Astragalus white stem is a medicinal plant, which is also called the grass of life. People have known about the beneficial properties of culture for many centuries. The rich chemical composition allows it to be used not only in herbal medicine, but also in cooking and cosmetology. By the way, astragalus is recognized as official medicine and is an integral component of many drugs.
What does the plant look like
Astragalus albicaulis (Astragalus albicaulis) is a semi-shrub, of small height – up to 50 cm. It belongs to the legume family, perennial.
The plant has thin, slightly drooping and white stems, with a dense layer of hairs. At the base of each is a gray wood finish.
Leaves are hairy. Length from 2 cm to 6, with small petioles. The shape is oblong and oval, collected in pairs. Stipules predominantly lanceolate, with white or black hairs.
The fruits of Astragalus whitestem are oblong, very similar to real beans. In length can reach 15 mm. Ripening begins from June-July, depending on the region of growth.
Astragalus of this species blooms from May to July. White-yellow or completely white flowers appear on the bush. They are collected in loose brushes, which reach a length of 10-15 cm. The cups have white and fluffy hairs, with a black pile in the form of stripes.

Astragalus helps to get rid of diabetes
Where grows
The range of the shrub is very wide. It is found in Ukraine, in Moldova, in the southwest of Western Siberia and in the European part of the Federation. Prefers chalk pine forest.
The main place of growth of white-stemmed astragalus in the Belgorod region is the Veydelevsky district. We are talking about the village of Salovka, which is located on the Chalk Mountain.
Astragalus white stem is listed in the Red Book of most countries of the world and administrative units of Our Country:
- Kursk region.
- Stavropol Territory.
- Belgorod region.
- Republic of Kalmykia.
- Lipetsk region.
Today it is on the verge of complete destruction.

Astragalus white stem is listed in the Red Book of the Belgorod Region
The use of astragalus white stem
The main feature of the semi-shrub is that it is able to accumulate gold. For this reason, it can often be found near the occurrence of uranium and manganese ores, near which there are always many deposits of this precious metal.
The chemical composition of white stem astragalus is rich in the most important elements of the periodic table for the human body:
- magnesium;
- strontium;
- manganese;
- iron;
- aluminum.
Scientists also managed to find out that the plant has a lot of silicon and phosphorus, alkaloids and tannins. It is the leader in the accumulation of asparagine and polysaccharides. Most of the vitamins are B and C.
Astragalus white stem has a pronounced hypotensive and sedative effect on the human body. Therefore, it is widely used for coronary vessels. It has a diuretic and sedative effect.
Astragalus is recognized as official medicine, so it can be found in preparations from pharmacies. It is used in the manufacture of remedies for jade and hypertension. At the same time, there are no restrictions, therapy is prescribed for the chronic course of the pathology or during an exacerbation.
The presence of organic acids in the composition of astragalus white stem makes it possible to effectively cope with the problems of the digestive system. Oxalic acid improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.
Astragalus white stem is often included in the composition of infusions and fees, as a single drug for the treatment of:
- angina pectoris;
- epilepsy;
- Raynaud’s disease;
- diabetes mellitus;
- obesity;
- tuberculosis.
The shrub is a natural immunomodulator, has an antiviral and antibacterial effect. It has wound healing and antitumor activity.
A drink is prepared from white stem astragalus to quickly restore the body’s strength, and it is also suitable for getting rid of lumbar pain, which appeared as a result of weight lifting. For cooking, you need 2 tbsp. l. raw materials and 250 ml of boiled warm water. Infuse the mixture for 4 hours and take ¼ part 4 times throughout the day.
You can not use infusions and other preparations based on astragalus white stem for the treatment of children under 2 years of age. It is also unacceptable to use during pregnancy, with severe overexcitation or stress, the presence of hypotension.

It is best to harvest the plant during active budding.
Collection and Procurement
For medicinal purposes, all parts of the astragalus white stem are subject to collection. Due to the fact that the semi-shrub is on the verge of extinction, during harvesting, one should act carefully so as not to damage the root system, it is necessary to deviate from it at least 5-7 cm. You should also not collect every year in the same place.
The best period for collection is the time of mass budding, that is, the beginning of flowering. Harvesting is best done early in the morning, no later than 11 o’clock. The weather must be dry.
Before drying, the raw materials are cleaned of all impurities, but not washed. All material is laid out on a moisture-absorbing material no more than 7 cm high. Ordinary paper or any natural fabric can be used as bedding.
The room where the astragalus will be dried should be maintained at room temperature. It must be well ventilated.
It is permissible to carry out harvesting for the winter in drying cabinets, but at a temperature not exceeding +50 оC. Readiness can only be determined manually, according to the degree of fragility of the stems and petioles.
It is permissible to store the prepared white-stemmed astragalus in dried form for 2 years, during which time it will not lose its beneficial properties. It is best to lay it out in bags made of natural fabrics, in dark glass containers or, if there is space, then in a suspended form.

White-stemmed astragalus actively grows in the village of Salovka, Belgorod Region
Astragalus white-stemmed – a plant that has received a “new life”. Interest in him has only grown in recent years. Indeed, the healing properties of the semi-shrub allow you to get rid of many diseases and activate the mental and physical forces of the body.