At the beach, the 5 golden rules for your baby

No swimming before the age of 4 months

Bathing in the sea is absolutely not recommended if small, just like those in the swimming pool. First, because your child will not benefit from it. If it is not perhaps to have a big fright, and which will inevitably leave sequelae. Not to mention that the water is full of germs and fungi of all kinds. In any case, swimming is absolutely prohibited for him until he has done all the necessary vaccines or until the age of 4 months.

Then, until the age of one year, it is better not to leave it for more than 5 minutes in a row in the water. As its thermoregulation system is not yet fully effective, it can cool down very quickly. As soon as he crawls on all fours, consider equipping him with armbands or a swimsuit with floats.

Baby at the beach: never naked on the sand

Whether it is to play or to take a nap, always place baby on a sarong or better still a large terry towel that will absorb his perspiration. the direct contact of sand on his fragile skin could cause irritationor even infections. Little girls, in particular, are at risk of vulvitis to stay without a swimsuit. No panic, however, if your child puts sand in his mouth, it is extremely common. Just spit it out and clean the inside of their mouth with a damp cloth. And if it gets in his eyes, rinse thoroughly with clean water or physiological saline, trying to prevent him from rubbing them. Entering, always give him a bath with particular emphasis on the folds of the body.

Baby at the beach: sunglasses are essential

The eyes of toddlers are much more permeable to UV rays than ours: before the age of one year, 90% of UVA and more than 50% of UVB reach the retina. His sunglasses are therefore not a gadget. Forget the purely fancy models for good: under the effect of the tinted plastic, the pupil dilates in the sun, letting even more harmful UV rays pass through to the retina, without effective filtering. To choose them well, make sure that the CE mark is engraved on their branches and that they ensure a type 3 or 4 protection index. And prefer the “bandeau” shapes, which are well covering and protect the eye better than round lenses.

Beach with baby: the parasol is not enough

While it is very useful, the parasol is far from sufficient. Even though it may seem like your baby is in the shade, the sand reflects almost 20% of the sun’s rays onto their skin. Also watch out for overcast weather which could make you believe that cream can be dispensed with: the clouds allow almost all UV rays to pass through! To be fully protected, a child must have cream, a T-shirt, a wide-brimmed hat and glasses. And this even to go for a short walk, not just to go to the beach. Anyway, toddlers should absolutely not be exposed to the sun.

Infant specific sun protection

The mention “baby-child” which appears on sunscreens for children is not yet another marketing argument. Their skin being very thin, it is much more permeable to chemical agents. Hence the usefulness of choosing these hypoallergenic products which have been tested on sensitive skin and whose UVB-UVA protection is optimal, since it is understood between 30 and 50+. In addition, they are mostly made from mineral screens, the only components to guarantee maximum tolerance for the skin of the youngest. In all cases, for uncovered body parts, opt for a 50 or 50+ index cream.

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