Artificial intelligence diagnoses breast cancer better than a radiologist

Research suggests that artificial intelligence is able to analyze mammography results and diagnose breast cancer with greater accuracy than doctors. A specially designed computer program reads mammography pictures and recognizes irregularities. It could be a revolution in the diagnosis of this cancer.

Artificial intelligence diagnoses breast cancer

Artificial intelligence is the future of medicine. A few months ago, ophthalmologists from Warsaw presented an innovative method of screening for glaucoma using artificial intelligence. Now scientists from London are testing artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of breast cancer.

See also: Innovative glaucoma examination developed by Polish ophthalmologists

An international team consisting of, among others from scientists from Google Health and Imperial College London, he designed and trained a computer model, uploading X-ray images of almost 29 thousand. women. The algorithm created in this way reads the mammography results faster and more accurately than radiologists.

Another thing that distinguishes artificial intelligence is the fact that it is much less likely to give a false-negative result. Importantly, the computer program only had mammography pictures at its disposal, unlike doctors who know the patient’s entire medical history.

Despite this, artificial intelligence turned out to be more effective in diagnosing the disease.

See also: Breast cancer has no record. It takes a deadly toll every year

Artificial intelligence will replace doctors?

There is no such possibility yet. Even if a breast cancer diagnosis software comes into use, it will need to be handled by a radiologist. The introduction of artificial intelligence can only reduce the length of the diagnosis process by eliminating the need for two doctors to read the diagnosis. It can also relieve them at work.

The use of artificial intelligence could speed up diagnosis, and experts hope a similar technology could be used to improve the breast cancer detection rate. The earlier the cancer is detected, the greater the chance of a successful cure.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Polish women still take breast cancer
  2. After giving birth, the risk of breast cancer increases. The first five years are the worst
  3. Breast cancer likes alcohol. How much is dangerous?

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