Asthma interest sites and support groups

Asthma interest sites and support groups

To learn more about theasthma, Passeportsanté.net offers a selection of associations and government sites dealing with the subject of asthma. You will be able to find there Additional Information and contact communities or support groups allowing you to learn more about the disease.



Canadian Lung Association

Includes an asthma resource center.

Asthma interest sites and support groups: understand everything in 2 min

Quebec Lung Association

Non-profit organization member of the Canadian Lung Association. Their consumer website has a wealth of practical information to promote respiratory health and prevent disease.

Info Asthme help line: 1 800 295-8111 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 16:30 p.m.)

Asthma à la carte

A reliable source for those who want to learn more: the main myths surrounding asthma, the effects of the disease on the respiratory system, etc. We can test our knowledge online with interactive games. Doctors from Laval University (Quebec) are the authors. Registration required (free).

Quebec Asthma and COPD Network

This network results from the merger of the COPD network (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and the Quebec Asthma Education Network.

Site intended for healthcare professionals:

Site intended for the general public:

Asthma Society of Canada

For 25 years, the Asthma Society of Canada has benefited from expert help and has offered several educational materials to people with asthma on their website.

Asthma Society of Canada:

Children’s site:

Four Seasons of Asthma:

Born and

To find reliable information on asthma and on appropriate treatments for children, the Naître et site is ideal. It is a site dedicated to the development and health of children. The disease sheets are reviewed by doctors from the Hôpital Sainte-Justine in Montreal and the Center hospitalier universitaire de Québec. Naître et, like PasseportSanté.net, is part of the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation family.

Quebec government’s Health Guide

To learn more about drugs: how to take them, what are the contraindications and possible interactions, etc.


Asthma & Allergies Association

The aim of this association is to inform and support asthma patients, parents of children with asthma, as well as doctors and healthcare professionals.

Carenity is the first francophone social network to offer a community dedicated to asthma. It allows patients and their loved ones to share their testimonies and experiences with other patients and track their health.

United States

National Asthma Education and Prevention Program

A very beautiful and very well done American site. The questionnaire for finding published scientific research on a given topic (for example, the effect of drug treatment on asthma in a child, adult, etc.) is one such model. It also helps to realize that research on alternative approaches and asthma is very rare, unfortunately.

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