Asian swimsuit: care
Among the existing varieties of swimwear, this one is considered the brightest and most beautiful. The glades, strewn with orange lights of flowers, are a memorable sight. But they will look even more impressive on a personal or garden plot.
Asian swimsuit: description and characteristics of the variety
The habitat of this type of swimsuit is considered to be the regions of Western and Eastern Siberia. The plant has a straight stem up to 80 cm high, in the upper part it can branch. Separated palmate leaves grow from the root.
The Asian swimsuit grows in the Far Eastern and Siberian regions
The flowers are large, their diameter can reach from 6 to 8 cm. Up to 50 peduncles can form on one bush.
The swimsuit juice contains vegetable poison, therefore, protective gloves must be used when processing the culture. And also children should not be allowed to contact them.
In appearance, the flowers resemble a European swimsuit, only they are more open and have a rich bright orange color. The plant begins to bloom in mid-May, the flowering period is approximately 20 days.
Planting a swimsuit in the open ground and caring for the plant
Planting a swimsuit in open ground is most often done with freshly harvested seeds. You can sow seeds in the summer immediately after harvest, in the fall or spring.
Seed planting process:
- In summer and autumn, after collecting seeds, you can immediately plant them in a specially prepared place. After the seedlings get stronger, they should be cut open – the distance between the seedlings should be at least 10 cm. In the spring, the flowers are transplanted to a permanent place.
- Spring planting – with this method, the seeds must be stratified at t 2-4 ° C for 3 months and only then planted in the ground. After the appearance of the second true leaf, the seedlings dive. Plants are planted for permanent residence 2-3 years after planting.
Caring for bathers consists of regular watering, weeding and loosening. It is recommended to thoroughly clear the soil from the roots of weeds before planting, then the problem of weeding will not arise for a long time. Loosening should not be deep, so as not to damage the root system of the plant. Top dressing consists in periodically adding nutritious soil to the base of the bushes and mulching with peat or humus. For the formation of secondary flowering, the fading peduncles should be cut off.
The Asian bathing suit is not only a beautiful, but also a useful plant and is used in folk medicine. And also its flowers are widely used in landscape design for the decoration of rock gardens and artificial reservoirs. A simple and seemingly unpretentious swimsuit will give your site an original Swiss-style look.