«At the beginning of the line for vaccinations, dad was moved to the end». The Ministry of Health responds
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«My dad has been removed from the immunization list, even though the bullet point works. At the helpline and at the clinic, they said straightforwardly that they did not know why »- Mrs Maria wrote to us. Edyta was in a similar situation. “It’s not a fair system – the bitterness is huge,” she told Medonet. We asked the Ministry of Health to explain these situations. What did the ministry reply?

  1. Ms Maria: my dad (he is over 80) has been removed from the immunization list, even though the bullet point works. Later it turned out that the place was found
  2. Mrs. Hanna: Dad’s vaccination was supposed to take place on January 20, even though it officially began on January 25. Soon an e-mail came stating that the date of the visit had been changed to February 24th
  3. MZ: “Due to the limited supply of vaccines, the ordering system has changed, and consequently the organization of vaccinations (…)”
  4. Department: irregularities regarding vaccinations against COVID-19 should be reported to the Provincial Departments of the National Health Fund
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Vaccinations against COVID-19. The story of Jan «Ptaszyn» Wróblewski

On January 15, registration for vaccination against COVID-19 for seniors who have turned 80 began (from January 22, people over 70 can register). Vaccinations began on January 25.

A few days ago, Onet described the situation in which 84-year-old Jan «Ptaszyn» Wróblewski, the legendary jazz musician, who also registered for the vaccination, found himself. However, via social media, the artist reported that he had been removed from the vaccination list.

«Well, I just found out that I was removed from the immunization list. I was registered and invited by e-mail on January 25, but the address of the point was suddenly canceled and I was told to look for a new one. The deadline, of course, somewhere beyond the horizon. If I could pay taxes like this – take the deadline and then postpone it for better times. But I understand that they are younger, healthier, out of sequence, in a better trade, that is, more needy. Maybe I will live, but I am beginning to doubt »- he wrote on Facebook.

Shortly after the post describing Wróblewski’s case appeared on social media, the musician published another post. The artist’s indignation must have reached the people responsible for the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, because the next vaccination deadline was within several minutes. «And yet there is light at the end of the tunnel. A dozen or so minutes after the publication on Facebook, I got a call saying that in a different place, but on the agreed date, they would accept me (…) »- informed the artist.

  1. More on this in the article: “I was told to stuff myself”. Legendary musician removed from COVID-19 vaccination list

Mrs. Maria: my dad was also removed from the immunization list

After the story was published, Maria, whose father was in a similar situation, wrote to us. – After reading the text about “Ptaszyn” Wróblewski, it boiled up inside me – a similar situation happened with my father. I understand that vaccination against COVID-19 is a big undertaking, but that’s why I expected it to be transparent, that there would not be such strange and incomprehensible situations as the one I encountered – she said in an interview with Medonet. – My dad (over 80) has also been removed from the immunization list, even though the bullet point works.

#Let’s talk about Vaccine

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– Immediately after midnight from Thursday (January 14) to Friday (January 15) I was able to register him for vaccination for January 26. On Monday, January 18, I received information that his date was canceled – he says. «If you would like to schedule a vaccination at a different date, please call 989. Thank you» – it was announced in the e-mail. – Oddly enough, my mother, who had half an hour earlier to vaccinate than my dad, did not receive information about the cancellation of the appointment. Dad must have been very unlucky.

To clarify the situation, Ms Maria called the hotline. – They said directly that they do not know why it was canceled – he says. The reasons for changing the decision were also unknown at the clinic where the vaccination was to take place. – I told the facility that I would not leave it like that. It turned out that the place was found, that a patient could not be vaccinated, and my dad was put in that place.

Maria’s father will be vaccinated on January 26.

– For me, the most important thing is that the date has been found, although I will be calm when my parents get vaccinated. Nevertheless, I am surprised that such situations do occur – admits the woman. – A man counts on being registered for vaccination and suddenly receives an e-mail and a text message that the visit has been canceled. It is not known who, when and why decided about it, and no one can explain it – says.

