Vinyl modular flooring is considered one of the most practical and durable floor coverings to come out in recent years. It may look like parquet, but it does not creak, is not afraid of water, and does not require scraping or refinishing. It may look like stone, but not be cold and booming. One of the most popular brands of this coating is Art Vinyl Tarkett. It was this enterprise that was the first to promote this material on the Russian market. Only a little more than six years have passed, and this cover has obvious fans.
Что такое напольное покрытие Арт Винил Таркетт
Designers love vinyl tiles – there are many types of coatings, many of them can be combined, which gives additional freedom for creativity. Builders love this flooring because it is quick and easy to install. Housewives love this material – not only does it look great, it’s easy to clean. But, as usual, it all depends on the quality.
Один из вариантов со стабильным качеством — Арт Винил Таркетт. Это виниловое напольное покрытие, которое выпускается в виде плитки (квадратов) и планок (прямоугольников). Некоторые считают это покрытие лишь разновидностью линолеума, но это не так: состав отличается, используются другие материалы. Мало того, есть отличия и по ощущениям — не блестит, не липнет.
Collections from each other may differ in the thickness of the layers, as they have different purposes. But the sequence of layers itself remains the same.
The composition and purpose of the layers:
- Base. A special grade of vinyl that, with high strength, has a high degree of flexibility. The thickness of the base varies depending on the class of coating. A thicker base has increased thermal insulation properties, better sound insulation, higher wear resistance.
- fiberglass. Not available in all episodes. Gives greater dimensional stability (less thermal expansion).
- decorative layer. Responsible for the appearance of the coating. Tarkett Art Vinyl not only imitates natural materials in color, it also copies the texture.
- Protective layers. Most often there are two of them – vinyl and polyurethane. This combination results in high wear resistance. Even with a small thickness of the coating, the protective layer has a high resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage (heels do not push through).
Главное и основное отличие Арт Винила — в большом количестве вариантов. Дело не только в расцветках и фактурах, а в том, что это покрытие можно комбинировать, создавая рисунки и композиции. Есть готовые схемы укладки, но можно их создавать индивидуально.
Classification and varieties
If we talk about laying methods, there are two modifications – with locks (you do not need to glue) and which are laid on glue. Art Vinyl Tarkett with locks fits quickly. The locks are covered with adhesive, protected by a special tape. When laying, the tape is removed, the glue fixes the next fragment. The result is a continuous waterproof coating. The disadvantage of this option is the impossibility of replacing one element. All fragments are interconnected, which makes this event extremely complex.
Tarkett Art Vinyl Adhesive Collections are bonded with an adhesive that is compatible with PVC and the material your floor is made of. The disadvantage of this option is that gaps may appear between the tiles due to thermal expansion. Well, styling takes longer.
According to wear resistance, Art Vinyl Tarkett is divided into three classes – for residential (domestic), commercial and industrial premises. The second type has greater abrasion resistance (thicker protective layer). If desired, it can also be placed at home – in rooms with high traffic. Usually these are corridors, hallways, kitchens. Art Household vinyl in commercial premises is better not to use: it will quickly wipe. Production – the most wear-resistant. It can withstand the movement of cars, but its cost is high. Use in domestic premises is irrational.
Tarkett Art Vinyl Collections
To date, Tarkett has released eight collections of Art Vinyl:
- New Age (эффект металлик);
- Cosmic (metallic effect);
- Blues (stone imitation, there are plain ones);
- Dream House (древесина разных пород);
- Lounge (increased wear resistance, wood imitation);
- Epic (vintage wood);
- Jazz (imitation parquet);
- Murano (increased wear resistance, stone imitation).
Each of them is available in several formats. Most have the form of rectangular planks, but there are also square ones. Moreover, long strips can be of different widths:
- 102 mm;
- 152 mm.
Square tiles usually come with a side of 457 mm. And each type is with locks, there is a sticker.
Each of the collections has dozens of designs and colors. So the choice is really great.
