Astilba Mighty Chocolate Cherry is a young but very interesting variety that has already managed to attract the attention of gardeners. It is still rare to see it in summer cottages, but it is all the more curious to study the characteristics of the plant.

Description of Astilba Mighty Chocolate Cherry

Astilba Mighty Chocolate Cherry is a plant from the Saxifrage family, which is very popular in landscape design. It has numerous basal leaves, usually pinnate and serrated, on long petioles. Dark green, olive-bronze leaves change color throughout the season – by autumn Mighty Chocolate Cherry takes on a rich chocolate hue. The stems of the perennial are thin, erect, the flowers are tall panicles of cherry hue.

Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

The hybrid has dark green leaves and rich cherry blossoms.

In height, Mighty Chocolate Cherry reaches 70 cm, and during the flowering period – up to 120 cm due to high-rising inflorescences. The bush can scatter by about 1-1,2 m.

According to flower growers, it takes about 3-4 years for astilbe to grow, during which time the perennial forms a full-fledged bush. Astilbe Chocolate Cherry feels best in the shade, the perennial does not develop well in the sun. Mighty Chocolate Cherry soil needs to be moist but well-drained.

The advantages of the plant include high frost resistance. Astilba Chocolate Cherry can be grown in frost resistance zone 3, that is, in regions where winter temperatures reach -35 ° C. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the Central region and the Urals, in the middle lane and in the Far East.

Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

Astilba Chocolate Cherry prefers shady garden areas

Important! Mighty Chocolate Cherry is a very young Astilba variety. The plant was bred by the Dutch breeder Hans van der Meer only in 2016, but at the same time it instantly took first place in the competition for new breeding products.

Features of flowering

The Mighty Chocolate Cherry variety belongs to the Astilbe hybrid group, which combines shade-tolerant perennials derived from Japanese and Dutch varieties.

Although even the leaves of a new variety have decorative qualities, its flowering attracts special attention. Astilba Mighty Chocolate Cherry produces very beautiful velvety-cherry panicle-type inflorescences, comparable in height to the green part of the plant.

Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

Mighty Chocolate Cherry blooms from July to the end of August

Astilba blooms in summer, in July and August, for 2 months. Splendor depends mainly on the quality of care. To achieve abundant flowering, the gardener needs to regularly feed the Mighty Chocolate Cherry, protect it from direct sunlight and water it on time.

Advice! After 5 years of growth in one place, it is recommended to transplant Astilba Chocolate or divide the overgrown bush into parts.

Application in design

Saturated cherry blossoms of astilba can decorate any garden plot. An unpretentious plant is used in mixed flower beds, planted in mono-groups, often decorating places near water bodies with them. Mighty Chocolate Cherry thrives in the shade of shrubby hedges and under the cover of tall trees, and at the same time enlivens the green background.

Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

The hybrid goes well with other shade-loving garden perennials.

You can combine astilba with perennials with whole leaves – for example, with hosts and badans, buzulniks and brunners. Mighty Chocolate Cherry feels good with lilies of the valley, Goryanka, irises, tulips and other shade-loving perennials.

But with perennials that prefer sunlight, it is better not to plant the plant. Peonies, hyacinths, chrysanthemums and poppies do not get along well next to the astilbe due to a mismatch in growing requirements.

Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

Chocolate Cherry looks spectacular in group compositions

Methods of reproduction

You can increase the population of astilba Chocolate Cherry on the site by vegetative methods – by dividing the rhizome and cuttings:

  1. Division of the bush. The method is practiced for the reproduction of adult bushes not younger than 5 years. In autumn or spring, the perennial is dug out of the ground, the rhizome is cut into several parts so that each division has live buds, and then they are planted, deepening the bud of at least 7 cm.
    Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

    It is easiest to propagate an adult Chocolate Cherry by dividing the bush.

  2. Cuttings. Young rosettes with 2-3 leaves and a root are separated from the upper layer of the rhizome, planted in fertile soil and covered with a glass cap for the first time.
    Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

    Astilba responds well to propagation by cuttings with a root.

The simplest and most effective method is the division of the bush. But astilba Mighty Chocolate Cherry seeds are not propagated.

Landing algorithm

It is customary to plant astilba in the ground in the second half or at the end of May, after the return frosts have passed. A place for a perennial is selected shaded, with loose and nutritious soil.

Attention! Mighty Chocolate Cherry is one of the few plants that responds positively to planting near groundwater and water bodies.

Landing algorithm:

  1. Shortly before planting on the site, you need to dig a hole about 30 cm deep, the astilba has superficial roots, so it does not need a deep hole.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, garden soil and humus, potash and phosphorus fertilizers and a little ash are laid. The mixture is properly stirred and moistened.
  3. A strong and healthy seedling with well-developed, whole roots and green shoots in the upper part is chosen as planting material.
  4. Before planting, astilba is briefly immersed in water to saturate the root system with moisture, and then set in the center of the hole and sprinkled with soil mixture to the end.
Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

You can plant a hybrid near groundwater or near a pond.

