Shrub aster Jenny is a compact plant with a huge number of small double flowers of bright crimson color. Harmoniously fits into any garden, looks good against the background of a green lawn or in combination with other flowers. Astra Jenny does not require any special conditions, so any gardener can grow it.

Description of the bush aster Jenny

Astra Jenny (Jenny) – a beautiful perennial shrub with bright red flowers. It reaches a height of 40-50 cm, the culture is quite compact and does not require special pruning. The shape is spherical, which allows it to be successfully used as a ground cover in compositions with other flowers. The leaves are dark green, small, with pointed tips. The stems are erect, well branched and grow.

Prefers open, well-lit areas. It can also grow in partial shade from trees, shrubs or buildings. It has a high winter hardiness, which allows you to grow a bush in different regions, including Siberia and the Urals.

Features of flowering

Astra Jenny is a perennial culture. It begins to bloom from the end of August and continues to please the eye until October, until the onset of the first frost. The flowers are bright red, with a yellow center, terry. They reach 5-8 cm in diameter, due to their large number they look especially beautiful. They completely cover the bush and contrast well against the background of dark green foliage.

Astra Jenny: planting and care, cultivation

Aster Jenny’s flowers look great with bright colors and an attractive yellow center.

Features of reproduction

Astra Jenny, like other shrub crops, can be propagated in many ways:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • division of the bush.

One of the easiest ways is cuttings. Green shoots 10-15 cm long (with 2-3 buds) are cut in May. The lower leaves must be removed. The stalk is kept in a solution of Kornevin or other growth stimulants. After that, it is planted in open ground and watered abundantly. Care for him is carried out according to the same rules as for the adult Jenny aster bush.

The final rooting is observed after 1-1,5 months. At this point, the cuttings can be transplanted to a new place, observing an interval of 30-40 cm.

Important! Initially, it is desirable to grow cuttings in greenhouse conditions.

To do this, they are covered with a film at night. This is especially important for the regions of the Urals and Siberia.

Application in landscape design

Despite the fact that the flowering of Jenny’s aster begins closer to September, the bush is able to decorate the flower garden with greenery. The plant has a compact size and miniature forms. It is often used in single plantings, on alpine slides, in flower beds and in compositions with undersized hostas.

Astra Jenny: planting and care, cultivation

Aster Jenny bushes look good in single plantings

Astra Jenny: planting and care, cultivation

The plant is planted in outdoor pots and placed on the veranda or terrace.

Astra Jenny: planting and care, cultivation

Variety Jenny looks great against the background of ferns and other bright green perennials.

Important! Flowers are stored for a long time after cutting, so they are suitable for making bouquets.

Planting and caring for shrubby aster Jenny

Astra Jenny is a very unpretentious plant. It takes root well in the first season. The main condition is not to overmoisten the soil and plant bushes in a well-lit place.


Astra Jenny can be planted in spring or autumn. But the best time is considered the end of April – the beginning of May. At this time, the snow completely melts, the soil has time to warm up a little, and the frosts recede. In the south, you can plant an aster in mid-April.

Site selection and soil preparation

Astra Jenny prefers fairly light and fertile soils. It can also grow on depleted soil, but in this case, regular top dressing will be required. The main requirement is that the soil should not be too moist. Therefore, landing in the lowlands is excluded. And if groundwater is close to the surface, the planting pits must be drained with small stones.

Also, when choosing a place, it is important to pay attention to its illumination. If the site is in constant shade, the Jenny aster will almost cease to bloom.

Attention! The planting site must be protected from drafts.

Landing algorithm

Flowering plants need special attention. Incorrect actions during planting can lead to the death of the crop. Work execution algorithm:

  1. Clear and dig the area to a shallow depth.

    Astra Jenny: planting and care, cultivation

  2. Dig small holes at intervals of 30-40 cm.

    Astra Jenny: planting and care, cultivation

  3. Drain them with small stones.

    Astra Jenny: planting and care, cultivation

  4. Make a mixture of compost and garden soil in a ratio of 2:1. Add 200 g of superphosphate and 60 g of potassium salt, mix. Spread the resulting soil over the pits, root the seedlings and dig in. Water thoroughly and mulch the roots.

