At the cinema with Baby

Baby go to the movies

How about shaking things up a bit by taking your baby to the movies? No, it is not too small for that, especially since the cinema screenings “very young audience” know how to adapt to the needs of young children …

Taking your baby to the movies, that’s a funny idea! And yet, there is no hesitation, the cinema sessions for toddlers are a great success! From the age of 2, children can play apprentice cinephiles in theaters that broadcast programming for young audiences.. Most often, these are arthouse cinemas. Short films, cartoons, animated films… there is something for everyone! Inquire near you. Once the film has been chosen, “it is always good to explain to your child what to expect so that he can prepare for it. Casually, that’s a lot of new stuff all at once! », Emphasizes Pascale Boutareg, director of the multi-reception structure Les Petits Voyageurs, in Pavillons-sous-Bois (93).

 Obviously, cinema screenings are adapted to the concentration time of the little ones, and generally do not last more than 45 minutes. Some cinemas even make a very special effort in the layout of the rooms: reduced sound to preserve young ears, a net of light to reassure the most worried or even booster seats available to ensure better seating. Some films are also accompanied by an animation, just to reinforce the fun side of the outing!

Baby in the cinema: what if your child comments on the film?

In the heat of the moment, it is quite normal for your little one to react to the film “out loud” and begin to tell you his impressions. In this case, fear not, no one will blame him! Same thing if he starts to cry: you can easily get out of the theater without really disturbing others. Parental solidarity, oblige!

 If your first cinema outing is ultimately not very successful, wait a bit before trying the experience again. Your child may not be ready yet.

Parent-baby sessions at L’Entrepôt cinema

If there are sessions suitable for toddlers, it is also possible to go to the cinema, for yourself, with an infant. Indeed, the Parisian cinema l’Entrepôt, located in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, offers every second Saturday of the month, at 11:00 a.m., a cinema screening for parents, in a light and sound atmosphere suitable for toddlers. For a session with your baby, count 8 euros.

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