Ascorbic acid (E300)

The organic compound ascorbic acid or dietary supplement E300 is a glucose-related compound that plays a large role in the human diet by promoting the proper function of bone and connective tissue in the body. Ascorbic acid is able to play the role of a coenzyme for metabolic processes, a reducing agent and an antioxidant.

Characteristics of the substance

In the natural environment, ascorbic acid can be found in all types of citrus fruits, in rose hips, kiwi, black currants, tomatoes, red peppers, lettuce leaves, onions. The bulk of animals and plants synthesize ascorbic acid. Only primates are able to receive the substance only with food, since in their organisms the processes of synthesis of this substance do not occur. It is possible to obtain ascorbic acid in an industrial way. For this, glucose is synthesized.

According to its physical and chemical characteristics, ascorbic acid looks like a white or light yellow crystalline powder, which is perfectly soluble in water and alcohol and has a characteristic sour taste. The chemical formula of the food additive E300 is as follows: C6H8O6.

Additive properties E300

A popular form of ascorbic acid is the well-known vitamin C, which was first isolated in pure form in 1928. A little later, in 1932, experts proved that the absence of the E300 food additive in food quickly leads to a serious illness – scurvy. It is with this disease that the modern name of ascorbic acid is associated, which literally means “A” – “no” and “sorbut” – “scurvy”.

This severe disease is characterized by swelling of the gums, loss of teeth, articular, skin and muscle hemorrhages. Among other signs and consequences of hypovitaminosis of vitamin C, one can name high fatigue, heart weakness, a decrease in the body’s resistance to various infections, and shortness of breath. In childhood, this problem is characterized by a delay in the processes of ossification.

In the human body, vitamin C helps to convert cholesterol into bile acids, tryptophan and catecholamines into serotonin, promotes the formation of collagen, synthesizes corticosteroids. This substance has a regulatory function in relation to carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting and lipid levels, promotes the formation of bone tissue.

Ascorbic acid is a very strong antioxidant, it helps the body synthesize interferon qualitatively, performs a protective function against lipoprotein oxidation, contributes to normal immunomodulation and prevents the formation of sorbitol from glucose.

The food additive E300, when absorbing ferrous iron, converts it into ferric iron. It can bind free radicals than stop their negative effects on the human body. Among other things, the food supplement E300 helps to increase the activity of other important antioxidants – selenium and vitamin E.

Vitamin E with the participation of vitamin C has the ability to quickly recover from the oxidized form.

Ascorbic acid also takes part in most of the life support processes of the human body, it helps to activate hormones, enzymes, improves immunity, performance and reduces human fatigue. Also, vitamin C can reduce the effect of allergens on the body.

According to the standards of the World Health Organization, an adult must consume at least 90 milligrams of vitamin C per day, pregnant women should increase this rate per day by 10 milligrams, and nursing mothers by as much as 30 milligrams. For children, the norm is considered to be from 30 to 90 milligrams of vitamin C per day.

Side effects from excessive use of vitamin C include the occurrence of skin rashes, irritation, diarrhea, irritation of the urinary tract, and allergic manifestations.

Vitamin use

Ascorbic acid is widely used in the food industry. As a food additive E300, it can be found in fish or meat products, many types of confectionery, in canned food. Ascorbic acid performs the role of an antioxidant in the food sector, which does not allow food to oxidize and change its original color.

In order for vitamin C not to disappear from foods, they must be stored and prepared properly. The fact is that this substance is quickly destroyed during long-term storage of products, and also, if they are in the open air for a long time in a cleaned and chopped form, they are defrosted for a long time. All products must be cleaned and cut immediately before placing them in boiling water, or put them in boiling water in frozen form.

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