Astrological forecast – horoscope for children born in November

Astrological forecast – horoscope for children born in November

What to prepare for the parents of little Scorpions and Sagittarius.

The last month of autumn will be a happy one for millions of parents who expect their babies to be born in November. All moms and dads want their children to become happy, successful and bright people. Whether the wishes come true, parents will know when the kids grow up. But you can try to look into the future right now. The forecast for newborns in November was made by a famous astrologer and writer Alexey Vaenra.

First decade: November 1-10

Children who will be born in the first half of the decade, from 1 to 5 November, in the future, most likely, they will become bohemian personalities. Such people gravitate towards a relaxed and sophisticated lifestyle. Regime and order are not for them.

Newborns of the second half of the ten-day period, from 6 to 10 November, they can also turn out to be risky people who like to “pull the danger by the mustache”, sometimes – by the wrong hands.

All children in the first decade of the month will be characterized by a high speed of thinking, but with some difference: those born in the first half of the decade will rely on feelings, and in the second half – on actions, that is, they will do it first, then think.

Both will have an innate sense of taste, harmony and aesthetics, but a little conservative, denying non-standard experiments.

Individual characteristics

Born on November 1, 2 and 10 can be very emotionally excitable. Those born on November 4, with emotional stability, may turn out to be psychologically contradictory natures. And those born on November 8 will most likely be deep, intuitive and psychologically whole people.

Star Representatives: Ksenia Sobchak (5.11.1981/5.11.1987/07.11.1967), Pavel Priluchny (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX), Oksana Fandera (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX).

Second decade: November 11–20

First half of the decade, with 11 15 for November – the time of birth of faithful people who are very constant in emotional attachments and preferences. They are disposed towards abundance and even wealth. They can be generous to the point of sacrifice, inclined to give more the more they have.

Some kind of sacrifice can also be characteristic of those born in the second half of the decade, from 16 to 20 November. However, the main thing in their character is passion. They can be called romantic, amorous and also very constant natures.

All representatives of the decade may be characterized by a fairly reasonable style of thought without hasty conclusions, but on the other hand – with a very great tendency to generalizations. Details and particulars are not what they are interested in.

Individual characteristics

Of those who will be born November 13, 14 and 15, can be called, on the whole, quite emotionally balanced and psychologically harmonious people.

Born November 16, 17, 18 will be emotionally receptive, take everything very to heart and remain impressed by what they have experienced for years to come. Therefore, it is important that in the early years around them there was a harmonious environment without conflicts and drama.

For those who are born 19 November, all emotions will be “on the surface”, others will easily understand what they are feeling now. But on the other hand, they can easily switch, neither grief nor joy will last too long for them.

Star Representatives: Olga Orlova (13.11.1977/14.22.1984/14.11.1963), Maria Kozhevnikova (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX), Lolita Milyavskaya (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX).

Third decade: November 21-30

Children of the third decade of the month, from 21 to 30 November, it will be possible to call people active and restless. It is difficult for them to be satisfied with what they have done, they need to constantly change something else in themselves or in the world. At the same time, they can think globally, fundamentally and thoroughly. Getting them to give a quick answer or a solution to any issue can be overwhelming for those around them. In order to formulate a judgment on any occasion, they need to comprehensively study the issue, understand the possible consequences and options in the most distant future, and even then …

In general, they can make excellent researchers and effective high-level administrators.

Individual characteristics

Emotional openness and spontaneity can be characteristic of those who are born in the first two days of the decade, November 21 and 22, as well as November 29 and 30.

All other children of the decade, at least on a superficial glance, can be quite emotionally restrained. Among them are those who will be born November 23 and 28, psychological harmony can be achieved more easily than others. And those who are born 26 November, on the contrary, they can often conflict with themselves.

Star Representatives: Ekaterina Andreeva (27.11.1961/27.11.1979/24.11.1983), Victoria Bonya (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX), Svetlana Svetikova (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX).

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