As it turns out, detergents are as bad for your health as cigarettes.

This is the conclusion reached by scientists at the University of Bergen in Norway. According to them, regular use of detergents and cleaning products increases the risk of lung dysfunction in women. After all, it is women – despite equality and the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the form of dishwashers – who are busy washing dishes more than men. 

Research on the effects of detergents lasted for 20 years. It was attended by over 6 people with an average age of 000 years. During this entire period, doctors monitored the state of the respiratory system of the volunteers.

To illustrate the deterioration in lung function, the term “forced expiration” was used – a quick and complete exhalation after maximum inspiration. It turned out that during the year the volume of forced expiration in the first second decreased by 3,6 milliliters for housewives and by 3,9 milliliters for professional housekeepers. 

And the forced vital capacity of the lungs (the total volume of air that a person can exhale) decreased by 4,3 milliliters per year for ordinary women and by 7,1 milliliters for those who earn money by cleaning.


Using detergent or cleaning agent irritates the nasal mucosa and impairs lung function. The more cleaning with chemistry, the more the lungs deteriorate

Scientists tend to compare the degree of lung function impairment in housekeepers with the harm caused by cigarettes to smokers with 20 years of experience. 

There is only one way out – to use funds with a biological basis.

We will remind, earlier we told how to wash dishes without detergent, and also warned against not washing in a dishwasher. 

Be healthy! 

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