at the crossroads of science and mysticism

😉 Greetings, friends! Thank you for choosing the article “At the crossroads of science and mysticism: who invented the horoscope” on this site! The term, known to everyone, consists of parts of several ancient Greek words. Here and “time”, and “period”, and “observation”.

Horoscope: what is it

The Greeks were right: a horoscope is a system of observing the location of heavenly bodies at a certain period of time in order to predict events. As you can see, this is not exactly what the newspapers publish on the back pages.

Horoscopes are based on the signs of the zodiacal circle – the trajectory along which the planets move in our field of vision. As you know, this circle includes 12 constellations, and the sages assigned a separate name to each of them.

at the crossroads of science and mysticism

When the horoscope appeared

The first proto-horoscopes began to be compiled by the peoples of Mesopotamia around the XNUMXth century BC. NS. The Sumerians, Assyrians and other inhabitants of Mesopotamia actively used the “prompts” of heaven for planning and carrying out agricultural work.

It is quite natural that it was they who thought of applying the accumulated knowledge about celestial bodies to foresee everyday phenomena. Then the relay passed to the Egyptians, who created the concept of astrological houses. The oldest horoscope that has survived to this day dates back to 410 BC. e., he was found in one of the Babylonian temples.

In ancient times, Hellenic thinkers made a significant contribution to the methodology of horoscopes: Plato, Pythagoras, Aristotle. The connection of the planets with the human planets was also studied in Persia, China, Tibet.

Who created the horoscope

Astrology really flourished in the Middle Ages. It was then that certain astrological schools were formed. The most famous compiler of horoscopes at that time was considered Cecco de Ascoli, who lived in Bologna in the 1320s.

A little later, Bolinbroke, Southwell, Ashendon, who lived in London and made predictions for monarchs, gained fame.

Then there were Paracelsus, Brahe, Keller, Lilly, Nostradamus … Each of these people to one degree or another is the “father” of the horoscope. For centuries, horoscopes have remained the prerogative of scientists. Gaul, Al-Biruni, Thomas Aquinas, Newton believed in the influence of space objects on the earthly fate of man …

What are the horoscopes

From the point of view of classical astrology, a horoscope can be:

  • natal – personal calculation predicts the nature, fate of a person, based on the astronomical circumstances of his birth;
  • local – takes into account not only the time of birth, but also the place. It is used for the forecast related to moving, movement;
  • horary – created to get an answer to a specific question;
  • mundane – built to foresee political events that affect the interests of peoples and states;
  • karmic – explores the influence of previous incarnations on the personality;
  • synastric – the astrologer calculates when it is necessary to find out the nature of the relationship between certain people;
  • thematic – in this case, the astrologer considers a separate aspect of human life. For example, a scenario of possible events related to marriage or professional activity.

The rest – Phoenician, Druidic, Celtic, Zoroastrian, Maya, Slavic, Chinese, Japanese and Tibetan – although based on astronomical rhythms, according to astrologers, are “incorrect”.

The most famous astrologers

Satisfying a person’s interest in their own future, astrologers create many common, massive horoscopes. Let’s say, forecasts for financial position, career, health, gender of future children, and so on. Forecasts made for babies and even pets are also in use.

The predictions from eminent astrologers enjoy the greatest authority. For example, who doesn’t know Pavel Globa? In addition to him, the rating of the best predictors includes: Tamara Globa, Alexandra Belova, Ivan Gorsky. And abroad – Susan Miller, composing horoscopes for celebrities, John Frawley, Linda Goodman.

The latter is called “the legend of astrology”, as all of her books have become bestsellers. Linda Goodman invented her own genre, “Astrology with a Smile.”

Combining the traditional practice of making predictions and a playful tone, she created hundreds of author’s predictions that relate to the compatibility of women and men born under the auspices of different signs.

Despite the fact that astrology is associated with the bygone days of astrologers, alchemists and magicians, the theory and practice of making predictions continues to improve.

at the crossroads of science and mysticism

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