Ashanti Pepper – Medicinal Spice

Everyone knows black pepper, but have we heard of Ashanti? This wonderful plant, native to West Africa, grows to a height of 2 feet with red berries which, when dried, are dark brown in color, bitter in taste, and have a sharp, peculiar aroma. Currently cultivated in many countries. Ashanti pepper has a beneficial effect on human health, in particular. In addition, he. This pepper is rich in vitamin C, as a result. Being a powerful antioxidant, Ashanti pepper slows down the aging process, eliminates free radicals from the body. Ashanti pepper is a good antibacterial and antiviral agent. Contains beta-caryophyllene, which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Ashanti pepper oil is used in soap making. Pepper roots are useful for bronchitis and colds, and have been used in the past to treat sexually transmitted diseases. In Africa and other countries, Ashanti pepper is added to sweet potatoes, potatoes, soups, stews, pumpkins.

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