Asparagus beans: cultivation and care in the open field

The asparagus bean cowpea differs from its grain relatives in that its beans lack an inner film layer that protects the seeds. It is this parchment layer that is the main obstacle that makes it impossible to eat pods of grain varieties. But it is precisely for the delicate taste of young pods that asparagus is so highly valued by gourmets around the world.


The main feature that is characteristic of any variety of asparagus beans is the long, thin pods, which have a round shape when viewed in cross section. This is an annual plant with a climbing structure, sometimes reaching a height of 1 meter. Bushes are characterized by feather-like leaves, flowers are formed in special axils. It bears fruit in bivalve beans containing about 7 grains each, each of which is separated by a spongy partition. Asparagus beans are self-pollinating crops: this property makes it possible to grow several varieties at once in one area.Asparagus beans: cultivation and care in the open field

Different varieties are characterized by different ripening periods: from early-ripening, fruit-bearing as early as 2 months after sowing, to late ones, which may take more than 100 days to ripen. The type of plant development also differs: it can be a long curly stem or bush beans familiar to the eye.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn a lot of new facts about beans.

Black Eyed Peas


Young asparagus beans, in addition to all the known beneficial properties, have another undoubted advantage: it is able to remove excess fluid from the body well. Consider some of the best varieties most commonly found on the plots of gardeners:

  • butter king beans – summer residents love this asparagus for its precocity. In addition, the pods have an exquisite taste, the seeds are tender and juicy;
  • Chinese green bean cowpea – this variety is gaining more and more popularity in Europe. This variety is characterized by an amazing length of beans, in some cases it can reach half a meter! At the same time, the thickness of the pod rarely exceeds the mark of 1 cm, respectively, and the seeds in the bean are very small and tender;
  • Gerda variety – our gardeners love it very much for its unique cheerful color – ripening beans are painted in a bright and attractive yellow hue. Taste qualities are not inferior to external data, the pods are soft and juicy, do not lose their color with the right heat treatment.Asparagus beans: cultivation and care in the open field

Without exception, all varieties of green beans have common features: thin, long pods, with small grains, with a delicate taste and high taste characteristics.


When planning the planting of a crop such as asparagus beans, you need to remember that its cultivation and care of young plants must be carried out in accordance with some rules:

  • legumes prefer light, loose, well-fertilized soils, with a sufficient level of moisture;
  • beans are a heat-loving plant, so for its cultivation it is better to choose those areas in the garden where there is enough light, there are no strong drafts, and water will not stagnate in the soil;Asparagus beans: cultivation and care in the open field
  • in cases where the soil is sufficiently nutritious, additional top dressing can practically not be carried out: it is enough to add a small amount of superphosphate at the stage of 4-5 leaves;
  • the culture also does not require abundant watering, as the bush develops, the intensity of irrigation should be gradually reduced, reducing it to the required minimum (for example, in especially dry periods);
  • if you want to feel the fullness of the taste of the fruits of asparagus beans, you should not overexpose the pods on the bush, start harvesting young beans already on the 14th day after the first flowers appear. If the moment is missed, you can leave the pods to ripen, and collect the beans already for seeds.


Before planting the seeds, they must be carefully sorted – remove all grains containing signs of disease or decay. After that, the calibrated seed must be poured with hot water for a quarter of an hour. This time is enough for the grains to receive the amount of moisture necessary to activate the processes of natural regeneration – in other words, seedlings will appear much earlier. After that, the beans should be dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, this will protect young plants from pests and infections. The grains prepared in this way are placed in holes to a depth of about 5 cm, maintaining a distance between the recesses of about 20 cm. If you plant climbing varieties, slightly increase the distance – up to 30 cm. Several grains can be placed in each hole to increase the chances of good germination.Asparagus beans: cultivation and care in the open field

As soon as the first shoots appear, study them carefully and leave only the strongest and most viable specimens, the rest can be ruthlessly removed.


All activities of the summer resident for the care of developing asparagus bushes are in the traditional plane and are familiar to all lovers of field work: regular loosening, weed removal, top dressing and periodic watering.

The culture is extremely unpretentious, but high-yielding. You will be surprised how many tasty and healthy pods even the most modest asparagus garden can give you.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow beans.

Beans growing and care. Helpful Hints

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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