Astilba America: description, photo

Astilba America is loved by many gardeners due to its unpretentiousness, love of shaded areas and ease of care. It is considered an ideal plant for open ground. Easily tolerates frosts, blooms profusely and decorates summer cottages.

Astilba America: description, photo

Astilba can have pink and bright red inflorescences.

Description of astilbe Arendsa America

Astilbe “Arendsa America” ​​refers to perennial plants. It has erect stems that die off in winter. The length of the shoots, depending on the variety, varies from 10 cm to 1,5 meters. The root system continues its development, despite the winter frosts.

Leaves green, carved. In the spring, their edges take on a brown color. The length reaches 40 cm.

Bushes can be compact, but more often take on a sprawling shape. Openwork foliage gives a beautiful look to Astilbe “America” ​​even without inflorescences.

Astilbe belongs to the shade-tolerant types of plants.

Bushes take root in direct sunlight. In this case, they require frequent watering and spraying.

Astilba America: description, photo

The plant feels best in partial shade or in a place with diffused light.

Astilba ‘America’ grows rapidly and forms into a bush. Already in the first year it can please with flowering.

With the onset of autumn cold weather, Astilba “America” ​​ceases to bloom, gardeners should cut flowering shoots in a timely manner. The stems continue to decorate the area with green foliage for a long time.

Some varieties are able to get used to cold conditions. They can survive in the regions of Siberia, the Urals, where winters are long and harsh.

Astilba “America” ​​tolerates freezing of the soil to -22 ˚С, and external frosts to -36 degrees. It is saved from death by the top layer of snow and mulching after pruning the plant.

Attention! Astilbe ‘America’ is a hardy plant and rarely gets sick in frosty conditions.

Features of flowering

Astilba belongs to the herbaceous plants of the Saxifrage family. The flowering period falls on the summer months, the plant begins to bloom from late June to mid-August. At the end of the flowering of astilba, a box with seeds is formed.

The inflorescence forms sprawling panicles up to 60 cm long, which consist of many small flowers.

Astilbe “America” ​​differs in the form of inflorescences, there are 4 of them:

  1. Panicled shape.
  2. drooping.
  3. Pyramidal.
  4. Rhombic.

The color of the astilba “America” ​​can be light lilac, white, red and pink.

To provide the plant with a presentable appearance and abundant flowering, it is necessary to provide it with proper care:

  1. Every year you need to fill up the bare areas of the root system.
  2. Maintain the required level of moisture in the soil.
  3. Mulch the soil in time.
  4. Feed regularly.

Application in design

Astilba “America” ​​is often used to decorate the landscape. Designers give her preference for beauty, endurance and unpretentiousness in care. It can become a decoration of any flower garden.

Astilba America: description, photo

Astilba gets along well next to other vegetation.

Astilbe “America” ​​gets along with coniferous plants (thuja, junipers), and can also exist next to ferns and hostas. The carved green leaves of astilba are beautifully combined with large foliage of hellebore, cuff, bergenia and rogers. In landscape design for decoration, it is planted next to lilies, geraniums and daylilies. In the spring garden, it looks great and grows next to snowdrops, lilies of the valley, crocuses and tulips.

Methods of reproduction

Gardeners have three ways to propagate a plant:

  1. Seeds. This is not the best way to preserve the characteristics of the variety. For this method, it is enough to sow the seeds in spring or autumn on top of the soil, there is no need to dig in. Sprouted sprouts of astilba dive, planted for growing, and then transferred to a permanent place. In winter, they are covered.
  2. The division of rhizomes. It is considered the most reliable way. Astilbe “America” ​​is divided so that each part has at least three buds. The cut is sprinkled with ash, and the sprout is planted in previously prepared soil.
  3. Kidney renewal. In the spring, during the active period of growth, buds with a small piece of tissue are cut from the plant, then planted in prepared greenhouses with a peat-sand mixture. Three weeks later, astilbe “America” ​​takes root. A year later, the first inflorescences appear.

