Asthenia: symptoms and treatment

It would seem – live and rejoice, leaving work before dark and strolling in light shoes along the green boulevards. But what if there is neither strength nor mood? Cope with asthenia and vitamin deficiency!


First of all, it is a monotonous and vitamin-poor diet. The lack of a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet affects, and not everyone takes multivitamins. The problem can be aggravated by the strict diets that we start with the approach of summer: food restrictions often provoke fatigue.

If you spent the whole winter at home, did not go in for sports and did not spend much time in nature, the likelihood of asthenia is quite high. Oddly enough, but it is a sedentary lifestyle that deprives us of energy. Even if you do not overwork at work, get enough sleep, eat normally, but move little, then this is quite enough to weaken by the spring.


To avoid becoming a victim of asthenia, adjust your diet. Don’t get carried away with one-sided low-carb or fat-free diets. Try to get carbohydrates not from sweets, but from cereals. Good in this regard are vegetables and fruits – fresh, dried fruits, compotes. They provide you with the vitamins and minerals you need. But don’t force your body. If you really want to, you can pamper yourself with a chocolate bar.

For the prevention of chronic fatigue, it is important that the food contains enough protein and “good” cholesterol. Therefore, you need fish, eggs, cottage cheese.

Magnesium can also help fight fatigue. It increases resistance to stress. Don’t forget about dried apricots, bananas, seeds, halva and nuts.

In the spring, do not get carried away with strong tea and coffee. They, of course, can cheer up, but not for long. Try alternating regular black tea with green and herbal teas. Infusions of medicinal herbs are good as drinks.

Chamomile flower tea relieves stress, lemon balm soothes and improves memory. Nettle, rose hips and black currant enrich the body with vitamins and act as a general tonic.

In spring, more than ever, an additional intake of multivitamins with microelements is necessary. Try to choose a drug in which the doses of vitamins and minerals do not exceed the daily requirement. Take a multivitamin with meals. Together with proper nutrition, they will bring maximum benefit.

And the most important tip is to get moving! Spend at least 15 minutes in the morning exercising. And then it will be much easier to maintain good health throughout the day. If it is more convenient to do it in the evening, any type of physical activity is suitable: walking, dancing, fitness, swimming. Move regardless of mood or feeling of tiredness. And the result will not be long in coming.

At the first symptoms

If the feeling of overwhelm bothers you so much that it is difficult to work and do household chores, you should see a therapist. It is asthenia that is the first sign of some diseases – hepatitis C, sluggish infections of the genitourinary system, anemia.

With asthenic syndrome, the doctor may advise medications, primarily herbal adaptogens. Ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, and Schisandra are the most strongly affecting fatigue and fatigue. But they can excite the nervous system too much. Eleutherococcus “works” more gently.

Adaptogen saparal is produced in the form of tablets. It contains beneficial substances from the roots of the Manchurian aralia.

In recent years, very effective special preparations for asthenia have appeared. But they are prescription drugs.

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