Artichokes – properties, preparation, recipes

Artichokes (Cynara scolymus) are vegetables valued in the cuisine of many countries, not only because of their taste, but also valuable nutritional values. The high content of cynarin and inulin makes the consumption of artichokes very beneficial to our digestive system, and also positively influences metabolism.

Artichokes – properties

Artichokes were first appreciated in the Mediterranean countries, from where they spread all over the world. ABOUT artichokes wrote already in the XNUMXth century BC Theophrastus – a student of Aristotle. Ancient Romans valued artichokes due to their properties regulating the work of the liver and kidneys, artichokes they were also an easily accessible natural remedy for digestive problems. We recommend the artichoke elixir available at a promotional price on the Medonet Market. You can also buy the elixir in the CHOLESTEROL Set together with herbal tea and cholesterol capsules. As it also has a beneficial effect on the liver and digestion, it can also be found in FOR GOOD DIGESTION – herbal set.

In the twentieth century, scientists discovered what substance is behind the beneficial effects of artichokes on the condition of our bodies – we are talking about cynarines. Cynarin is responsible for the inhibition of cholesterol synthesis, it also supports the process of removing cholesterol from bile and influences the faster conversion of cholesterol into bile acids. Cynarin also has a beneficial effect on all digestive system diseases, especially digestive problems and the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Moreover, it is known to use an extract of artichokes as a medicine for the liver.

Artichokes are a natural barrier to free radicals. Artichokes delay the aging processes and are a valuable ingredient used in anti-cancer prophylaxis.

Artichokes they also turn out to be an ally in the fight against diabetes. Inulin present in artichokes has properties that allow you to maintain an adequate level of sugar in the blood, and chlorogenic acid increases blood glucose tolerance, while reducing the number of sugars absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

Artichokes are recommended for people on a slimming diet. These vegetables have a very low glycemic index – 18 and have a caloric value artichokes per 100 g it is only 47 kcal. Moreover, artichokes they have a very low fat content and high fiber concentration, which is why many nutritionists suggest eating them a slimming diet.

You can buy EKO artichoke herb at Medonet Market. You can prepare an organic tea from it, the regular drinking of which will strengthen the body.

Artichokes as a cosmetic

Included in artichokes cynarin also has properties antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, which makes it artichoke extract it is an ingredient of many cosmetics dedicated to acne-prone skin.

Included in artichokes B vitamins counteract the formation of seborrhea, and extracts from artichokes they are used in the compositions of preparations designed to fight eczema, psoriasis and urticaria.

Artichokes – how to prepare?

Karchochy They are not yet a very popular vegetable in Poland, which is why few of us know how to prepare artichokes. First of all, before cooking, artichoke should be carefully framed. Holding the flower, cut off the stem, then the hard outer leaves and the lignified elements of the side leaves. The next step is to cut the inflorescence at the height of about 1/3 artichoke. Finally, you need to cut artichoke in half and remove the inner hairy part. During this step, be careful not to damage the so-called artichoke hearts. Framed artichoke it should be put in water with lemon juice or sprinkled directly with lemon, as the vegetable turns black very quickly. Artichokes you can cook, bake and fry.

You can also buy ready-made 1000ml artichoke juice, which has a positive effect on the human body and is convenient to use. Herbal Monasterium artichoke juice is available in 500 ml bottles.

Artichokes – recipes

Adventure with artichokes it is worth starting with simple recipes. Here are the simplest of them:

Baked artichokes with Parmesan cheese

It takes a few to make this dish artichokes (depending on how many people are cooking for), olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice and grated Parmesan.

Artichokes frame them properly, and then place them in boiling water with lemon juice. Remember that 1 artichoke requires about 1 liter of water for cooking. Artichokes cook for 35 minutes, until tender.

Then drain off artichokes and put them in a casserole dish greased with olive oil. Artichokes Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese as desired. Bake for 5-8 minutes at 180 degrees.

Salad with artichokes and feta cheese

For the salad we need: a jar artichokes in brine, heads of iceberg lettuce, 300 g of cherry tomatoes, a jar of black pitted olives, fresh basil leaves, a cube of feta cheese, a small red onion, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper.

Slice all the ingredients as you like, then season with salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Ready!

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