- Ascofer – general characteristics of the drug
- Ascofer – composition and action
- Ascofer – absorption and excretion of iron from the body
- Ascofer – indications for use
- Ascofer – contraindications to use
- Ascofer – precautions
- Ascofer – dosage
- Ascofer – side effects
- Ascofer – drug interactions
- Ascofer and food and drink
- Ascofer and pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Ascofer — cena
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Ascofer is an over-the-counter medicine. This preparation is used by patients to supplement iron deficiencies. One tablet contains a dose of 200 mg of iron (II) gluconate, which corresponds to 23,2 mg of iron (II) ions. How does Ascofer work and when should it be used? Are there any contraindications to the use of Ascofer? How to dose the preparation and what to remember when using it? How much does Ascofer cost and can other treatments be used at the same time?
Ascofer – general characteristics of the drug
Ascofer is a widely available drug and its purchase does not require a prescription. It is a preparation used orally, primarily when diagnosed with iron deficiency.
The manufacturer and distributor of Ascofer is Espefa. Espefa is a chemical and pharmaceutical labor cooperative that was established in 1946. The founders of the cooperative were three Krakow pharmacists: Stanisław Szymański, Aleksander Kaszycki and Jan Szustow. The seat of the Espefa cooperative is located in Kraków.
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Ascofer – composition and action
The drug Ascofer is a preparation that is used in the case of iron deficiency. Therefore, the active substance of Ascofer is iron (II) gluconate at a dose of 200 mg, corresponding to 23,2 mg of iron ions. 1 film-coated tablet contains 200 mg of active substance.
Iron is one of the basic components of hemoglobin, myoglobin and the enzymes associated with the respiratory chain. Some of the iron in our body is used by the cells of the erythroblastic system to produce hemoglobin. The remainder accumulates in the form of ferritin and haemosiderin in the spleen and liver. The special design of the Ascofer tablet ensures a slow release of iron ions from it, which prevents side effects.
The correct serum iron concentration should be 50–150 µg / ml. Deficiency of this element is usually diagnosed in states of increased demand or chronic latent blood loss. The steady reduction of iron concentration occurs when the tissue reserves of this element are exhausted. We are informed about the bad iron concentration by the morphology result, and most of all by the hemoglobin level.
Other ingredients are also used in the production of Ascofer. The excipients of Ascofer are ascorbic acid, talc, potato starch, stearic acid, propylene glycol and the Aqua-Polish P red coating composed of: hypromellose, hydroxypropylcellulose, macrogol, triglycerides of medium-chain saturated fatty acids, talc, titanium dioxide (E171) , Allura red AC, lake (E 129), black iron oxide (E 172), red iron oxide E 172).
When is it worth reaching for iron tablets? Check: Iron in tablets – application, deficiency symptoms
Ascofer – absorption and excretion of iron from the body
The active substance in Ascofer is mainly absorbed in the duodenum and upper small intestine. It is important to remember that absorption of iron is inversely related to the dose administered. This means that the higher the dose of iron you take, the lower the absorption of this compound will be. Proportionality also applies to the degree of deficiency of this element. The higher the patient’s iron deficiency, the better the absorption of the active ingredient.
Some of the iron that is not absorbed into the body is excreted in the faeces. Iron is excreted from the body by exfoliation of the epithelial cells of the digestive tract and skin, but also through sweating. It is estimated that about 1 mg of iron is excreted during the day. It is also important to take into account that in women, iron loss is much higher during the menstrual period.
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Ascofer – indications for use
Long-term iron deficiency is a threat to the human body. First of all, they cause disturbances in the production of red blood cells and hinder the tissue breathing process. This is due to the declining amount of proteins that carry and consume oxygen. I am talking about hemoglobin and myoglobin.
Therefore, proper diagnosis and implementation of treatment are very important. Indications for the use of Ascofer are:
- iron deficiency conditions associated with blood loss – for example, after trauma, chronic bleeding, surgery, dialysis, in women with heavy menstrual bleeding;
- states of increased demand of the body for iron (in children during intensive growth, in women during pregnancy or breastfeeding);
- conditions associated with malabsorption – for example, after gastrectomy or malabsorption syndrome;
- a diet with too little iron.
