Arvest (Арвест)

Arvest is a new generation Armenian cognac, but made in strict accordance with ancient traditions. The trademark was registered in Russia in 2001 and belongs to the Aregak brandy factory located in the village of Dalar, in the center of the Ararat Valley. The company also produces a line of ordinary Aregak cognacs.

Historical reference. The countdown of its history at the enterprise dates back to the end of the XNUMXth century, considering themselves, although not direct heirs, but still the successors of the founder of the old plant. Initially, the merchant Hovsep Abrahamyan produced wine and was engaged in trade, but the glory of the Shustov brandy factory haunted him. The winemaker bought copper alambicas in France, re-equipped his production and spared no time and effort to learn a new craft for him. Thanks to remarkable perseverance, he achieved his goal – to create a drink that will not be inferior in quality to Shustov’s cognac.

So in 1889, Aregak cognac appeared, named after the mythological god of the Sun. Abrahamyan felt that he could speak on equal terms with recent competitors, and their rivalry grew into a partnership. The industrialist supplied his cognac spirits and barrels made at his own cooperage for the needs of the Shustov and Smirnov factories, until the events of October 17 forced him to leave his homeland. The church he built was destroyed, and his offspring was nationalized.

After the collapse of the Union, in the wake of the revival of private initiative, the plant was purchased from the state. He was given back his former name, and the church next to him was restored. Today, the family business uses its own grapes to distill spirits, revived the cooper’s shop and develops a new elite line of cognacs in memory of its predecessor.



  • 2003 – Gold (Arvest XO 10 years old) medal and the title of “Best Product”.

Tasting competition within the framework of the forum “Beverage Industry – ALCO&DRINKS SHOW”:

  • 2002 – Gold (Arvest XO Extra) medal.

ProdExtraPack competition within Prodexpo:

  • 2013 – Gold (Arvest Napoleon) medal in the competition for the best design of the bottle, label and logo.

International competition “Grand Etiquette”:

  • 2017 – silver award for a series of labels for the collection of cognacs “Arvest”.

International professional competition of wines and spirits, Moscow:

  • 2018 – Grand Prix (Arvest HO Reserve).

Types of cognac Arvest

Arvest VSOP, 5 years, 42%

When creating cognac, the master of blending was inspired by the images of Armenian mythology, and it is not for nothing that the factory itself bears the name of Aregak, the god of the Sun. Carefully selected proportions, a well-thought-out composition made it possible to embody this idea in a golden-honey color and a bright aromatic range, which is rarely found in young cognac. The drink is warming, without obtrusive sweetness and excessive dryness, with a mild taste and a long-lasting aftertaste with a touch of orange peel.

Arvest XO 10 years, 40%

The blend is based on ten-year-old spirits smoked from autochthonous Armenian grape varieties. The oldest and rarest of them are aged in numbered oak barrels, which are stored in the “Paradise” of the plant. During the time spent in “imprisonment”, distillates manage to get everything from oak: chocolate and honey tones, bright notes of nuts and dried fruits. The dark amber drink leaves thick “legs” on the walls of the glass, it is noticeably oily, it is pleasant to hold it in the mouth, listening to the sensations. In the aftertaste, waves of sweetness and astringency replace each other.

Arvest ХО Reserve, 40%

Cognac is a composition of distillates with a minimum exposure of 20 years. Alcohols are produced exclusively from autochthonous varieties of white grapes grown in the Ararat Valley: Mskhali, Chilar, Kakhet. The drink has a dark amber color with a golden sheen. The rich and multi-layered bouquet unfolds gradually: first, woody and fruity tones are released, against which notes of prunes, blackberries, and hazelnuts appear a little later. Thanks to the skillful assemblage, the taste demonstrates the same richness of shades as the aromatic range. The finish is long and moderately dry, leaving a feeling of enveloping sweetness.

Arvest Napoleon, 41%

Cognac requires thoughtful tasting: the minimum age of cognac distillates in a blend is 7 years. The bouquet is made up of predominantly sweet fruit tones, tinted with nuances of old wood, walnut partitions. A little deeper are vanilla-jam shades and notes of plum marshmallow with a characteristic sourness. The taste is also dominated by sweetness, but it does not have time to become boring, it dries out with a tart aftertaste. The manufacturer sees his Napoleon as an excellent digestif: a friendly conversation with him after a hearty dinner will become even more exciting, and solitude in an armchair will become more meaningful.

Arvest (Арвест)

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