Arterial pressure – correct blood pressure and its measurement. Everything you need to know

Blood pressure is one of the basic parameters of the human body that allows you to control its health. Blood pressure is exerted by the blood which, as it circulates through the arteries, exerts pressure on the walls of the arteries. Depending on the particular artery, the pressure level may vary slightly; therefore, blood pressure is measured most often in the largest arteries such as those in the upper arm. The blood pressure is slightly higher than the blood pressure in the veins.

Taking a blood pressure measurement is relatively simple if we have the appropriate instrument to perform it. Regular measurements are recommended in the case of people with cardiovascular diseases, heart disease, people diagnosed with hypertension and the elderly.

How much should your blood pressure be?

Blood pressure changes with the time of day, food intake hours, lifestyle, age, health, and many other parameters. The highest blood pressure is when the heart contracts and pushes blood into the aorta. This pressure is called systolic and its parameters are usually 110-130 mm Hg. At the time of diastolic blood pressure is lowest, usually between 65 and 80 mm Hg. In medical diagnostics, the value of systolic and diastolic blood pressure is equally important, therefore the measurement result usually includes both factors.

Normal blood pressure value varies depending on the age of a person and should be:

  1. for adults: 120 mm Hg at the time of contraction and 80 mm Hg at the moment of diastole,
  2. in the case of newborns on the day of delivery: 65-95 / 30-60 mm Hg,
  3. for newborns up to 28 days of age, 102/55 mm Hg,
  4. for children from 1 to 8 years of age: 110/75 mm Hg.

Pressure measuring device – which one to buy?

Most often, the necessity to purchase a pressure measuring device occurs in elderly people who, due to their age or health condition, must regularly measure blood pressure. Various producers meet their needs, offering more or less technologically complex cameras. When deciding to buy one of them, it is worth paying attention to a few key parameters.

Since seniors are the largest group of recipients of pressure measuring devices, it is worth considering their expectations and the ability to operate technological devices. From their perspective, a good camera should have parameters such as:

  1. simplicity of execution and operation,
  2. a small number of buttons,
  3. simple interface,
  4. understandable operating instructions,
  5. bright and large display.

When choosing a specific camera, it is worth reaching for one that has been made solid, which guarantees a precise measurement result and the durability of its components. It is also worth paying attention to the size of the display, the size of the letters and numbers displayed on it and its brightness.

The power source for the camera may also be important. Most of the products available are powered by batteries that need to be replaced from time to time. In the case of some models, a charger is used to power them, sometimes it can be plugged into USB connectors. Such devices can be both a convenience – they can be used while traveling – and a problem for seniors who are reluctant to use technology.

When assessing the interface of a specific camera, it is worth paying attention to the number of buttons placed on it. Their excess can be confusing to older users. The best solution is a camera whose buttons are clearly labeled, clearly indicating their purpose.

In addition to the basic function of measuring, it is worth buying a device that has the ability to store a large number of results. Thanks to this, its use will allow not only to control the pressure level at a given moment, but also to observe its changes over long periods. From the point of view of seniors, it may be important to remember both the measurement results at specific times and on specific days.

Gauges for measuring pressure

Currently, so-called pressure gauges are used less and less. Their specificity is the complete lack of electronic parts. Many young people cannot handle these types of hearing aids, while older people may be used to using them.

If we have decided to choose a pressure measuring device with a relatively high price, it is also worth paying attention to the additional options offered by its manufacturer. The most important is the warranty, which in the case of many cameras covers a period of 2 years. During this time – as long as there were no mechanical injuries – the apparatus should perform its work flawlessly.

You can easily get a pressure measuring device in every pharmacy in our country, as well as in larger drugstores, electronics stores and on the Internet. You can find a wide range of cameras on and

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