Arthritis diet

Diet for arthritis is very important, but the nutrition that I will discuss in this article may surprise you. All you have to do is cut all nightshades and your joint problems will be solved

What not to eat with arthritis?

By adhering to a certain diet and not including forbidden foods in your diet, you can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease: reduce inflammation and pain, reduce swelling, and get rid of excess body weight.

With arthritis, you can not use:

  • Strong tea and coffee. They should be avoided due to the fact that an excess of caffeine in the body leads to leaching of calcium from the bones. This provokes the development of arthritis and aggravates its course.

  • Meat dishes. The fact is that the composition of animal products includes arachidonic acid. Once in the human body, it breaks down into eicosanoids. It is these biologically active substances that cause inflammation of the joints, which leads to arthritis.

  • Arthritis diet

  • Alcohol. The use of alcoholic beverages leads to the fact that active substances such as adrenaline and dopamine enter the human bloodstream. They exacerbate the course of the disease, increasing inflammation in the tissues of the joint. At the same time, the level of potassium in the blood decreases, which leads to the formation of edema. The fluid in the periarticular bag begins to arrive, the pressure inside it increases. If alcohol intoxication occurs, then thinning of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint will also occur. It is also dangerous to drink alcohol along with drugs, such as analgesics.

  • Chocolate. These products contain concentrated sugar, which will contribute to the accumulation of excess weight. This will negatively affect the condition of the joints, contributing to their deformation.

  • Salt. These white crystals lead to the deposition of salts in the joints, contribute to a decrease in bone mass, an increase in edema, the development of inflammation and increased pain.

  • French fries, chips, crackers, margarine, cakes. All these foods contain trans fats, which will lead to weight gain, will contribute to circulatory disorders, which means that sore joints will receive less nutrients, which will aggravate the course of arthritis.

  • Egg yolk, butter, cod liver, eggplant tomatoes, sour cream, etc. It will contribute to the fact that there is a risk of developing gout, and hence an attack of gouty arthritis.

In general, there are few foods that are banned in people with arthritis. All of them are replaceable, and a person will not experience severe discomfort when switching to a diet. Moreover, it should be strictly adhered to only on those days when the disease is in the acute stage. During periods of remission, the diet is not so strict.

What to eat for arthritis?

Arthritis diet

There are whole food groups that must be consumed by patients with arthritis.

But eight of the most useful ones can be distinguished from them, they contain the maximum amount of useful substances that will help the inflamed joint to return to normal:

  • Salmon. This fish is a champion in the content of omega – 3 acids. They are necessary for the joints in order to relieve inflammation in them. The most useful is the fish that is caught in the seas, the one that grew up in the wild. In artificially grown fish, the content of omega-3 is much less. Salmon also contains vitamin D3, which is simply irreplaceable for bones.

  • Almonds, which contains a large amount of vitamin E. Its regular intake in the body contributes to the fact that the outer membrane of the articular bags will be strengthened. This will protect the joint from free radical damage. If a person with arthritis is allergic to this nut, then it can always be replaced with sunflower seeds or peanuts. An important vitamin is also in them, but in slightly reduced doses.

  • Papaya. Its advantage lies in the fact that it contains just a huge amount of vitamin C. According to recent studies, it is he who affects both the occurrence and the rate of development of arthritis. It is in vain to believe that there is a lot of this vitamin in oranges and lemons, in papaya it is twice as much. In addition, this exotic fruit contains beta-carotene, which is good for joint health.

  • Applesthat promote collagen production. It is he who forms the basis of the cartilage tissue of the joint, which is destroyed in arthritis. In order to make up for its loss, it is necessary to eat at least one of this fruit, available to almost everyone. Naturally, there is no collagen in apples, but they contain quercetin, which is actively involved in its formation. But in order for the useful component to enter the body in full, the apple must not be peeled and not thermally processed.

  • Black beans preferred over other varieties when it comes to joints. Black beans are higher in antioxidants, especially free radical-fighting anthocyanins, which inhibit the production of cyclooxygenase (cox-2), an enzyme responsible for inflammation. Also, black beans are loaded with manganese, an essential mineral for joint health.

  • Leaf cabbage. This product is rich in calcium, which is essential for bones. Most people believe that to get the required dose of this trace element, you need to drink milk. In fact, it is quite possible to replace it with cabbage, which will be a priority for arthritis patients. After all, it also contains copper (which is needed for the formation of collagen), as well as manganese (which contributes to the production of enzymes to restore cartilage tissue). Eating cabbage even in large quantities, you can not worry about the deposits of bad cholesterol or weight gain.

  • Broccoli are a close relative of kale. They are especially useful for older people. The level of sulforaphane (a component responsible for fighting radicals that destroy cartilage and bone tissue) in the blood is low. In addition, eating broccoli, a person saturates the body with calcium, vitamins A and C.

