Ashera cat
Ashera is associated with the loudest scandal in the history of felinology. The fact is that the most expensive cat in the world turned out to be not a fundamentally new breed, as its creators claimed, but already an officially registered savannah. But even this does not stop the rich from all over the world from spending thousands of dollars to get a cat with an exotic appearance of a wild serval and an affectionate domestic character.
Name of the breedUsher
Country of originUSA
The time of the birth of the breed2007 year
A typeShorthair
The weight12 – 14 kg
GrowthUp to 60 cm at the withers
Lifespan15 – 20 years
Price of kittens20000 – 24000 $
Most popular nicknamesAbal, Anmar, Bahira, Bisar, Zephyr, Tara, Farah, Khazar, Yasmin, Yafya

History of origin

The cat with the sonorous name Ashera has become not only the most expensive breed in the world, but also the biggest scandal among felinologists. The fact is that, as such, the breed … simply does not exist, and all Ashers are the closest relatives of another “elite” breed – the savannah.

The history of the most expensive and scandalous cat in the world begins in 2007. Biotechnology company Lifestyle Pets, founded by Simon Brody, announced a sensation: geneticists have managed to develop a completely new breed of cats. It looks like a wild exotic animal serval, but inside it is a gentle and affectionate pet that cannot imagine its life without the caress of its owner. The new breed was named Ashera – in honor of the ancient Semitic goddess, who was considered the mother of all living things, and the initial price tag for it immediately soared to 27 thousand dollars. Despite the fabulous cost, a line of aristocrats and rich people immediately lined up for the Ashera kittens. Everyone dreamed of having a tame leopard in their home and was ready to shell out any amount.

But soon a loud revealing statement by Chris Shirk appeared in the newspapers, who said that the Ashera is not a new breed, but just a Savannah cat. It was these cats that Simon Brody had previously bought from him, and now he is selling them as a new exclusive species. The DNA test, by the way, confirmed the veracity of Shirk’s words, so officially the Ashera is not a separate breed. However, even this does not prevent the rich from buying exotic handsome men in luxurious colors for the price of a decent car.

Breed description

Like the Savannah, the Ashera is a hybrid of an African Serval, an Asian Bengal, and a common domestic cat. Ashers are one of the largest cats, yielding in size only to Maine Coons. They have an elongated, slender, muscular body, long strong legs and a flexible thin tail. Ashera’s head is wedge-shaped, small in size and slightly disproportionate compared to the body. The ears are wide at the base and narrow and rounded at the tips, and the expressive almond-shaped eyes can be green or gold.

The main asset of Ashera is her luxurious coat, reminiscent of the skin of a leopard. Ashera is supposed to have four colors. The rarest and most expensive – royal, is a scattering of tiny spots of golden-orange color. According to Asher owners, only four kittens with this color are born per year. Snow Ashera, as the name implies, is snow-white. The common Ashera resembles a leopard – the same dark spots on golden brown wool. The so-called hypoallergenic Ashera stands out as a separate subspecies – it is argued that this color emits the minimum amount of allergenic protein, which means that it will not cause any cough or tearing. The coat itself is dense, short, shiny, almost no shedding.



The “creators” of Ashera claim that cats have an affectionate and sociable nature and are completely harmless, even if there are small children in the house. Ashers get along well with other pets and do not even try to dominate, although for the affection and love of the owner they will almost walk on their hind legs. But cats are wary of strangers and will not allow you to approach them at close range. Of course, you will not find reviews from ordinary people about this breed, and those who can afford such a luxury are unlikely to spread about their pet right and left.

Most of all, the Ashera (like the Savannah) loves to run and jump – and in a jump it can fly several meters. So the cat should live only in a country house, where she will have enough space for active outdoor games and hunting. And if you arrange a small reservoir for her, where the cat will frolic and catch “prey”, then there will be no limit to Ashera’s happiness.

Care and maintenance

It is assumed that if such fabulous money has already been laid out for a cat, then the animal will be kept in royal conditions. Most likely, in rich houses, the ushers recline on sofas upholstered in velvet, and the servants bring her exquisite delicacies ordered in the best restaurants.

In general, Ashers, like savannahs, do not particularly need careful care. Their short smooth coat does not require daily combing, only during molting this procedure should be done more often. Eyes and ears are wiped with a damp swab, and every six months the cat should be bathed with a special shampoo for short-haired breeds. Do not forget about Ashera’s teeth – in order for them to remain as strong and snow-white, they should be cleaned with a special brush and paste.

As for the Usher food, there is little choice. Either you feed her professional super-premium food, or natural products: lean meats like beef or rabbit. Good taurine-rich foods include chicken, tuna, and turkey. Choose boiled vegetables as a side dish, but it is better to exclude dairy products, cereals and fish from the diet, otherwise the pampered Ashers may have digestive problems.

Education and training

With training, everything is clear, like any other cat, the Asher needs to be taught to the tray, the scratching post and the rules of good behavior, otherwise she will quickly feel like a full-fledged master in the house and will try to dominate the owner. It’s worth immediately and limiting the scope of what is allowed during games: you can’t scratch or bite, it’s also undesirable to attack from around a corner. Ashera, like the savannah, has a unique intellect and an excellent memory, but with training, the idea is unlikely to work out. Firstly, this is not supposed to be a status for a cat, and secondly, she will perceive everything as a game, and will never obey the requirements and persistent persuasion.

Health and disease

If you buy an Ashera, then you will not have any problems with the cat’s medical care. If you believe the website of the cattery that sells these elite animals, when you buy an Ashera, you are provided with a special package of services, which includes: an identification microchip, a veterinary certificate, insurance, a care kit, climate-controlled transportation and, most importantly, 10 years (!) of consultations from the most famous veterinarians in the world.

We repeat that we personally have never been lucky enough to see either the Ashers themselves or the owner of these amazing cats. But, I think, these cats have the same excellent health and strong immunity as the closest relatives – savannahs.

Popular questions and answers

We asked to answer questions about the maintenance of Asher cats zoo engineer, veterinarian Anastasia Kalinina.

Can an Ashera cat get along with a dog?

An Ashera cat will get along with a dog if they have grown up together.

Will the Ashera cat get along with other cats?

Ashers are friendly creatures, so they get along well with other cats, but you need to take into account its size. The fact is that while playing, they can accidentally injure other, smaller cats.

How does the Ashera cat treat children?

The breed is affectionate, but children need to be taught with caution. Again, it is necessary to take into account their large size and the fact that the breed is hybrid (with the blood of wild cats).

Is it possible to take a cat Asher out of town, to the country?

If only there is an aviary or walking on a harness (they are perfectly accustomed to this). Self-walking is unacceptable – she can be mistaken for a wild animal and even killed.

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