Ms Maria admits that the organization of vaccination against COVID-19 surprised her. – I thought that the group of 80+ would be registered and each subsequent group would be registered via a simple online form. When the headquarters know how many people have expressed their willingness to be vaccinated, the dates will be assigned by years, starting with the oldest. And patients will only confirm. At this point, we have a mess and unnecessary nerves.

Write to us!

What is your experience with vaccination against COVID-19? Was it possible to enroll and vaccinate? We are waiting for your and your loved ones stories: [email protected]

Mrs. Hanna: Papa was kicked out at the end of the line

Mrs. Maria is not the only person who wrote to us about problems with vaccination dates. Mrs. Hanna also told us her story, who had her 80-year-old father vaccinated. Like Mrs. Maria, the woman enrolled her father online shortly after midnight on January 15th.

Oddly enough, the vaccination was scheduled to take place on January 20, even though it was officially scheduled to start on January 25. – I didn’t pay attention to it then. I was glad that we managed to get the date earlier – says Ms Hanna. Meanwhile, on January 19, the woman received an email with the information that the date of the visit was changed to February 24. – No reasons were given for this change. My understanding is that at the beginning of the line, Dad was kicked out at the end. I tried to contact the clinic where the vaccination was supposed to take place. It didn’t work – nobody answered, and if anything, voicemail was turned on. I recorded myself, but no one called me back.

  1. How to prepare for the COVID-19 vaccination? Family doctors’ advice for seniors

– Since there are such mistakes, I understand that the opposite can also happen. Anyone at the end of the queue can be moved to the top. It is not a fair system – bitterness is enormous – assesses Ms Hanna. – This is a national vaccination system, it should work and be transparent. Everyone should trust him – he emphasizes.

Despite this, the woman is glad that her father, although he has a deadline for the end of February, has it. – But I will sign up for a vaccination one day, and so will my children, and you can see that this system is not working. I would like attention to this, she told Medonet.

Ministry of Health: the procurement system has changed, and consequently the organization of vaccines has changed

Why are vaccination dates postponed? How should such situations be interpreted by citizens? We asked the Ministry of Health for an explanation. We received the following answer:

“Due to the limited supply of vaccines, the ordering system has changed, and consequently the organization of vaccinations (…)”. We would like to remind you that the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and BioNTech have announced a temporary reduction in supplies. This is due to modifications aimed at increasing production capacity. And so, for example, on Monday, January 18, 176 were sent to Poland. doses of the vaccine, instead of 360 thousand.

As the ministry continues: «only a patient or a medical facility can cancel or reschedule the visit. If the visit is canceled in the e-registration system, the machine receives an SMS with the following text: Your visit for the COVID-19 vaccination has been canceled by the vaccination center. Contact the point or call 989 and arrange a new date ».

The ministry points out that “with smaller deliveries from the Pfizer / Biontech consortium, we do not postpone the dates of vaccination of the elderly, but of the zero group”. If the patient notices any irregularities in vaccinations against COVID-19, they should be reported to the Provincial Departments of the National Health Fund.

Why, however, after the intervention of Mrs. Maria, the date of Dad’s vaccination was quickly passed? To this question, the Ministry of Health replied: “in the event of a risk of not using the vaccine, it is allowed to vaccinate persons belonging to the groups referred to in one stage at the same time or vaccinate persons belonging to different groups at different stages”.

  1. How to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccination? Now you will also register via SMS [EXPLAIN]

Finally, let us recall the appeal that the government plenipotentiary for the National Immunization Program against SARS-CoV-2 addressed to seniors on Sunday. Michał Dworczyk urges seniors who want to get vaccinated to report such a desire by calling 989, sending an SMS to 664-908-556 or via gov.pl/szczepimysie. Dworczyk emphasized that – although there are no deadlines today to register in specific places for vaccination – each senior can leave their contact details “and as soon as vaccines appear in Poland, they will receive feedback and will be scheduled for a specific date”. – We guarantee that every senior who will provide his data in this way, as soon as vaccines appear in Poland, and, consequently, new dates, hotline employees will call and propose a specific vaccination date – he emphasizes.

On Wednesday, January 27, the magazine “Live better.” How to take care of yourself and your loved ones today »and a special supplement on vaccinations against COVID-19 prepared by Medonet.

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