Asparagus is one of the most delicious, healthy and expensive vegetable crops. At the same time, every gardener can grow such a valuable curiosity in a garden plot. There are very few varieties that are zoned for Our Country, Arzhentelskaya asparagus is rightfully considered the most common.
Description of Asparagus Argentelle
Asparagus Arzhentelskaya was entered into the State Register of the Federation in 1949. The originator was the Seeds company. For 70 years it has been grown in Our Country and neighboring countries.
An adult plant reaches a height of 2 m. The variety characterizes cold resistance: thanks to a powerful root system, Arzhentelskaya asparagus is able to withstand frosts down to -30 ° C. The variety is early ripening, with high taste qualities, undemanding to care. Young shoots are thin, snow-white, up to 1 cm in diameter, with cream-colored flesh with a slightly noticeable shade of yellowness. Argental asparagus has male and female flowers. Seeds of culture ripen in August.
The disadvantages of the Arzhentelskaya variety include: low yield and short shelf life. In addition, with a delay in harvesting, asparagus shoots quickly coarsen and turn green with a purple tint.
Growing White Asparagus Argentelles from Seeds
One of the ways to get new young plants of Argentelian asparagus is to propagate with the help of seeds.
Due to the very low germination of seed, it is preferable to grow asparagus through seedlings than directly by direct seeding in the ground.
To “wake up” the seeds and soften the dense shell, they are soaked in melt water heated to 35 ° C for 2 – 3 days. To improve the effect, an aquarium compressor is used. Air bubbles help the seeds of Argentelian asparagus “wake up”.
The planting material prepared in this way must be wrapped in a damp cloth moistened with a root formation stimulator (for example, Emistim-M) and placed in a plastic bag, having previously made several small holes in it. The package is stored in a warm place. Seeds of asparagus Arzhentelskaya periodically ventilate and moisten. Instead of industrial stimulants, it is permissible to use folk remedies, such as aloe juice or succinic acid.
The first roots will appear no earlier than in 6-7 weeks. Therefore, the seeds are soaked in February, since at least 3-3,5 months pass from the beginning of the preparation of the seed to planting in the ground.
The best containers for growing Asparagus Argentelle are plastic cassettes or cups. Before using for disinfection, they must be treated with any solution of a chemical preparation or held over steam.
The composition of the soil for growing Arzhentelskaya asparagus seedlings includes soddy land, sand, compost and peat, in approximately equal amounts. In order to avoid the appearance of fungal diseases, the soil is doused with boiling water with the addition of potassium permanganate, and for their prevention, wood ash, chalk or activated carbon is added in an amount of 10 g per 2 liters of soil. After complete cooling, cups and cassettes are filled with soil mixture. To drain excess water, holes are made in the bottom of the containers with a red-hot nail.
Arzhentelskaya asparagus seeds are planted to a depth of 1 – 1,5 cm. After that, the containers are covered with glass or film and kept at a temperature of 25 ° C until germination. To prevent condensation, the crops are aired daily and the glass is turned over.
When seedlings emerge, seedlings of Argentel asparagus should be moved closer to the light. However, they do not put it on the windowsill, since bright light is not necessary for seedlings, and cold glasses and the coolness coming from them can harm fragile plants.
When the seedlings of the Arzhentelskaya variety grow a little and reach 8-9 cm, they may droop, as they are unable to withstand their own weight. To avoid this, it is recommended to install small supports. However, this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the fragile roots of plants. Alternatively, a mesh is pulled from above, which will prevent young seedlings from falling.
At this time, it is recommended to feed Arzhentelskaya asparagus with any of the complex fertilizers for vegetable crops. This will allow the “fluffy Christmas trees” to get stronger and stimulate their growth.
As the seedlings of Arzhentelskaya asparagus mature, care comes down to keeping the soil moist and lightly loosening it. Like all plants, asparagus stretches towards sunlight. Therefore, every 4 – 6 days, the container with plants is rotated 90 °. In order not to get confused, it is recommended to do this clockwise.
If the seeds of Arzhentelskaya asparagus were originally planted in a common box, then upon reaching a height of 15 cm they dive into individual cups. It is important to carry out this procedure as carefully as possible, without damaging the roots: otherwise, very fragile plants may not take root.
After 3,5 months, Arzhentelskaya asparagus seedlings are ready for planting in the ground. By the beginning of June, it reaches 30 cm in height and begins to branch.
To avoid the death of young plants from winds and direct sunlight, they are hardened before planting in open ground.
Growing asparagus, including the Arzhentelskaya variety from seeds, is presented in detail in the video:
Planting and caring for asparagus Arzhentelskaya in the open field
The bed where Arzhentelskaya asparagus will grow is chosen in a sunny area. To protect the plants from gusts of wind from the prevailing wind zone, at a distance of 2 m from the plantings, it is necessary to create a backstage of corn or hedges: in this way, fragile seedlings of seedlings will be protected from drafts and, at the same time, not shaded.
Preparation of planting material and site
Nutritious, but fairly dense soil is not suitable for growing Arzhentelskaya asparagus. In silty or clay soil, the harvest of succulent shoots cannot be obtained. The plant needs nutrient soil with good aeration.
In autumn, at the site of future beds, it is necessary to dig a trench 35-40 cm deep. Chopped branches of cut trees are laid at the bottom, which serve as drainage, and in the process of further decomposition – additional nutrition. Soil is poured on top, consisting of peat, compost, humus, soddy soil and sand in ratios of 2:2:2:1, respectively.
In spring, the soil is loosened, a complex fertilizer is applied and a ridge 12–15 cm high is formed.
