Asian star beauties who never age at all

You will be surprised to know that some of them are already over 50!

They are attractive and charming, similar to the outlandish flowers that grow somewhere in the depths of the untouched jungle or lost in the oases of sultry deserts. I must say that attractive Asian women, due to their unusual appearance and temperament, bring a charm inherent only to them into creativity. It is easy to find this in the art of cinema, where they excelled and achieved stellar heights.

Age: 51 year

For example, one of the most sought-after Hollywood actresses, Lucy Liu, who turns 2 on December 51, convincingly proves how Asian beauties can “tame” world fame. The daughter of poor Chinese immigrants, in search of a better life, moved to New York, made a dizzying career. True, we must pay tribute to the ambitious and intelligent girl: she achieved everything with hard work. Lucy graduated from the University of Michigan with a BA in Chinese Literature. Of course, she simultaneously comprehended the basics of acting, studied dancing. The TV series, where Lucy Liu will play the first roles, will become a kind of creative springboard to conquering Hollywood. Nowadays there are no more films in which the Chinese beauty shone. Note that Quentin Tarantino himself favored her, having removed her in the famous action movie “Kill Bill”.

Age: 40 years

Zhang Ziyi has always argued that she took the path of an actress by accident, and for the most part this is the merit of unpredictable Fortune. The star beauty, as if molded from the figure of an elegant dancer, was born in Beijing, in the family of a kindergarten teacher and economist. Zhang was so weak that she had to be sent to a special boarding school at the age of 11 to improve her health. Here, by the way, the girl learned to dance, for which she was disgusted. That all changed when she entered the Chinese College of Drama, where she was taught a taste for real creativity. And Zhang Ziyi will get into a big movie by a happy coincidence. Once an unsuccessful casting associated with a shampoo advertisement will become fateful for a Chinese beauty. She will be noticed by the famous director Zhang Yimou and in two years she will be invited to his film “House by the Road”. The girl will achieve world fame by participating in the famous film “Memoirs of a Geisha”.

Age: 36 years

Jamie Chang is a charming Korean woman, for some unknown reason she does not like to talk about the details of her biography. It is only known that she was born in San Francisco, attended school, then entered the University of California and was preparing to become an economist. And it’s good that this didn’t happen. Otherwise, we would not have seen this fragile beauty in the cinema, where she will play a number of bright roles. But at first, the girl paved the way to fame through the popular American reality show “The Real World”, in which she took an active part. The start in this competition could be considered a great success for the young beauty. Superbly built Jamie will star in Samurai Girl. Her creative career is gradually gaining momentum: films “Sucker Punch”, “Burning Palms”, “Iron Fist” brought Chang popularity and good fees. Still, it is worth noting the image of Mulan, played in the Disney series “Once Upon a Time”, where Jamie appeared in all its glory.   

Age: 38 years

The refined and delicate beauty of the star Chinese woman Fan Bingbing, the kind heart (known for her charitable activities) elevated her to the rank of a national symbol. She was born in the port city of Yantai into a military family, who, surprisingly, loved and appreciated creativity. After graduating from high school, Fan enters the Shanghai Film and Television College to study acting. The beginning of her brilliant career falls on the TV series “Princess Beautiful”. Jin Suo’s role seemed to be written off from Fan Bingbing herself. And from the very first frames of the series, she gained incredible popularity in China. Even in the future, she had to terminate the contract through the court in order to act in a big movie. Probably, this was the correct and reasonable decision of the Chinese beauty. Because for the film “Cell Phone” Fan Bingbing received a kind of analogue of the American “Oscar” in the nomination “Best Actress”. And in 2014, Hollywood itself will open the doors to her talent and bright beauty. She will play Clarissa Ferguson (Blink) in X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Age: 58 years

Bai Ling, the Chinese superstar who was the first Asian girl to be on the cover of Playboy magazine, doesn’t like a lot of clothes. So she thinks, and the fans of her talent adhere to the same opinion. The beauty, unbridled in her actions, with a languid gaze of black eyes, even once got into the police. Perhaps none of the parents (mother is a literature teacher, father is a musician) did not even suspect that a kind of fury, a beautiful and reckless Hollywood star, would grow out of a shy obedient girl. After graduating from school in her hometown of Chengdu, young Bai unexpectedly joined the Chinese army, where she participated in a troupe entertaining soldiers, then worked as a nurse. After all the troubles, tests, Lin decides to move to America. It is here that the new life of an eccentric girl will begin, who in a short time will win the sympathy of the Hollywood public. Films “The Raven”, “Wild, Wild West”, “Taxi-3”, “Anna and the King” will bring her popularity and recognition of the audience. And she proves by her appearance that she does not even suspect what old age is!