    Astra Jenny: planting and care, cultivation

Important! Astra Jenny is recommended to be transplanted 1 time in 4 years. The plant is quite unpretentious, so it can quickly adapt to a new place.

Watering and top dressing

Astra Jenny does not need special care. This is one of the most unpretentious flowering plants. The only condition for the normal development of asters is moderate moisture. If the plant is overwatered, the roots will begin to rot, which can lead to the death of the entire flower.

Astra Jenny: planting and care, cultivation

The optimal humidification regime is 3-4 times in July and August, and in the remaining months – 1-2 times each

You can feed the aster 3-4 times per season:

  • in early April, nitrogen fertilizer is applied;
  • in June and July – superphosphates and potassium sulfide;
  • for lush flowering, the culture can be maintained by fertilizing Astra Jenny for the last time in mid-August.
Important! Fertilization is not required in the first year of planting. Top dressing begins to be introduced from 2 years.

Weeding, loosening, mulching

Weeding is carried out as needed. You need to monitor the presence of weeds regularly, especially if young seedlings of Jenny’s aster grow on the site. It is necessary to loosen the soil at least 3-4 times per season, immediately after fertilizing. Then the nutrients will get to the roots faster, and from them to the whole plant.

Attention! If the roots are mulched with peat, sawdust or straw in the spring, the frequency of watering can be reduced. Mulch retains moisture for several weeks, but in a drought, you need to ensure that the aster does not fade.


There are several types of pruning asters Jenny:

  • formative – removal of shoots that clearly protrude beyond the edges of the contour. Usually the bush is given the shape of a hemisphere, and the extra branches are cut off. It is desirable to do this in the fall;
  • sanitary – removal of all damaged and dried branches. Such a haircut is carried out in March or in the first decade of April, before the start of active sap flow;
  • rejuvenating – shortening of all shoots by 2/3 of the length to stimulate the active growth of new branches. This haircut can also be done in early spring, but not more than once every 1-3 years.

Preparation for winter

Astra Jenny, like other varieties of shrub asters, tolerates frost well. Therefore, it does not need special preparation for the winter period. It is enough to feed the last time in mid-August, then water the plants abundantly at the end of September. After that, you can mulch the roots with any available material – spruce branches, peat, straw.

Important! Young seedlings up to 3-4 years old are recommended to be completely cut off in the fall (under the stump) and mulched with a high layer of compost and fallen leaves. It is desirable to perform the same procedure in the Urals and Siberia. Adult Jenny aster bushes growing in other regions do not need to be covered for the winter.

Pests and diseases

Astra Jenny has good resistance to both diseases and pests. However, it can be affected by gray rot or powdery mildew infections due to improper care. The main risk is waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, summer residents are always advised to follow the general rule: it is better to underfill than overfill.

When signs of fungal infection appear, Astra Jenny must be treated with fungicides.

Astra Jenny: planting and care, cultivation

You can use Bordeaux liquid, Topaz, Tattu, Maxim and other means

Spraying is best done in calm and clear weather in the late evening.

Attention! Preventive treatment should be carried out in April, then the risk of infection of Astra Jenny with fungal infections is minimized.


Shrub aster Jenny is a good garden decoration option when you want to see miniature bushes with bright flowers in a flower bed. Due to winter hardiness, this plant can be bred in almost any region of Our Country.

Reviews of the bush aster Jenny

Nina Ivanovna, 55 years old, Izhevsk
I have been breeding Astra Jenny for several years now. I use it to decorate the place at the entrance to the house. It blooms magnificently, and if you add phosphates and potassium a couple of times, it will produce flowers until September inclusive.
Vera Nikolaevna, 61 years old, Odintsovo
Jenny met the variety recently, although I have been cultivating shrubby decorative asters for several years. I really like this variety for bright, beautiful flowers. They are reddish crimson, so they catch the eye from afar. There are no difficulties in care: watering, fertilizing and mulching.
Elizaveta, 49 years old, Chelyabinsk
I really love mixborders, which often require low, but bright flowers. Astra Jenny is perfect for this. A very beautiful variety – compared even with other varieties of shrub asters. The plant is completely non-capricious, so even beginners can handle it. I advise you to pay attention to perennial attention.
Astra bush Jenny (aster dumosus jenny) 🌿 review: how to plant, seedlings, seedlings of aster Jenny

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