Planting and caring for astilba America

Astilba Arendsa America does not need special care. They plant it in May or June in a shaded area, some species can take root in a sunny place, but then the flowering period will be reduced.

When choosing planting material, you should carefully examine the root system and stems. The roots should not have rotten and dry areas, unsuitable specimens must be cut off. Sprouts released into the ground will take root faster if the buds are small.

Landing algorithm:

  1. Prepare a hole no deeper than 30 cm.
  2. It is fertilized and watered.
  3. The plant is planted on the upper buds.
  4. Mulch on top.

A distance of 50-60 cm should be observed between tall varieties, 25-45 cm is enough for undersized species.

Astilba America: description, photo

For the winter, it is advisable to cover the plant with spruce branches

Attention! The process of planting and care is not difficult, even a beginner in gardening can handle it.

When leaving, it is important to follow the basic rules of watering, fertilizing, mulching and pruning.

Peculiarities of growing

This flower needs enough moisture in any growing season. In dry times, astilbe “America” ​​is watered several times a day (morning and evening). It is advisable to do this with settled water.

Important! Even a small moisture deficit affects the appearance of the plant – the turgor weakens and the flowers fade.

Particular attention is paid to feeding. In spring, astilba “America” ​​needs nitrogen fertilizers (you can fertilize with humus during hilling). In June, you need to make a top dressing containing potassium. At the end of flowering, the plant needs phosphorus.

Mulching helps retain moisture and keep weeds out.

Loosening the top layer of soil does not allow the soil to form a crust and allows the roots to “breathe”. It is necessary to loosen 2-3 times a season, no deeper than 10 cm.

Preparation for winter

Potash and phosphorus fertilizers in autumn increase the level of frost resistance of the plant. Astilba “America” ​​loves soil with humus, so organic fertilizer can be added before winter. The slow decomposition of top dressing will allow it to gain the necessary elements during flowering, which contributes to growth and lush flowering.

Astilba America: description, photo

In preparation for wintering, the stem is cut almost to the very root.

The earth is mulched with foliage with sawdust or peat. This shelter helps to survive the cold. In the upper part of the rhizome, new buds will form, which will begin to develop with the advent of heat. You can also use bark, humus as a shelter. The layer of mulch depends on the climate of the region and varies between 5-20 cm.

An adult plant with a developed root system is difficult to cover with mulch, so in the fall you need to rejuvenate it by removing unnecessary roots.

Diseases and pests

Astilba “America” ​​is not susceptible to diseases and pests. In case of poor care for her, she may begin root rot, bacterial spot or phytoplasma disease of viral etiology.

Bacterial spot disease is characterized by the appearance of dark spots on the foliage, which provoke the wilting of astilba.

As parasitic pests, one can single out: gall and strawberry nematodes, slobbering pennits and small cicadas.


Astilba America is a versatile plant that will harmoniously fit into any landscape design. A non-capricious flower requires minimal care, which guarantees rapid growth and abundant flowering.


Oleg Zlobin, 45 years old, Moscow
Astilbe “America” ​​looks very nice. I planted it a few years ago and every year I admire this beauty. The most important thing is the minimum of care efforts, rarely gets sick.
Marina Alekseeva, 32 years old, Omsk
Astilbes are very tenacious, they often had to be acquired in a deplorable state, the probability of their “revival” was very small, but with proper care they quickly came to life. Already half of the garden is planted with astilba, they bloom and delight.
Svetlana Rozina, 28 years old, Rostov-on-Don
When moving, I dug up astilba bushes and planted them in a container for a while. Hands did not reach them, they stood like that almost all summer. I thought that nothing would grow from them, but I decided to check it, planted it in the ground and they started to grow. Now they are sprawling bushes.
Astilbe arendsa America (astilbe x arendsii america) 🌿 review: how to plant, seedlings of astilbe America

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