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Ascofer – contraindications to use
Despite its effectiveness and its availability, Ascofer cannot be used by all patients diagnosed with iron deficiency.
Contraindications to the use of Ascofer are:
- blood diseases, including: haemosiderosis, haemochromatosis (pigmented cirrhosis characterized by increased absorption and excessive iron deposition in internal organs), haemolytic and aplastic anemia, proliferative diseases;
- cirrhosis;
- multiple blood transfusions (transfusions);
- taking other drugs containing iron in the form of drips;
- diagnosed late cutaneous porphyria;
- malabsorption from the gastrointestinal tract;
- hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients of the drug.
How to compose a diet so that it is rich in iron? Read on: What to eat to raise blood iron levels? Here are the best products
Ascofer – precautions
When using Ascofer, follow the instructions described in the package leaflet. It also includes precautions that should be kept in mind during the treatment.
Patients taking Ascofer should be aware that the use of this preparation may cause black stools due to the presence of unabsorbed iron. It should be remembered that this does not affect the effectiveness of the drug and it does not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient.
Particular precautions should be taken when the drug is used in children and adolescents. The recommended doses must not be exceeded, and other causes of morphological disturbances than iron deficiency should be ruled out before starting the drug.
Precautions while taking the drug should also be observed in cases of:
- hepatitis or liver dysfunction;
- kidney disease;
- inflammation of the intestines;
- an active stomach ulcer and / or duodenal ulcer.
The use of Ascofer in the elderly also requires special care. Taking the preparation in elderly patients may increase the risk of side effects.
It should also be remembered that the drug contains a dye that has strong allergenic properties. It is an azo dye: Allura red AC, lake (E 129).
Ascofer should be:
- Keep out of the reach of children;
- store at room temperature, below 25 degrees Celsius;
- protect from light and moisture;
- after the expiry date, discard in the indicated place. Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste.
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Ascofer – dosage
Always use Ascofer exactly as described in this leaflet or as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. Always consult a doctor if you have any doubts. Ascofer and any iron preparations should not be used without prior diagnosis. The decision to start taking Ascofer should never be based on suspicion of iron deficiency.
The correct dosage of Ascofer depends on the age of the patient.
Dosage of Ascofer in adults:
- therapeutically: 2 film-coated tablets three times a day with or after food; in severe iron deficiency 2 coated tablets 4 times a day;
- as a preventive measure: approximately 60 mg iron (3 film-coated tablets) daily in divided doses.
Dosage of Ascofer in children and adolescents:
- Therapeutic in children over 3 years of age: 4 to 6 mg of iron per kilogram of body weight per day in divided doses;
- as a preventive measure: 2 mg per kilogram body weight daily in divided doses.
Ascofer should be administered orally. Achieving the full therapeutic effect requires regular and long-term use of the preparation. The duration of treatment with Ascofer should be determined by your doctor.
Ascofer should be taken on an empty stomach or between meals. In the event of symptoms of gastrointestinal intolerance, the tablets can be taken after a meal, although iron absorption may be reduced.
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Ascofer – side effects
Ascofer, like any other drug, may cause side effects in patients. It is important to report any suspected adverse reactions after authorization of the medicinal product so that the benefit / risk balance of the medicinal product can be monitored.
The frequency classification of adverse body reactions (ADRs) is based on the following principles: very common (≥1 / 10), common (≥1 / 100 to
The following side effects may occur when taking Ascofer:
- diarrhea;
- constipation;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- heartburn;
- epigastric pain.
The above symptoms are an indication to reduce the doses taken so far.
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Ascofer – drug interactions
Before taking Ascofer, always inform your doctor or pharmacist about all medications you are currently taking. The simultaneous use of Ascofer with other preparations is not always beneficial to the patient.