Из технических характеристик могут возникнуть вопросы по классу применения напольного покрытия. Оно отображается в цифрах. Первая цифра обозначает область применения по типу помещений: 2 — бытовой класс, 3 — офисные и коммерческие помещения, 4 — производственные. Вторая цифра отражает интенсивность использования:
- 1 – low;
- 2 – medium;
- 3 — high;
- 4 – very high.
For domestic premises, the maximum intensity of use is 3. It is more than enough for any room in an apartment or house. Even with the second class, you can apply everywhere.
Floor covering Art Vinyl Tarkett has a high resistance to abrasion, if we talk about use in houses and apartments, all collections have a use class of 23, which is the maximum in this area.
Name | Application class residential/commercial | Thickness | working layer | Устойчивость к воздействию ножек и каблуков | Устойчивость к воздействию роликовых кресел | Format | Designs and colors | Laying method |
ART VINYL NEW AGE | 23/32 | 2,1 mm | 0,4 mm | high | без повреждений | plank, plait | 21 | on glue |
ART VINYL COSMIC | 23/34 | 3,0 mm | 0,7 mm | high | без повреждений | strap | 10 | chamfered |
ART VINYL Blues | 23/34 | 3,0 mm | 0,7 mm | high | без повреждений | plank, plait | 13 | on glue |
ART VINYL Dream house | 23/31 | 4,0 mm | 0,3 mm | high | no damage/abrasion 75 | strap | 12 | locks |
ART VINYL LOUNGE | 23/34 | 3,0 mm | 0,7 mm | high | без повреждений | plank, plait | 27 | on glue |
ART VINYL EPIC | 23/33 | 2,7 mm | 0,55 mm | no data | no data | strap | 10 | on glue |
ART VINYL JAZZ | 23/32 | 2,1 mm | 0,4 mm | high | без повреждений | strap | 10 | on glue |
ART VINYL MURANO | 23/34 | 3,0 mm | 0,7 mm | high | без повреждений | tile | 9 | on glue |
Требования к основанию и способы выравнивания
Under laying of Art Vinyl the absolutely equal basis is required. “Absolutely smooth” is which, when checked by a two-meter rule, has deviations of no more than 2 mm for these 2 meters. Moreover, the “difference” should be smooth. Any, even the smallest, obvious pits and protrusions should be removed / covered over.
There are two ways to level the floor that the manufacturer accepts – concrete screed or plywood on logs. Plywood can be laid on a subfloor or an old base, but the floor must be free of drops. When using plywood, a gap of 5 mm is left around the perimeter of the room between the wall and the sheet. The sheets are laid apart (so that the seams do not match), leave a gap of 2-3 mm between adjacent sheets. Attach with flat head screws. Under them, pre-drill holes with a diameter larger than the diameter of the cap. The laying field, caps and seams must be puttied. After the putty dries, level it with sandpaper. These are the manufacturer’s recommendations.
На основании опыта эксплуатации, швы между листами фанеры, желательно пройти герметиком, который после высыхания не теряет эластичности. Это позволит лучше компенсировать температурное и влажностное расширение. Особенно это важно для домов, которые отапливаются только периодически.
To level the floor under Art Vinyl Tarkett with a screed, any finishing or self-leveling compounds are suitable. They can be based on cement, gypsum, any polymer. Laying is possible only after complete drying. If the substrate has a high moisture content (above 8-10%), waves and blisters may form.
Regardless of the type of substrate, it must be absolutely level, dry and clean. Even a grain of sand can be seen. Therefore, before laying, carry out a thorough cleaning. It also does not interfere with the process of cleaning the place of work with a vacuum cleaner.
