AST test – what is it? AST in pregnancy

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AST is one of the liver tests and allows you to detect diseases and damage to the liver. Additionally, it turns out to be helpful in diagnosing cholangitis and cardiac necrosis. Find out what the AST standard is and when to do it!

AST examination – what is it

It is a simple test for the presence of the enzyme AST (aspartate aminotransferase) in the body. If we are healthy, it is possible to detect small amounts. The more developed liver damage, the higher the AST level. Some amounts of this enzyme can also be found in the heart muscle, skeletal muscle, kidneys, and red blood cells.

If we want to diagnose liver disease, AST should be performed along with the ALT test. If the tests performed reveal elevated levels of these enzymes, further investigation may be necessary. When can an AST test be ordered? There may be many indications. Unfortunately, liver disease can take a long time to develop without any specific symptoms.

You should have an AST test if you have noticed:

  1. dark-colored urine and discolored stool,
  2. yellowing of the skin, as well as mucous membranes.

In addition to these main symptoms, loss of appetite, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are very common. Additionally, we are surprised by the sudden weight loss and itching of the skin. Some women experience menstrual disorders. Even if you did develop these particular symptoms, surely the last health problem you thought about was liver abnormalities, and therefore abnormal liver function tests.

AST examination – in pregnancy

Liver tests, and thus – AST test – should be performed by pregnant women. Abnormalities in the work of the liver may endanger the mother and baby. In addition, there are several diseases that are detected only in pregnancy. These include gestational cholestasis, acute gestational fatty liver disease, and HELLP syndrome. In addition, future mothers may be attacked by viral hepatitis, its rupture and fungal infection.

There are also symptoms that should lead to a repeat AST and other liver function tests when seen during pregnancy. These include general fatigue and weakness, as well as pain located under the right rib, skin itching and yellowing.

Liver tests should be performed more often by women over 35. How to prepare for the test? The patient must be fasting. If there are any abnormalities, they always require further diagnosis. A pregnant woman with abnormal liver test results may develop thrombocytopenia and even kidney failure. As for the fetus – it may be low birth weight, hypoglycemia. Preterm labor is also possible. Occasionally, the fetus may die or become hypoxic. That is why it is so important to perform the recommended diagnostic tests that will detect any abnormalities in time and thus give a chance for the normal functioning of both the mother and the child.

Name of the study AST
Introduction – what is this research / what the research is for One of the indicators of liver tests
Indications for the examination Lack of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, liver pain, fatigue
Standards from 5 to 40 U/l.
Interpreting the results (at least basic) An abnormal result may indicate inflammation of the liver.
How is the test going The test involves taking a blood sample for analysis.
How to prepare for the test The test should be performed on an empty stomach.
Information to be reported prior to testing Lack.
How to behave after the examination Apply pressure to the download site
Possible complications after the examination Bruises at the site of collection
Other important (if any) x

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