Arterial hypotension

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Niedociśnienie tętnicze (inaczej hipotonia) to trwale utrzymujące się niskie ciśnienie tętnicze, zazwyczaj skurczowe poniżej 100 mm Hg. Niskie ciśnienie najczęściej pojawia się u kobiet oraz dziewcząt ciśnienie skurczowe spada w okresie dojrzewania. Dolegliwość ta jest charakterystyczna również dla sportowców. Hipotonia zazwyczaj nie wymaga leczenia.

What is hypotension?

Hypotension is a condition known as hypotension or hypotension. It is a form of disorders in the circulatory system, the consequence of which is the occurrence of ailments on the part of various organs. Hypotension occurs when an adult’s systolic blood pressure drops below 100-105 mmHg. It should be taken into account that this is a contractual value, because it does not take into account such factors as: gender, age or genetic predisposition. A complaint of hypotension does not always indicate a more serious condition. It is most common in people who practice sports regularly and intensively, as well as women and girls, especially those who are slim. It affects every age group, although it usually occurs in children who are low in adolescence and who are low in body weight.

Tak naprawdę rodzimy się z niskim ciśnieniem, które wraz z wiekiem wzrasta, jednak czasem niewystarczająco. Chociaż niedociśnienie tętnicze nie jest tak groźne jak nadciśnienie, to nie powinno się go ignorować, ponieważ gwałtowny spadek ciśnienia może prowadzić do utraty przytomności, np. podczas prowadzenia pojazdów mechanicznych.

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  1. Do you still have a headache? It could be hypertension, hypotension, or atherosclerosis

What are the causes of hypotension?

Hypotension is very often genetically inherited. If this ailment is not accompanied by other ailments – it is not a threat to the patient’s life and the functioning of the organism. Contrary to appearances, arterial hypotension can protect against diseases caused by high blood pressure, e.g. atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, stroke or heart attack. There are a number of diseases that contribute to the development of arterial hypotension, e.g .:

  1. Hypothyroidism;
  2. hypopituitarism;
  3. hypovolemia, i.e. a shortage of body fluids;
  4. brak wystarczającej ilości sodu w organizmie;
  5. Addison’s disease, i.e. adrenal insufficiency,
  6. heart disease in the form of: arrhythmias, pericarditis and heart failure.

Ciśnieniomierz cyfrowy Tech-Med to urządzenie, które umożliwia kontrolę stanu zdrowia w warunkach domowych. Wbudowana funkcja wykrywania arytmii serca, pomaga w szybkim rozpoznaniu problemów z układem sercowo-krążeniowym, co daje szansę na szybkie wdrożenie leczenia.

Ponadto przyczyną niedociśnienia tętniczego mogą przyjmowane przez nas leki:

  1. antihypertensive,
  2. przeciwko depresji i bezsenności,
  3. przeciwdławicowe,
  4. przeciwarytmiczne,
  5. moczopędne,
  6. vasodilating.

However, among the potential causes of orthostatic arterial hypotension are:

  1. varicose veins,
  2. secondary hypotension,
  3. malfunction of the autonomic nervous system,
  4. post-thrombotic state,
  5. damage to nerve cells in the brain, for example from alcohol abuse or Parkinson’s disease.
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Symptoms of arterial hypotension

Persistent low pressure causes a subjectively perceived complex of symptoms of malaise in the form of:

  1. constant fatigue,
  2. general heaviness,
  3. trouble concentrating,
  4. przyspieszonego tętna,
  5. spots in front of the eyes,
  6. apathy
  7. heart rhythm disturbances,
  8. dizziness
  9. cold hands and feet and a pale face,
  10. malaise due to weather changes,
  11. excessive sweating (especially at night),
  12. sometimes drowsiness,
  13. nausea,
  14. more or less unpleasant headaches in the frontal area, diffuse pressure, etc.

In the event of disturbing symptoms, it is worth performing tests that will help you make an accurate diagnosis. You can buy the research package without leaving your home on Medonet Market.

People with hypotension are predisposed to fainting. For this reason, the hypotension syndrome is sometimes referred to as postural hypotension syndrome.

  1. See promotional offers of blood pressure monitors

Niedociśnienie tętnicze pierwotne (choroba niedociśnieniowa)

Primary arterial hypotension is defined as a group of the above-mentioned symptoms which are based on chronic hypotension. These include all low pressure conditions for which it is impossible to establish the root cause.

Za możliwą przyczynę niedociśnienia tętniczego pierwotnego uważa się congenital predisposition with less flexibility (increased flaccidity) of arterial walls. At the same time, their reduced tension is assumed, and hence reduced peripheral resistance to the flowing blood, i.e. the individual’s tendency to lower arterial pressure. Drop in atmospheric pressure and heat increase the risk of ailments caused by low blood pressure.

Taking into account the above-mentioned conditions, the symptoms of low blood pressure should not be treated too early with pharmacological agents – despite the lack of causal treatment – nor should its lasting effects be expected.

Home management in hypotension

In the case of more severe, unpleasant sensations of this type, with a clear tendency to fainting, it is recommended that after checking and confirming low blood pressure, immediate administration of handy home blood pressure medications.

1. It is beneficial to improve your well-being to drink a little cool liquid (it is preferable to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day).

2. It is recommended to lie down for a short time (in order to improve the blood supply to the brain) in a well-ventilated, shaded, rather cool place.

3. Osoby cierpiące na niedociśnienie tętnicze powinny wdrożyć w swoje codzienne życie większą ilość aktywności fizycznej. Zaleca się chodzenie basen lub jazdę na rowerze.

