Ascorutical to boost immunity and viral infections. Drug dosage

Ascorutical is a preparation used in conditions of reduced immunity, viral infections, influenza; diseases characterized by excessive vascular permeability (varicose veins, edema, post-traumatic hematomas) and auxiliary in allergic diseases (allergic rhinitis, urticaria, photosensitivity).

Ascorutical (Jelfa)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
grave (Chapter 30) OTC (over-the-counter) ascorbic acid, calcium, rutoside (ascorbic acid, calcium, rutoside)

SUBSTANCE 1 capsule contains: 0,1 g ascorbic acid, 0,025 g rutoside, 0,1 g calcium


Ascorutical is a combined preparation containing vitamins and minerals.

Ascorutical – indications and dosage

Ascorutical is a drug used:

  1. in case of reduced immunity,
  2. in viral infections,
  3. in flu,
  4. in diseases with excessive vascular permeability, e.g. varicose veins, edema, traumatic hematomas,
  5. prophylactically in allergic diseases: allergic rhinitis, urticaria, photosensitivity.

Drug dosage

Ascorutical is in the form of tablets and is intended for oral use. Do not exceed the recommended dose of the drug as it may endanger your life or health.

  1. Adults. As a preventive measure, 1-2 capsules 2 × / day. Healing, 1-2 capsules 3-4 times a day.
  2. Children after 5 years of age. Preventive and healing 1-3 caps / day.

Ascorutical and contraindications for taking

Contraindication to taking Ascorutical is:

  1. allergy to any component of the drug,
  2. allergy to calcium salts,
  3. hypercalcemia,
  4. kidney failure
  5. simultaneous use of sulfonamides and aminoglycosides.

Ascorutical – warnings

  1. Calcium compounds should be used with caution in patients with mild renal failure, nephrolithiasis, heart disease or sarcoidosis.
  2. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before taking the drug.

Ascorutical with other drugs

  1. The drug Ascorutical may reduce the effectiveness of sulfonamides and aminoglycosides.
  2. Taking calcium salts by mouth reduces the absorption of tetracyclines and fluoride compounds. You should leave at least a 3-hour break between taking calcium compounds and the above-mentioned drugs.
  3. Taking Ascorutical with cardiac glycosides (digoxin and strophanthin derivatives) increases their effect and may cause heart rhythm disturbances.
  4. Calcium in combination with vitamin D3 reduces the effectiveness of calcium channel inhibitors, e.g. verapamil.
  5. The intake of vitamin C in doses over 1 g per day reduces the effectiveness of the work of: tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazine derivatives and may increase the serum concentration of estrogens used simultaneously.

Ascorutical – side effects

Taking Ascorutical may cause the following side effects:

  1. nausea,
  2. upper abdominal discomfort.

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