Asceticism is a discipline of life which consists in exercising one’s will against natural tendencies of the body or the mind. Self-discipline would make you happier. Why ? And how to achieve more self-discipline?
What is asceticism?
Asceticism comes from the Greek word askésis which is originally part of the sports vocabulary and which designates the demanding lifestyle adopted by athletes: diet, sleep, exercises …
Asceticism implies renouncements, privations. It is a discipline of life. It is a question of imposing a discipline (self-discipline) and thus of exercising one’s will against natural tendencies of the body or the mind. Meditation and fasting are thus ascetic practices.
This exercise of the will and this discipline of life remain most of the time in measure and in balance. There are more extreme ascetic practices with the practice of mortifications and penance.
Self-discipline linked to asceticism: its benefits
Self-discipline is the ability to resist impulses to achieve goals.
Many American psychologists and coaches have written that self-discipline makes you happy.
Self-discipline and taking charge of yourself would allow you to experience more positive emotions and to be generally more satisfied with your life.
Self-discipline allows you to give up habits that make you unhappy (eating too much sugar, going to bed too late, etc.).
Also, being able to delay meeting some of your needs just to achieve certain goals results in a real sense of self-control and that makes you happy!
How to develop more self-discipline?
The will works like a muscle. Self-discipline can therefore develop like a muscle. With practice, it becomes easier to resist impulses.
Developing new habits (food, activity, method) to achieve goals is the essence of self-discipline. Automating new behavior takes a little over two months. Once it is almost automatic, you no longer need
To motivate yourself, think about the advantages of your new inhabitants, not the constraints!
Meditation for more self-discipline
Meditation increases willpower. It has been proven by science. For example, a study by an Italian neuroscientist showed that people who meditated regularly for 8 weeks had strengthened the part of their brain responsible for self-control.
So to resist impulses more easily, meditate!
For example, you can practice a simple meditation exercise, mindful breathing.
Make yourself comfortable, resting your hands on your thighs, eyes open or closed.
Concentrate only on your breathing. Be aware of the movement of your chest and stomach as you breathe, as well as the air coming in and out of your nostrils. When your thoughts drift, slowly regain awareness of your breathing.
Start with a 1 minute exercise to begin with, then gradually move on to a 2 or 3 minute exercise.