Rules of landing
For the convenience of extracting seedlings of Arzhentelskaya asparagus from the container, they are watered a few hours before planting.
Carefully take the plant out of the container and shorten its roots by 3-4 cm, cutting off the “fringe” on the earthy coma. Prepared wells are watered with warm settled water and seedlings are carefully planted in a permanent place.
Since Arzhentelskaya asparagus grows slowly in the first years, and takes up a lot of space for planting, to save space, it is compacted with onions, radishes, vegetable beans and other crops that are planted in the aisle.
Watering and top dressing
Despite the seeming capriciousness of an exotic culture and the fear of gardeners that it will require a special approach, the plant is absolutely unpretentious. Caring for Argentelian asparagus is not at all difficult.
From the first days of planting seedlings of asparagus and for 2 weeks, watering is carried out daily. Then – every 3 – 5 days, depending on the weather. The water norm is 0,6 – 0,8 liters of water per bush. The soil for the Arzhentelskaya variety must always be kept moist. However, waterlogging of the soil should be avoided, as this adversely affects the plant.
Asparagus seedlings should be watered only for the first 2-3 seasons. During this time, they form a powerful root system that penetrates deep into the soil, after which asparagus can independently provide itself with moisture.
Watering will be required only during strong and prolonged heat and when the shoots ripen.
For Arzhentelskaya asparagus, drip irrigation is considered the best. Not only does it not form a crust on the surface of the soil, but it also penetrates better to the roots, which are very deep in an adult plant.
In the spring, when the Argentine asparagus wakes up and begins to build mass, it especially needs nitrogen. Mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, carbamide) are applied in the form of a solution in the ratio of 20 g per 10 liters of water. Organic fertilizers are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15 and 1:20, respectively. Top dressing is carried out 2 – 3 times with breaks of 2 – 3 weeks.
In the middle of summer, complex fertilizer is used to feed Arzhentelskaya. In autumn – phosphorus and potassium. The last top dressing for the season is applied in a dry form, distributing it evenly over the garden bed and slightly embedding it into the soil, after which the plant is watered. Wood ash can be used as an alternative to mineral fertilizers.
As you can see in the photo, Arzhentelskaya asparagus is a powerful plant, so it needs to be fed throughout the entire growing period.
To obtain tender whitened shoots of Arzhentelskaya asparagus, hilling the plant as it grows should be carried out. In addition, hilling will slow down the transformation of young shoots into a hard stem that cannot be used as food.
Asparagus does not require special care. When forming a bush, the plant is pruned if:
- the use of tender shoots for food purposes;
- removal of diseased and damaged branches;
- before wintering.
Asparagus looks very nice as an addition to bouquets. However, severe pruning can weaken the bush, so this should be approached with caution.
Preparation for winter
Arzhentelskaya asparagus has good frost resistance. The variety grows even in the Urals and Siberia. However, in order to protect the roots from freezing, the culture must be covered for the winter.
First, remove all diseased and yellowed branches. Then spud the plant, forming mounds 25 – 30 cm high. From above – cover with spruce branches or covering material, such as agrofiber or burlap.
In the spring, at a stable positive temperature, the covering material is removed from the plants.
The first crop of asparagus Arzhentelskaya is harvested only in the third year of the plant’s life. By this period, the bush has formed 10-12 shoots. However, only 1-3 can be used for food purposes. Young stems are broken out or cut at a height of 3 cm from the soil level. After that, asparagus spud.
In adult plants, shoots are cut for 30 – 45 days. After that, the plant is allowed to prepare for wintering.
Store the shoots in a damp cloth or a tight bag in the refrigerator. A variety of dishes are prepared from the Argentel asparagus. It is excellent in boiled and baked form.
Diseases and pests
There are not so many pests in Argentelian asparagus. First of all, it is an aphid that sucks the juice from the plant. As a preventive measure, plants with a pungent odor, such as rosemary, basil, and sage, are planted between rows. You can also spray asparagus bushes with infusions of these herbs once every 1 days. If the plantings have already been attacked by pests, chemicals should be used that are divided into 10 groups:
- contact action – destroying pests by penetrating them through the chitinous cover;
- Intestinal action – entering the esophagus, and then absorbed into the blood and infecting the pest.
- Systemic action – when the plant absorbs the drug and retains it in its tissues for 15-30 days. Feeding on the juice of such plants, the aphid dies.
Of the preparations of the folk method, infusions of garlic and wormwood are also used.
Among the specific pests of the Argentelian asparagus are the asparagus leaf beetle and the asparagus fly. The fight against them consists in dusting the plants with ash, hanging sticky tape and spraying with Ikta-Vir, Mospilan, Aktar preparations.
Fungal diseases affect Argentelian asparagus plants very rarely. The exceptions are rust and root rot. Rust is treated with copper-containing preparations. To prevent root rot, Entobacterin or Gliocladilin are added to the soil.
In addition to propagating asparagus Argentelian seeds, you can use the following methods:
- dividing the bush;
- cuttings.
In the first case, you need to divide the bush with at least one shoot, and then plant it in a permanent place. The advantage of this method is that it can be applied at any time from spring to autumn.
In the second method, petioles are cut from last year’s shoots of Argentelian asparagus and rooted in the sand. Each future bush is covered with a plastic bottle. This procedure is carried out from the end of March to the beginning of June.
Arzhentelskaya asparagus is an unpretentious culture and a healthy vegetable. Despite the fact that in the early years it requires increased attention, subsequent cultivation of the crop pays off with minimal care. The variety will not only allow you to enjoy exotic shoots, but also decorates the summer cottage with lush greenery.