is going, who he is with and set a time to get home. What to avoid you many anxieties!
Followed closely. That’s it, he’s coming to France! A company has just put on the market a GPS box to slide into the bottom of the satchel. A simple phone call allows you to locate your offspring at any time. The object also keeps in memory all the movements made by the child.