Adhesive for Art Vinyl Tarkett
Adhesive for laying Tarkett Art Vinyl choose depending on the basis. It is important that it is compatible with PVC and your base. Be sure to read the instructions before purchasing. Tarkett recommends an acrylic water-based adhesive. It does not have a strong odor and can be used indoors. Solvent-based adhesives must not be used. Manufacturer’s recommended brands of adhesive for laying Art Vinyl:
- EUROCOL Eurostar Allround 528
- Ultrabond Eco 375 и V4SP
- Uzin KE 2000 S
- Homakoll 164 prof
Glue options are good because you can combine to your liking
The following types of glue are also used (according to the reviews of those who have already laid Art Vinyl):
- Kiilto 2 plus
- Ceresit K188E
- Bostik KE320
Of the above brands, it is more convenient to work with Ceresit. It is more homogeneous, better distributed and at the same time does not spread. It is not bad to work with Bostik, it is cheaper, but it is somewhat more difficult to work – the “life span” is shorter. The consumption of glue is prescribed in the instructions for it, it also depends on the absorbency of the base. To reduce consumption, you can apply a primer that is compatible with the adhesive composition (it is prescribed in the instructions, but you can dilute the glue with water in a ratio of 1/1 and roll the screed with a roller).
Art Vinyl Laying
С укладкой замковой разновидности Art Vinil Tarkett (New Age) проблем не возникает. Каждый фрагмент имеет шип и паз, которые без проблем стыкуются друг с другом. Вторая плитка приподнимается вверх, кромка вставляется в паз уже лежащей. после чего фрагмент опускается на пол. Никаких усилий прилагать не надо. Проверяют нормально ли соединились планки проведя по стыку ладонью.
It is necessary to lay Art Vinyl flooring at a temperature not lower than +15°C, but it is more convenient to work if the temperature is about +20°C. At this temperature, the tiles/planks are elastic and easier to work with. If the coating is laid on the heated floor, the heating must be turned off 3-4 days before the start of work. After delivery, stacks of material are laid out on a flat, clean surface and left to “acclimatize” for at least 48 hours. If the material was delivered during frosts, the time is increased.
Another important point: the windows in the room are curtained. So that sunlight does not create a temperature difference on the floor. Laying on a damp base is not allowed.
Tools and materials
Для укладки покрытия Арт Винил Таркетт необходимы следующие инструменты:
- notched trowels for applying glue (if the material is adhesive);
- пробковая притирочная доска — для разглаживания покрытия;
- rubber mallet – for leveling joints;
- валик из металла шириной 50-70 см — для удаления воздуха и качественной адгезии к основанию;
- knife – for cutting the coating to size / shape.
The adhesive is evenly distributed over the surface with a notched trowel.
Recommended spatulas are indicated in the technical description for the adhesive. For example, when using Ceresit K 188E Extra, it is recommended to use an A2 or A3 notched trowel, depending on the structure of the underside of the coating. For Forbo 528 Eurostar Allround, notched trowel: A1/A2/B1/B2.
Glue consumption depends on the absorbency of the base (on a cement screed without priming it will be more than on plywood). Also, from experience, if you are laying the coating in more than one room, take several spatulas of A1 and A2 format. They are quickly erased, especially if you lay Art Vinyl Tarket on a concrete screed.
work Features
Please note that the geometry of the planks/tiles is not ideal. The difference is not too great – 1-2 mm, but it cannot be ignored. Before gluing, it is best to assemble the entire row of tiles, cut the necessary fragments to size, and then number them on the reverse side. Then you can apply glue and lay out a row.
Если у покрытия есть определенный рисунок, необходимо следить за ним. В случае если собираете покрытие имитирующее паркет, следите чтобы рисунок у расположенных рядом фрагментов не совпадал. Для того чтобы избежать цветовых пятен, используйте планки/плитки сразу из нескольких стопок. Это дает лучший результат. Перед укладкой тыльную сторону плитки протирают сухой чистой ветошью, избавляясь от возможного сора и пыли.
When applying glue, make sure that there are no places where the glue has already dried up, and a new layer is applied on top. Dried glue must be completely removed (with a metal spatula with a smooth sharp edge), and then a new layer should be applied. All places with a double layer of glue can then be highlighted. Treat the laid out fragment with a metal rolling roller – to remove air that can get under the vinyl tile. Roll again after 20-30 minutes. After the entire coating of Art Vinyl Tarkett is glued, wait for the glue to dry completely (indicated on the package).