At what age can tangerines for children, give tangerines to a child
Many people associate the aroma of tangerines with the holiday: it improves mood and brings pleasure. But at what age can tangerines be for children? Such a question often arises from caring parents.
The pulp of a ripe tangerine is usually sweeter than an orange, which is why both children and adults love this fruit. They ripen in November or December, when in central Russia, except for snow, there is nothing on the trees.
At what age can tangerines be given to children
Tangerine pulp contains a lot of sugar, organic acids, B vitamins and trace elements, especially potassium. These citrus fruits are considered a dietary product, they increase appetite and improve metabolism in the body. Mandarin juice strengthens the immune system and has an antimicrobial effect, which is especially useful for seasonal colds and ailments.
Tangerines are also useful due to the high content of essential oils in the peel and fruits. They give citrus fruits a special aroma that improves mood, has a beneficial effect on memory and physical activity.
You can not eat tangerines for stomach ulcers or gastritis. The organic acids they contain will irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.
If you have diabetes, it is best to discuss the possibility of eating fruit with your doctor. He will advise how many tangerines you can eat, or tell you to refrain from them.
The most serious contraindication that should not be neglected is citrus allergy.
Allergies can be identified by the body’s reaction to tangerines. A rash appears, allergic rhinitis, eyes may water. In severe cases, shortness of breath, laryngeal edema, vomiting and diarrhea occur.
At what age should a child be given
If the parents do not have an allergy to tangerines, which the baby could have inherited, pediatricians advise to introduce them into the diet after 1 year.
If the baby is allergic to other foods, it is better to postpone acquaintance with tangerines until the age of 3.
Dr. Komarovsky believes that it is too early to give a child tangerines a year, it is better to wait up to one and a half. But there is another opinion – that tangerines can be tried to be introduced into the child’s diet from the very beginning of complementary feeding. The slices need to be cleaned of films and bones and feel free to try if the baby does not have an allergy or predisposition to it.
“It is undesirable to replace tangerine with juice from it, – said the specialist1… – According to international recommendations, juices should be introduced into complementary foods after a year. The fact is that juice is not the most nutritious product, it does not contain dietary fiber, but even a spoonful of freshly squeezed citrus juice already contains an amount of carbohydrates equal to several slices of tangerine.
Older children, from about three years old, can be given 2-3 fruits a day. But here too, pay attention to the reaction of the body, because citrus fruits are included in the rating of the most allergenic foods. “
How to choose tangerines
The store chooses ripe tangerines for baby food, bright orange, without dark and green spots on the peel. Of course, they should be juicy and sweet.
1. Anna Averina, obstetrician-gynecologist of the family clinic chain.