Arugula – why is it worth eating? Properties of fresh arugula

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The rocket has a very original, spicy flavor, which is why more and more people use it in their kitchen. Today we can get it in almost every grocery store. This means that we can draw handfuls of its beneficial properties for health. What does arugula hide? Who should introduce it into their diet?

Rocket, or rocket, is gaining more and more popularity, especially among fans of Mediterranean cuisine. Nowadays it is very easy to get it in almost every greengrocer, so you can easily include it in your menu. The original and unique taste of arugula is gaining more and more admirers, who are also convinced by numerous health-promoting properties. Therefore, it is worth getting to know them.

Properties of arugula

The rocket contains many important nutrients. In 100 gr we will find, among others vitamin K in an amount that will meet our daily requirement. In addition, after eating such an amount of arugula, we will provide half of the requirement for vitamin A, 1/4 of the requirement for vitamin C and folates. Rocket is also a source of B vitamins.

In addition to vitamins, we also find many minerals valuable for health. Especially a lot of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and manganese in it. Importantly for our health, it contains only 25 kcal, because it consists mostly of water.

The green leaves of the rocket are much higher in nutrients, e.g. iceberg lettuce, popular in Poland. The high content of vitamin K will support our skeletal system. Thanks to the high fiber content in rocket and low calorie content, it provides a feeling of fullness for longer and improves the peristalsis of our intestines.

Few people are aware of its anti-cancer effects, which it owes to antioxidants. However, thanks to the iron content, the rocket prevents anemia. In turn, potassium will improve the work of the circulatory system.

The high water content makes the rocket perfect for hot summer days. Its unique taste and aroma will bring refreshment to our dishes and salads. Few people also know that its sharp taste is related to the bactericidal effect.

Our skin will also benefit from eating rocket salad, because it also contains large amounts of vitamin C. We can also find chlorophyll, known for its detoxifying effect. On the other hand, the vitamin A content will improve our eyesight.

What should you know about arugula?

Arugula has been recognized as an aphrodisiac since the XNUMXst century AD. It was known and used in ancient Rome. According to old records, thanks to her properties, lovers easily aroused desire. In addition, the rocket provided fertility and even treated impotence. Since she was a symbol of potency, in ancient times she was planted around monuments to Priap, who was the god of fertility.

What are the features of fresh rocket?

When buying arugula, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the leaves. Fresh and healthy, the rocket has a nice uniform shade of green. Leaves should be undamaged and the package must be free from water or moisture. After opening the package, it is best to store it in the refrigerator wrapped in a damp paper towel.

Rucola should always be thoroughly rinsed to get rid of harmful chemicals that were supposed to protect it from pests and slow down spoilage. However, if you bought a rocket in a plastic box, remove it quickly. The heat generated in a plastic box can release harmful nitrosamines.

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