Immediately after planting, the plant is watered and mulched at the base with peat or rotted sawdust.


When caring for Mighty Chocolate Cherry, special attention should be paid to watering, the soil at the roots should not dry out. It is advisable to supply the perennial with moisture three times a week; during dry periods, watering can be done every day.

Feeding astilba begins after 3 years of life. Feeding is carried out with a standard frequency:

  • in early spring, after the leaves grow back, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied – urea or ammonium nitrate;
  • before flowering, the perennial is fed with phosphorus and potassium;
  • in the fall, astilba is supplied with organic fertilizers – peat or humus.
Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

For good growth, the hybrid needs to be moistened frequently.

It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil at the roots, this prevents the growth of weeds and provides oxygen to the soil. Loosening is carried out twice a month. When carrying out the procedure, be careful – it is impossible to deeply loosen the soil, this will affect the surface roots.

It is very useful to mulch astilba after watering. A layer of mulch will slow the evaporation of moisture and help keep the roots from drying out. In addition, it will interfere with the growth of weeds, simply not allowing them to break through to the surface.

Preparation for winter

Astilba Mighty Chocolate Cherry, or Mighty Chocolate Cherry, has a high winter hardiness, but you still need to protect it from frost. With the onset of autumn and at the end of flowering, pruning is carried out for the perennial – the entire aerial part is cut flush with the ground, since the astilbe stems will die off in any case for the winter.

Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

For the winter, the stems of the Chocolate Cherry are cut whole.

Before the onset of cold weather, the area with astilba is covered with compost or humus with a layer of about 10 cm, and phosphorus and potassium can also be added to the soil, which will increase the endurance of the plant. To avoid freezing, the cut astilba is additionally covered with spruce branches or lutrasil until spring.

Diseases and pests

Mighty Chocolate Cherry rarely suffers from pests and diseases. However, the following insects sometimes affect it:

  • strawberry nematode – small worms feed on perennial juices, astilbe leaves Mighty Chocolate Cherry turn yellow, turn brown and dry under their influence;
    Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

    It is very difficult to notice the nematode in time, but it causes serious damage.

  • drooling penny – this pest settles in the axils of the leaves and leaves a white foamy discharge resembling saliva, the plant begins to lag behind in growth over time, and the leaves become unnaturally light.
    Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

    Slobber pennitsa leaves characteristic traces on leaves and stems

For pest control, Aktara and Karbofos are used, as well as homemade solutions – garlic, soap and onion. It should be noted that it is very difficult to fight nematodes on astilba. If the plant is heavily infested, it is easier to dig it up and destroy it.

Of the diseases for Mighty Chocolate Cherry, the following are especially dangerous:

  • root rot, in conditions of severe waterlogging, the roots of the perennial begin to rot, and a black border appears along the edges of the leaf plates;
    Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

    Root rot can quickly kill a crop

  • bacterial spot, frequent and large black dots appear on the leaves, the plant begins to dry and fade.
    Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

    Bacterial spotting is manifested by black dots and spots on the foliage

To combat ailments, you must immediately remove the affected parts of the perennial, which can no longer be saved, and burn them in a remote corner of the site. After that, you need to treat the plant with Bordeaux mixture, copper sulphate or a solution of potassium permanganate, chemical fungicidal preparations, such as Fundazol, are also suitable.

Astilba Chocolate Cherry (Chocolate Cherry): photo and description

Mighty Chocolate Cherry tolerates severe winter frosts well


Astilba Mighty Chocolate Cherry is a very beautiful plant from the hybrid group. The new variety appeared only 3 years ago, but managed to win the interest and love of gardeners due to its decorative qualities. Caring for the Chocolate Cherry is easy, you just need to keep it well hydrated.


Igareva Valentina Sergeevna, 47 years old, Moscow
Mighty Chocolate Cherry planted on her site 2 years ago and was very pleased. The plant blooms exactly as promised by numerous descriptions. The cherry color of the panicles is very rich, deep, and by autumn the astilbe leaves become chocolate, so the plant takes on a very beautiful appearance.
Vikentieva Olga Pavlovna, 39 years old, Orenburg
When planting Mighty Chocolate Cherry, I was afraid that the plant would not survive the cold winter, but the variety really showed excellent frost resistance. The second year I enjoy the cherry blossoms of an unusual perennial. While the astilbe has not yet reached full maturity, I think that in 2 years I can wait for the maximum bloom.
Astilba: growing, care, reproduction

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