  • Ginger will relieve swelling and pain. It inhibits the production of COX-2 enzymes that cause joint inflammation. The action of ginger is similar to the action of NSAIDs. Of course, it is not so strong, but it does not give side effects either.

But there are also general recommendations, which boil down to the following:

  • Vegetables and fruits should be on the table. But it is necessary to exclude tomatoes and green onions.

  • You should consume kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese – all fermented milk products, but not milk.

  • Fruits, but only after consulting a doctor. This is due to the fact that the acid contained in some of them can adversely affect the condition of the stomach while taking NSAIDs.

  • From meat, only that which does not contain a large amount of fat should be consumed. For example, rabbit meat, chicken (only boiled chicken, excluding broth, every 2-3 days).

  • Be sure to have a fish on the table of a person with arthritis.

Menu for the week with arthritis

Arthritis diet

Of course, it can be difficult for a person to independently compose a complete diet for the treatment of arthritis. Therefore, you can follow the already prepared recommendations. Depending on the condition of the patient, the proposed scheme can be supplemented or diversified. But at the same time, it is always necessary to remember about those products, the consumption of which is contraindicated.

A sample menu used for inflammation of the joints for 7 days consists of:

1-й день

  • Breakfast should start with fruit – a green apple and one ripe banana. You need to drink green tea, but the tea leaves should not be strong. It is best to use the one that is brewed repeatedly.

  • The second breakfast consists of vegetable broth.

  • For lunch, a salad of cucumber, celery and carrots, seasoned with lemon juice, is eaten. For hot, you need to cook vegetable soup with potatoes, carrots and barley groats. On the second – stewed beans with salmon. Plums can be used as a dessert.

  • Dinner consists of a salad with boiled grated beets and parsnips. Rice stewed with zucchini is used as the main dish. As a dessert, you can eat a baked apple. As for a snack before bedtime, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.

2-й день

  • A bunch of grapes and one avocado, herbal tea without sugar is breakfast.

  • Boiled egg white can be used as a snack.

  • Lunch consists of vegetable soup (onions, potatoes, celery, carrots, millet), chicken breast cutlets and salad (radishes and carrots passed through a grater, seasoned with a small amount of any vegetable oil). As a dessert – berries or one peach.

  • For dinner, you can serve a salad of raw and grated carrots, beets and cucumbers and cottage cheese casserole. Before going to bed – a glass of fermented baked milk.

3-й день

  • For breakfast – buckwheat porridge with prunes, green tea.

  • As a snack before lunch – raw or baked apple.

  • For lunch – a salad of chopped green cabbage seasoned with lemon juice, fish meatballs with mashed potatoes, vegetable soup (potatoes, carrots, broccoli), dried fruit compote.

  • For dinner – steamed chicken breast and cauliflower. Before going to bed – cottage cheese with berries.

4-й день

  • Papaya or melon (up to 300 grams) is eaten for breakfast. You need to drink cranberry juice.

  • As a snack before lunch, you should eat a cottage cheese casserole.

  • For lunch – a salad of cucumber, lettuce and celery, seasoned with lemon juice, fish soup (salmon, potatoes, carrots, onions, millet), stewed green beans.

  • For dinner, a salad of fresh cabbage and carrots with sweet peppers, baked potatoes, steamed fish cakes. As a dessert – raisins. Before going to bed – a glass of kefir.

5-й день

  • Cucumber and radish salad dressed with olive oil, green unsweetened tea and a steamed scrambled egg without yolks from two eggs should be eaten for breakfast.

  • Before lunch, you should have a snack with a fresh apple.

  • The main meal is beetroot soup (beetroot soup with carrots and potatoes) pureed on water, rabbit stew with zucchini (rabbit can be replaced with chicken breast), unsweetened compote.

  • For dinner, steamed fish (pink salmon) with green beans. Morse from berries. For dessert – sorbet with a small amount of berries. Before going to bed – a glass of curdled milk.

6-й день

  • Sauerkraut salad (if it is too salty, then soak it first), buckwheat porridge. As a drink – green tea.

  • Snack before lunch – fresh berries.

  • For lunch, vegetable soup (potatoes, carrots, green peas), salad (from green cabbage, almonds and cucumber with vegetable oil dressing), boiled rice with chicken (only boiled chicken, excluding broth, every 2-3 days), compote.

  • For dinner, cottage cheese pudding, oatmeal porridge on the water with berries, tea. Before going to bed – kefir.

7-й день

  • Cottage cheese casserole, boiled egg without yolk, small amount of chicory coffee for breakfast.

  • Before lunch, you can have a bite of carrot salad with a little sour cream and apricot juice.

  • Lunch should consist of cabbage soup on sour cabbage without meat, boiled chicken breast with baked potatoes and prunes and dried apricots compote.

  • For dinner – carrot casserole, buckwheat porridge with vegetable oil. Before going to bed – a glass of curdled milk.

In doing so, the following principles must be adhered to:

  • Fruits and vegetables should be included in the daily diet at least twice a day. Be sure to eat one apple with the peel.