Age: 37 years

Devon Aoki is a true Thumbelina among stellar models. Non-standard and striking appearance (a “gift” from parents with Japanese, German and British roots), the girl’s small stature broke all the traditions of “correct” fashion. Born in New York into a wealthy family of the owner of the city’s first sushi restaurant, the girl felt no need for anything. And when, at the age of 13, Devon came into the modeling business, her father and mother did not interfere with her. It will take very little time for the girl to become one of the stars of the world podium. She will become a cult model, she will be called “one of the most recognizable faces of the 1990s”. As an addition to his work, Devon Aoki will act in films. Films “Double Fast and the Furious” “Sin City”, “War” “Chronicles of Mutants” will give her not only aesthetic pleasure, but also bring a certain popularity among the audience. However, the podium remains that stellar platform, where it is always in the first roles. And every appearance of Devon Aoki at fashion shows is a whole event.

Age: 57 years

Hollywood star Michelle Yeoh was born into a family of a lawyer and a housewife who doted on her daughter. And once noticing her passion for dancing, they sent Michelle to a ballet studio. In London, where they will move from Malaysia, the girl will enter the Royal Dance Studio. And then Michelle Yeoh will seriously think about the career of a ballerina. However, all girlish dreams, figuratively speaking, will turn to dust. Severe trauma will dash the hopes of the big stage. However, there was no need to grieve over her fate, because such a beauty with an ideal body was destined for a completely different vocation. The mother will send Michelle’s documents to the qualifying round of the beauty contest in Malaysia, in which her daughter will soon win a landslide victory. And then things will go even more successful. At the 1983 Miss World beauty pageant, Chinese producers will invite her to advertise a watch. Michelle Yeoh’s partner in the commercial will be Jackie Chan himself. And we can say that this event brought a talented girl to the cinema. By the way, in the future, filming Hollywood action films, Michelle dispenses with stuntmen. She performs all dangerous stunts from the light hand of Jackie Chan herself. However, one day the star actress will appear in the role of a deep dramatic actress, playing the main role in the film “Lady” directed by Luc Besson.

Age: 46 years

South Korean beauty Kim Yunjin was born in Seoul and considers New York to be her second home, where she moved with her parents when she was 10 years old. After graduating from Boston University and the Graduate School of Dramatic Arts, Kim naturally slept and saw herself in only one capacity – a movie actress. And although Hollywood was just a stone’s throw away, she received fame and recognition in her homeland, South Korea. She was called here “the warrior woman” because she played the role of tough heroines, who knew how to be deftly controlled with a sword and accurately shoot from a pistol. Apparently, this image is so boring to the beauty that she decided to try her luck in America. And the very first, if I may say so, call was extremely successful and successful. Role of Sun Kwon in the hit TV series Lost helped her to fulfill her dream of becoming a Hollywood star. The South Korean beauty, we note, is distinguished by a daring character and does not go into her pocket for a word. Therefore, journalists are wary of her. But they were very surprised that Kim Yunjin, in addition to all his talents, dances in the theater.

Age: 53 years

Gong Li is probably one of the most talented Asian actresses to have received many prestigious awards. The perfect combination of natural beauty and remarkable abilities helped the Chinese woman to achieve world recognition. She was born in Shenyang City to a professor of economics at Liaoning University. Gong Li, according to her, grew up as a kind of ugly duckling, but she was good at singing and able to imitate people’s voices, while showing considerable talent. At the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing, which she successfully graduates, the girl will meet director Zhang Yimou. The young student, who by that time had turned into a spectacular beauty, will like the future master of cinema, and he will invite her to star in the film “Red Gaoliang”. The very first creative collaboration will be the beginning of a love affair between them. And Zhang Yimou’s third film “Light the Red Lantern”, where the actress will play one of the main roles, will become her creative triumph. The film will be nominated for an Oscar, and Gong Li will receive the status of a Hollywood star from that moment. And even after breaking off relations with Zhang Yimou, her creative career will not lose its victorious course. She will brilliantly play the role of the beautiful villainous Hatsumomo in the famous film “Memoirs of a Geisha” directed by Rob Marshall.

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