The most important interactions include:
- Ascofer i Biktarvy – these preparations contain iron and bictegravir. Iron inhibits the absorption of bictegravir from the gastrointestinal tract. This can significantly reduce the antiviral effects of bictegravir;
- Ascofer i Tivicay, Triumeq – these preparations contain iron and dolutegravir. The combination of both drugs reduces the antiviral effect of dolutegravir. In this case, treatment may be completely ineffective;
- Ascofer in Bortezomib Accord, Vortemyel, Bortezomib Glenmark – these preparations contain vitamin C and bortezomib. Using them at the same time significantly reduces the anti-tumor effects of bortezomib;
- Ascofer in Alphalipogamma, Thiogamma Tak, Thiogamma – Ir – these preparations contain iron and thioctic acid. Iron interacts with thioctic acid to form inactive complexes. Simultaneous use of the preparations causes that the treatment does not bring the expected results;
- Ascofer i Quintor, Cetraxal, Cetraxal Plus – these preparations contain iron and ciprofloxacin. Iron reduces the absorption of ciprofloxacin from the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, the effectiveness of ciprofloxacin in fighting bacteria is reduced;
- Ascofer i Quofenix – these preparations contain iron and delafloxacin. As in the previous interaction, iron reduces the absorption of deflafloxacin from the gastrointestinal tract. The effectiveness of the antibacterial treatment is then very low;
- Ascofer i Levofloxacin Fp, Xyvelam, Levofloxacin Sanovel – these preparations contain iron and levofloxacin. Iron causes lower absorption of levofloxacin from the gastrointestinal tract, which reduces the effectiveness of the treatment;
- Ascofer i Floxamic Neo, Floxitrat, Avelox – these preparations contain iron and moxifloxacin. Iron reduces the absorption of moxifloxacin from the gastrointestinal tract. This in turn makes moxifloxacin ineffective against bacteria;
- Ascofer i Nolicin, Chibroxin, Chibroxin — Ir – these preparations contain iron and norfloxacin. Iron reduces the absorption of norfloxacin from the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, the effectiveness in combating bacteria will be much lower;
- Ascofer i Abaktal, Pefloksacyna Richter – these preparations contain iron and pefloxacin. Iron reduces the absorption of pefloxacin from the gastrointestinal tract, which at the same time reduces its effectiveness in fighting bacteria;
- Ascofer and Artificial New Brand, Coldrex Muco Grip, Analget – these preparations contain vitamin C and paracetamol. Vitamin C increases the concentration of paracetamol in the blood, which in turn may increase the risk of side effects;
- Ascofer i Urofuraginum, Furaginum, Neofuragina – these preparations contain ascorbic acid and furazidba. Concomitant use of these drugs may cause a stronger effect of furazidine and increase the occurrence of side effects, including nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite or headache.
Ascofer can interact with many other drugs and cause various side effects. This is due to the fact that iron affects the absorption of other compounds. Decreased absorption of the substances in question results in low effectiveness of treatment. If medications have been prescribed by different physicians, consultation may be advisable to determine whether these medications can be used simultaneously and, if so, whether there is a need to modify the way they are taken. If the drugs are prescribed by the same doctor, follow his recommendations.
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Ascofer and food and drink
It is recommended to take Ascofer on an empty stomach. The preparation with iron should not be taken simultaneously with coffee, tea, eggs or meals that contain bicarbonates, carbonates, oxalates or phosphates. Ascofer should also not be taken with milk, milk products, whole grain bread or cereals and other fiber-containing products, as these can reduce iron absorption.
If you consume the products from the list above, do not take Ascofer for the next two hours.
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Ascofer and pregnancy and breastfeeding
The use of any medications or dietary supplements during pregnancy requires consultation with the attending physician.
Prophylactic use of iron in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and during lactation is advisable, but it always requires blood count tests to determine the correct dose of the drug. Excessive iron intake may be harmful to the unborn child or the breastfed baby.
The recommended daily iron intake for pregnant and lactating women is 26 mg.
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Ascofer — cena
The price of the drug Ascofer may differ depending on the town where the preparation will be purchased or the selected pharmacy. It can be estimated that the average price of Ascofer is about PLN 10.
Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home.