  • Grain porridge is obligatory for use: either in the morning or in the evening.

  • The content of sugar, salt and fat should be kept to a minimum.

  • You need to cook dishes in a gentle way, without exposing them to processing.

  • A single use of a sour-milk drink is required per day.

The Norman Childers Diet: Nightshade Free Diet

Arthritis diet

What is nightshade?

Solanaceae are representatives of the Solanaceae family, which includes more than 90 genera and 2000 species. You can’t guess, but tobacco is also of this kind. In fact, people have been smoking for a long time, for centuries, and no one thought about the dangers of smoking before. The following crops and products also belong to this family: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and all types of pepper, but not black pepper – it is from a completely different species. If you recall the famous Mexican tomatoes, then they are very common in Central and South America.

There is a very interesting story about how and why this family was named that way. This has been going on since ancient Rome. In ancient Rome, poisons were made from the nightshade family during the war or during palace coups. And if you look at the exact translation from English, it literally translates as “night shadows.” So, the Romans made poison out of them – and a person began to plunge into darkness and die long and painfully.

Here are some examples. Many poisonous plants, such as belladonna with black petunia berries, addictive tobacco, juicy vegetables, drugs such as scoplonin, which is part of the pills, for keeping you up at night, remember, they are not yet given to children.

What problems arise in connection with the nightshade?

A very long time ago, people understood why their cattle and dogs were dying. For a long time there have been stories that you should not eat tomatoes and potatoes, and old people still believe that they should not be eaten. If you still remember the farmers, they sent their children for many generations to uproot this crop like weeds. And tomatoes used to have such a name as “cancer apples.” And if you look at tobacco, then everything is completely clear here. We learned about the dangers recently and they also began to prohibit it recently.

What does Norman Childers offer people?

People begin to think only about one thing: how dangerous plants of this genus are. Almost all people now eat such foods as potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants. And potatoes have already won the title of earthen bread in Russia. Peppers, eggplants – we eat all this every day and do not complain.

If we take the scientific community, then research here began only in the 50s of the XX century, as soon as the following appeared. One day, the doctor comes in and says that perhaps the colon is inflamed because this man ate red pepper. It is a pity that the operation could not have been avoided then, but later, when a person stopped using these products in his daily diet, his state of health improved dramatically.

Enough time has passed, but the experiment has not been forgotten. He gave too good results, and it was decided to continue the experiment with such a diet for arthritis and other diseases of the joints, but already on others. After all, everyone wants to cure or improve their health. Not so long ago, an announcement was made, and quite a bit of time passed – and quite a lot of reviews came, after which the authors of the announcement sent a fairly detailed description of the diets to all those who wrote reviews, and after that it was time to wait for the results. And they did not keep themselves waiting. The experiment was a 72% success rate, that is, seventy-two percent of people out of a hundred recovered and began to feel much better. Agree, this is a good result. After that, my colleagues and I wrote a book about it.

All this ended very well, we even opened a help center that helps to eat right. We have practically got rid of such a disease as arthritis. We are now publishing books and sending out many letters with precise instructions. We only have four thousand three hundred subscribers to whom we send letters every month.

What should people do who just refuse nightshade?

Arthritis diet

Giving up nightshades is hard work. But it is this step that is the main thing in proper nutrition for arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, etc. For this, a lot needs to be done, this must be very much wanted. There must be sufficient motivation. For example, the desire to be cured of something that does not hurt yet is quite difficult to understand, but it is very necessary. If you look at an ordinary person, then he eats nightshade. But things are much worse when we see a person smoking. Nightshades can be addictive, and this is what we need to be wary of more than ever. The more you eat them, the worse it gets. Let’s look again at the smoker. The more he smokes, the more his lungs turn into a black hole, which will soon swallow the entire body.

Look at the grandparents you know, or just people who don’t feel well. What are they eating? Yes, you guessed it, they eat nightshades. In our age – an age that was simply filled with nightshades, in an age in which we will simply starve without them. See why children have a headache, why children just get sick, because they have a young body, but why do they know pills from childhood? It’s all about the food: potatoes, pizza and more. You’re just scared for your children.

A lot of research is difficult. When you eat these foods, they do not immediately make themselves felt. Everything accumulates over years, decades. And it is not clear when and on what day all this will emerge. If a person who smokes gets cancer, then we can say that another person can also get cancer.

All this has long been proven by statistics. But what about a person who eats tomatoes? Absolutely nothing. Yes, over time it will not matter to him, but another person who also ate tomatoes may also be fine. All plants of this type contain elements very similar to those found in drugs. From this we can conclude that all of them can cause addiction in a person, and he may not understand at all. Suffice it to recall the example of a cigarette.

All that can be said with great accuracy and certainty is that nightshades cause disease and avoiding them will help you become healthy. This conclusion is not made by us, it is made by statistics based on forty-five years of experience and materials.

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