Arzábal, innkeepers of the XNUMXst century

Arzábal, innkeepers of the XNUMXst century

Arzábal, innkeepers of the XNUMXst century

Wanting is power. That could be the motto of Arzábal, the Madrid tandem with a hipster appearance that bet a “all or nothing” for your brand. Today it is part of the select gastronomic elite of our country for its personality and artisan style.

Alvaro Castellanos e Iván Morales they met by chance. They both shared a group of friends “Good food”, with which every Monday they went to inspect new restaurants for inspiration. After sharing many experiences and some ideas for the future, these friends, now family, had it clear. “Without almost realizing it, we were before the notary signing this adventure,” they say.

In just seven years they have managed to fulfill their dreams and exceed their own expectations with humility, perseverance and sacrifice. So much so that they have gone from being their own waiters and cooks to successful entrepreneurs to which there is no project that resists them.

“Despite the good reception our spaces are having, we don’t stop working. We are passionate about giving good service and sharing with customers “, the partners confess.

Its Arzábal taverns are a benchmark and its tapas a classic: torrijas and croquettes, among others, make a difference and are not lacking in any of its menus. «We have not invented anything, but we have caused that a restaurant without a bar is not built in Madrid, where there is music and you can have a drink. That was not done before »Álvaro acknowledges.

Its restaurants

  • Arzábal Tavern

    C / Menéndez Pelayo, 13


    915 57 26 91

    Price: Mediterranean Cuisine

  • Arzábal Ponzano

    C / Bretón de los Herreros, 29


    915 94 06 90

    Price: Reinterpretation of traditional cuisine

  • Arzábal Foodtrucks

    Version of your tavern on wheels

    Price: Tapas and sandwiches reinvented

  • ‘A’ Japanese Kirikata

    C / De Antonio Acuña, 19


    914 35 88 29

    Price: Japanese and Castilian recipes

  • Arzábal Tavern in the Reina Sofía Museum

    C / Santa Isabel, 52


    915 28 68 28

    Price: The tavern concept at its best

And it is that, despite being customized according to the concept of the premises, its localthey do not lose the essence that they make them a meeting point between friends and good times. “Where we are, things happen,” there are surprises. As a premise we have to be happy and always enjoy ‘ its the first. You cannot be at 200% all day, but the attitude with which you face life is essential and if you come to Arzábal you know that you will be happy. That feeling is the most rewarding thing and the engine to continue creating experiences », adds Iván.

The beginnings

In 2009 its gastroenterprise project was launched with the opening of The Arzábal Tavern in the Retiro neighborhood, the beginning of everything. «The project started in a very traditional way and that packaging has been accompanying us throughout these years. We have kept the classic cookbook in each of the different menus and an attractive offer of wines and champagne that accompany us wherever we go ”, they point out.

The restless head of these entrepreneurs “foodies” It does not stop working and inspiring at any moment in the day. “A ‘Japanese Kirikata, for example, arose from a trip we took through Berlin, Paris and London. We loved that fusion of fancy cocktail and Japanese food, ”they explain. This place is its purest essence under a clandestine atmosphere. Its liquid cuisine made explosive cocktails and its varied menu of quality sushi make you live an unparalleled experience for the senses.

In these years, with three businesses underway and another on wheels (literally) as is the «Foodtruck», came the great challenge of the Arzábal Tavern in the Reina Sofia Museum, his most ambitious project, a fusion of art and good cuisine with a garden like an oasis in the heart of Madrid. «It was like the culmination of all the work. In the end the trajectory has led us to the museum, we have not gone to it, it has come to us. Until now there was no museum with a tavern and now there is. Wines with glasses, DJ clicking where portions are served … The Museum is the fruit of the path that these years have taken, a personal and business evolution. We are very happy and satisfied », they assure.

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