Articulation gymnastics for children: a developmental complex for a child
Articulatory gymnastics for children helps to learn to pronounce sounds correctly. It is difficult for babies to speak. Special exercises help them learn to speak faster.
What is a set of articulatory exercises for?
The kid learns to speak by looking at adults and trying to imitate them. But not all sounds are easy for him. In order to help him, you can do with him a special exercise for the speech apparatus.
Articulatory gymnastics for children is the best way to get your baby to talk
The articulation apparatus includes:
- tongue;
- cheek;
- lips;
- bridle.
All these organs are involved in the pronunciation of sounds. If an organ does not work well, the pronunciation remains indistinct. In this case, the articulation apparatus needs charging.
How old are you to do articulatory gymnastics
If the baby has problems with pronunciation and speech in general, do not expect that he will grow up and everything will correct itself. You can start classes even from 2 years old, but since at this age all the kids speak poorly, it is still difficult to understand whether there are deviations in speech or not. In three or four-year-old children, an experienced speech therapist will already be able to determine for sure whether there are violations and which ones.
If you started correcting speech in elementary school, it will be more difficult to achieve a good result. At an earlier age, this will be easier, since the speech apparatus in babies is just being formed, and you just need to direct this development in the right direction.
How to do exercises with a child correctly
In order for the classes not to be a burden and give the desired result, you need to follow the following rules:
- Classes should be fun and entertaining. Spend them in a playful way.
- Better individual lessons with a child, rather than group lessons. The kid should see what example adults are setting for him.
- Each lesson should include no more than 3 exercises.
- Explain the new exercise clearly, with a demonstration of movements.
Keep a close eye on how your baby is doing the exercises, correct and praise him, even if he is not doing very well at first. This will inspire him and he will try even harder.
The crumb may not understand his mistakes, since he does not see his own language, therefore, it is necessary to study in front of the mirror. Then he will see what he is doing, compare it with the actions of his parents. This will make it easier for him to see his mistakes.
At the beginning of the session, 1-2 basic exercises should be explained, and the rest should be added gradually, but not more than 1 exercise for each session. If you find it difficult to do the old exercises, postpone the new ones. Let your baby get used to the previous ones and remember them.
Some examples of developmental exercises
Exercises should be selected by a speech therapist, depending on which articulation skill needs to be improved. But there are a few basic exercises that will help everyone:
- Window. Use two words: cold and hot. If it’s hot – open your mouth, cold – close it.
- We brush our teeth. Ask your baby to smile. Then show him how to brush his teeth with his tongue.
- Dough. Ask your baby to show the tip of the tongue. In this position, knead the tongue with your lips alternating with teeth.
- Cup. Ask to smile and open your mouth. Show him how to make a cup by sharpening the tip of his tongue.
- Dudka. Ask to close your teeth and in this position stretch your lips with a tube.
To keep the kid’s interest, you can come up with a fairy tale and accompany the lessons with games.
If you want to teach your child to speak correctly, see a speech therapist. He will pick up exercises that are right for you, give tasks that you can do at home, and generally guide the whole process.