Astra Milady white

Asters are unpretentious annuals that bloom in late summer and autumn. One of the varieties of these flowers are Milady’s asters. Their compact bushes take up little space in the garden and produce many inflorescences.

The main condition for growing asters is the right choice of site. The flower grows in sunny areas where there is no accumulation of moisture.

general description

Asters Milady include a group of annual varieties of various shades. The plant is herbaceous, undersized, compact, up to 25 cm high, with simple leaves. Many lateral shoots extend from the main stem of the flower.

Large spherical inflorescences are formed on the bushes, resembling a peony in shape. The petals are terry, slightly bent inside the bud. The size of the inflorescences is from 8 to 10 cm. Flowering lasts from July to September.

The composition of the Milady aster mixture includes varieties of certain shades:

  • pink;
  • white;
  • red;
  • purple;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • purple.

Asters Milady are characterized by resistance to disease and adverse climate. Plants tolerate cold snaps, are able to develop in garden soil.

Flowering begins 2 weeks earlier than other varieties. Asters are able to bloom in sunny areas and in partial shade. If necessary, bushes can be transplanted, plants quickly adapt to new conditions.

Asters Milady are suitable for decorating borders, mixborders, multi-flower beds. Plants are planted along fences and buildings. Planting in pots or flowerpots is allowed, which can be placed on a loggia or balcony.

When the white aster Milady is combined with bright varieties, contrasting bouquets are obtained. Bouquets made up of monochromatic inflorescences look organic.

Cut flowers do not fade in water for 15 days. They are used to create autumn bouquets. Plants have a strong peduncle and rich colors.

Photo of aster Milady a mixture of colors:

Astra Milady white

Seedbed method

Annual asters are grown from seed. The most reliable way is to get seedlings at home, which are transferred to an open area. For growing flowers, a substrate is prepared, and the seeds are processed. Seedlings are provided with certain conditions to avoid stretching and form healthy plants.

Seed and soil preparation

When grown from seed, Astra Milady is planted in March-April. A light fertile substrate is preliminarily prepared. Its functions will be performed by ordinary garden soil, fertilized with humus. Another option is to use purchased land.

Before planting asters Milady, the soil is steamed in a water bath for disinfection. The soil for plants can be left for several days on a balcony or outside at sub-zero temperatures.

Advice! Soaking seeds for a day in warm water helps to improve the germination of seeds.

Additionally, planting material is dipped in a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate. Astra Milady seeds remain viable for 2 years. It is best to use fresh seeds, then the sprouts will appear much faster.

The soil is moistened and poured into boxes or cassettes with cells 3-5 cm in size. With the cassette method of cultivation, seedling picking can be avoided.

Plant seeds are placed at intervals of 2 cm and buried by 1 cm. A thin layer of soil or sand is poured on top. The containers are covered with plastic wrap to obtain a greenhouse effect.

Active germination of aster seeds occurs at a temperature of 20 ° C. After 10-14 days shoots will appear. During this period, the film is periodically turned over to provide the plants with access to fresh air. The soil is kept moist.

Seedlings of asters Milady a mixture of colors in the photo:

Astra Milady white

Care of seedlings

When shoots appear, the film is removed from the containers. Seedlings of asters Milady provide certain conditions:

  • temperature 16-18 ° C;
  • regular ventilation of the room;
  • watering with warm water;
  • lighting for 12-14 hours.

The soil in containers is watered as it dries. For plants use warm settled water.

If necessary, install additional lighting if the aster seedlings do not have enough natural light. Phytolamps are placed at a distance of 30 cm from the seedlings, which are turned on in the morning or in the evening.

With the development of the first pair of leaves, asters dive in separate containers. If cassettes were used, then picks can be avoided.

3 weeks before transfer to a permanent place, the plants are subjected to hardening. First, a window is opened in the room for 2-3 hours to ensure the flow of fresh air.

Then the containers with seedlings are transferred to the loggia or balcony. As a result, plants will be able to quickly adapt to new conditions.

Landing in the ground

Asters are planted in open ground in mid-May. The flower prefers drained, light soils and well-lit areas.

Advice! Good predecessors for asters are marigolds and calendula.

Astra does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so the flower garden is equipped on a hill or a flat area. A place for planting is prepared in the fall, when they dig up the soil, add humus or compost.

Holes are prepared for planting plants. They are placed in 30 cm increments. 35 cm are left between rows with asters. Seedlings are transferred to planting holes, the roots are covered with earth. The last step is abundant watering of plants.

