Arteriography – indications and contraindications for the examination

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Arteriography is an X-ray examination that gives a good idea of ​​the condition of the arteries in the body. Thanks to this examination, it is possible to know the condition of the aorta, renal arteries and arteries of the brain. It should be noted, however, that arteriography can cause serious complications, so the decision to perform it is not easy. Testing is only performed when absolutely necessary.

arteriography is one of the types of angiography that shows the entire vascular system, i.e. both arteriesand veins. Arteriographic examination it doesn’t have to apply to everyone pulsate, and so depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes the scope arteriography. It can quite accurately determine in which area of ​​the body, arteriography is to be carried out. It is performed, for example, in the brain, and it can affect the vessels in the brain or around the kidneys, or pulsate lower limbs.

Arteriography – co to jest?

This is a radiological examination that makes it possible assessment of the condition of arterial vessels. In time arteriography a catheter is inserted into the examined blood vessel through which a preparation that functions as a so-called contrast is administered. Then, thanks to the traditional X-ray machine, you can follow how the preparation is filled arteries. You can see abnormal narrowing of the vessels, their damage, and even an obstruction that requires immediate action.

Arteriography are performed in special laboratories, and the operator is a surgeon, radiologist or cardiologist, which depends on the area in which the examination is performed. Before the patient is given arteriography, must perform laboratory tests so that the doctor can react appropriately in the event of unforeseen situations, such as bleeding. Preliminary examinations must provide information on the blood group and its coagulation parameters.

First, the doctor selects a blood vessel and determines where the catheter will be inserted. Before its introduction, local anesthesia is used. During the test, it is assessed on an ongoing basis condition of the arteries based on the image that appears on the monitor. After completion of the examination, the catheter should be removed and the place where it was placed should be firmly pressed. It very often happens that a decision is made immediately during the examination treatmentwhich most often consists in restoring the examined blood vessel.

Arteriography – indications

This test has a wide range of applications and can basically be performed on any area of ​​the body. Many diseases can be diagnosed by examining the condition of the arteries. Of course, the first association is carrying out arteriography in case of suspicion of atherosclerosis. The test can diagnose coronary artery disease or embolism of the mesenteric artery. The test is especially helpful in ischemic disease of both the upper and lower extremities.

Arteriography It is also performed in cases of ischemic stroke, it can diagnose aneurysms and other vascular abnormalities, and even neoplastic changes.

These are of course not all indications to complete arteriography. In this way, it is possible to check not only the condition of the arteries themselves, but also the degree of vascularization of predefined areas. The best example is checking the blood supply to the kidneys before transplantation.

However, each time one has to be aware that although this study provides very valuable information, it is extremely burdensome and invasive. This is the reason why despite being evident indications the doctor does not order it to carry out the examination, but chooses a different diagnostic route that will not burden the patient so much.

Arteriography – contraindications

It is always the doctor who knows the patient’s condition and all of them very well contraindications. The specialist must correctly assess the risk of possible complications, which allows to take full care of the patient’s safety. Arteriography it is not performed in patients who have electrolyte disturbances or are allergic to contrast agents. An absolute contraindication there are blood clotting disorders, recent stroke, anemia, uncontrolled high blood pressure and kidney failure.

Arteriography – how to prepare?

Arteriography it is sometimes performed urgently and sometimes it is a planned examination. Only in the latter case can any preparation for the examination be made. It is worth undergoing a series of vaccinations to protect against hepatitis B. In those who have already been vaccinated, it is worth checking the level of antibodies.

It is imperative that you provide your doctor with a list of all medications you are taking, as some of them may have to be discontinued for some time before the examination. Very important information is also what the patient is allergic to and whether any allergic reactions occurred in previous contrast tests. In front of arteriography it’s also a good idea to keep your body hydrated to prevent possible kidney damage.

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