4. A child suffering from hypotension should change his body position from time to time, as prolonged stay in the same position adversely affects blood flow.

5. Warto jeść częściej. Zamiast jednego obfitego posiłku, jedz kilka lecz mniej obfitych.

6. Performing a massage immediately after waking up has a positive effect on the blood supply to the body. You can use, for example, a terry glove to perform the massage (we start at the feet and head towards the heart).

7. Należy rzucić palenie papierosów i unikać pomieszczeń, w których znajduje się duża ilość dymu nikotynowego.

8. It is also recommended to alternate spraying with hot and cold water.

9. Getting enough sleep is important. You should get enough sleep and sleep as much as our body needs. The Sleep Pro dietary supplement will help to improve the quality of sleep, thanks to a complex of natural ingredients such as melatonin, zinc and magnesium.

10. Warto wdrożyć do codziennej diety większą ilość owoców oraz warzyw. Pozbądź się z niej tłuszczów.

11. Consuming a mixture of herbs (marjoram, lavender, thyme, mint) helps to improve blood pressure – they should be poured with water and brought to a boil. Drink them about four times a day.

Do you have a problem with too low pressure? Try ginseng root infusion. You can find ginseng root on the Medonet Market.

You can also try dietary supplements with plant extracts to help regulate blood pressure. At Medonet Market you can buy, among others Pressure potion with garlic, hawthorn, lemon balm and olive leaf.

Pharmacological agents used in arterial hypotension include glucocorticosteroids that retain sodium in the body and preparations leading to vasoconstriction, in the form of ephedrine. In some patients, strychnine is implemented in low doses. Appropriate drugs, helpful in the treatment of arterial hypotension, will be selected by a cardiologist during the follow-up visit.

  1. Masz niedociśnienie? Sprawdź mieszanki ziołowe dla niskociśnieniowców

Secondary (symptomatic) hypotension

Secondary arterial hypotension is usually one of the symptoms noted in the course of some diseases, e.g.

  1. in adrenal insufficiency, i.e. Addison’s disease,
  2. w obwodowej niewydolności krążenia,
  3. in hypovolemic shock after extensive burn,
  4. w razie zmniejszenia objętości krwi krążącej w następstwie krwotoku zewnętrznego lub wewnętrznego itd.

A significant reduction in blood pressure – usually unfavorable to the patient – may also be quite often a consequence of too intense sun exposure or the use of an excess of various pharmacological antihypertensive agents during the treatment of hypertension.

Symptoms of secondary arterial hypotension

In secondary hypotension, the perceived symptoms are analogous to those in primary, i.e. spontaneous hypotension, but patients may experience and manifest other symptoms related to the underlying condition. These states are exemplified above.

Physical effort, high ambient temperature, standing position of the patient may increase the symptoms of hypotension. These symptoms are especially unpleasant in the morning and immediately after a sudden change of position, e.g. from lying down to sitting or standing.

Osoby z niedociśnieniem powinny regularnie kontrolować wysokość ciśnienia, aby w porę wykryć wszelkie nieprawidłowości. W tym celu warto zakupić bezprzewodowy ciśnieniomierz iHealth View na nadgarstek.

Postępowanie domowe przedlekarskie

The aim of the pre-medical procedure is to alleviate symptoms caused by low blood pressure in symptomatic hypotension. It should be primarily aimed at eliminating or controlling the underlying disease and at alleviating its effects with the measures described in the discussion of primary hypotension, in close cooperation with the physician.

  1. Don’t know how to raise the pressure? Here are some effective ways

Man with hypotension

Człowiek z pierwotnie niskim ciśnieniem tętniczym (czyli hipotonią), powinien uświadomić sobie, że jest to stan pewnego rodzaju predyspozycji osobniczej.

Since the blood flow through the tissues, and consequently their oxygenation, is conditioned, inter alia, by pressure, it should be realized that at low blood pressure there is an individual tendency and predisposition to the easier and faster appearance of symptoms of hypoxia in various organs and a stronger response to factors lowering blood pressure, triggering the symptoms described above.

Omówione symptomy są w większości skutkiem zaburzenia naturalnych mechanizmów biologicznych adaptacyjno-regulacyjnych i dlatego należy wyzbyć się lęku i niepokoju co do bezpośredniego zagrożenia życia.

Prevention of hypotension

In preventing, alleviating or eliminating this type of ailments, it is necessary to be aware of their causes and use simple, direct methods and possibilities of alleviating them.

It is advisable eg.

  1. practicing physical activity,
  2. tourism,
  3. swimming,
  4. przebywanie dużo w ruchu i na świeżym powietrzu,
  5. frequent showering with variable water temperature,
  6. rubbing the skin, e.g. with salt water,
  7. avoiding a long standing position,
  8. avoiding long exposure to sunlight or staying in dense or poorly ventilated rooms.

Only when these natural methods are ineffective can you resort to drinking real coffee or taking medication for a while. Home management in the states of secondary, or symptomatic, hypotension is varied and depends on the causes that trigger it.

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Rozpoznanie stanu niedociśnieniowego warunkującego wiele omówionych dolegliwości powinno być oparte na dokładnej obserwacji i badaniu lekarskim, zmierzających przede wszystkim do odróżnienia niedociśnienia pierwotnego — czyli samoistnego, od niedociśnienia wtórnego (objawowego).

Once the causes of this hypotension are established, it requires intensive treatment as one of the symptoms of the overall clinical picture of the various diseases mentioned.

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