Photo of aster Milady after a pick:

Astra Milady white

seedless way

In the southern regions, when growing aster Milady, seeds are planted in open ground in spring or autumn. Seeds take longer to germinate under natural conditions. Therefore, the timing of flowering may shift. During the winter planting, the planting material undergoes natural stratification, and the plants quickly emerge in the spring.

Spring landing

Before planting asters in open ground, the seeds are kept for a day in warm water. A warm day in May or June is chosen for work.

Furrows are made on the surface of the soil with a depth of no more than 1,5 cm. Seeds are placed in 10 cm increments, a thin layer of soil is poured on top and the bed is watered abundantly.

Advice! To accelerate the emergence of seedlings of plants allows planting seeds in a greenhouse. The resulting sprouts are transferred to the garden.

If there is a possibility of frost, then plantings are covered with a film at night. Emerging shoots are thinned out. When the flowers grow up, they can be seated around the site.

Podzimnaya landing

Asters Milady are planted in autumn in October-November. Podzimnye plants are resistant to diseases and weather conditions.

Important! Planting is not performed in warm weather, as the seedlings will die when it gets cold.

For planting, furrows 1-2 cm deep are prepared, along which seeds are scattered. Soil is poured on top and a layer of mulch from compost or dry leaves is poured. In winter, under the influence of low temperatures, plant seeds will undergo natural stratification.

After the snow melts, the mulch is removed. Until the end of frost, asters are kept under agrofiber. The grown flowers are thinned out or seated.

In the photo of the asters Milady in the flowerbed:

Astra Milady white

Care of the flower garden

Astram requires minimal care, including the introduction of moisture and nutrients. To make the flower garden look well-groomed, you need to regularly weed the weeds. Diseases and pests rarely affect these plants; special preparations are used to protect against them.


Asters are watered as the soil dries up. Stagnation of moisture is detrimental to plants, as the root system rots. With insufficient watering, the asters dry out, and the inflorescences lose their decorative effect.

The intensity of watering is increased in drought. Water the flower garden with warm, settled water. Best for watering asters are morning and evening hours.

After watering the plants, the soil is loosened to a depth of 5 cm to enrich the soil with oxygen, improve the absorption of moisture and nutrients. Be sure to weed the weeds.

Additional fertilizing

On poor soils, the aster is deficient in nutrients. For feeding prepare solutions consisting of mineral components.

Feeding scheme for asters of the Milady variety:

  • 2-3 weeks after transfer to an open area;
  • when the first buds appear;
  • before the start of abundant flowering.

The first feeding of plants includes 30 g of urea, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of superphosphate. Substances are dissolved in 10 liters of water, after which plantings are watered under the root. Asters Milady do not respond well to the introduction of fresh organic fertilizer: mullein or bird droppings.

For subsequent treatments of the flower garden, similar solutions are prepared, with the exception of urea. Phosphorus and potassium strengthen the root system of plants, promote abundant flowering, increase resistance to bad weather and diseases.

Pink, purple and white aster Milady in a bouquet:

Astra Milady white

Diseases and pests

Subject to agricultural technology, Milady asters rarely get sick and are little susceptible to attack by pests. Diseases appear with high humidity and the use of low-quality planting material.

The most dangerous for the flower garden is Fusarium disease. It is spread by a fungus that causes plants to wilt. There are no effective treatments against Fusarium, so special attention is paid to its prevention.

On acidic soils, Milady asters suffer from blackleg. Plant stems begin to rot at the base. After the diseased bushes are eliminated, the soil is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Advice! To protect the flower garden from diseases, planting material, soil and tools are disinfected. The place of cultivation of the varietal group is changed annually.

For Astra Milady, the greatest threats are meadow bugs, slugs, spider mites, scoops and aphids. Insects carry diseases, feed on the juice or roots of plants. As a result, the flower dies.

Insecticides Fundazol, Karbofos, Feverfew are used against pests. On their basis, preparations are prepared for spraying plantings.

Autumn care

As the inflorescences and leaves of the aster wither, they are eliminated. Annuals after flowering are dug up and burned to eliminate possible pests and pathogens.

First, you can collect seeds for planting next year. To do this, you should wait until the inflorescence fades and darkens. Downy seeds will appear in the center of the aster. Planting material is stored in a paper or fabric bag.

Astra Milady white


Astra Milady is an ideal option for decorating multi-flowered flower beds and autumn bouquets. The plant is unpretentious, tolerates drought and temperature fluctuations without any problems. Using a mixture of colors allows you to grow flowers of various colors.

Asters are propagated by seeds. In cool climates, seedlings are first obtained, which are transferred to flower beds. Under favorable weather conditions, seeds can be planted immediately in a permanent place. Plant care includes watering, loosening the soil and periodic feeding.

Asters. Growing seedlings (18.03.16) Ch. one

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