Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

The international contemporary art fair ARCO Madrid opens its doors from February 27 to March 03 and this year bet in a special way for gastronomy.

Today Summum we review the most brilliant culinary proposals of this appointment and in passing we explore the most exclusive, unexpected connections y Amazing between art and gastronomy.

Taste Peru

Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

Aware of its full potential, Peru It has been betting on its extraordinary gastronomy for years. Inside and, above all, outside the national confines. So how guest country of this edition, has decided to revolutionize ARCO Madrid creating Peru Lovers Gastro Lounge, the first gastronomic space of a guest country in the fairgrounds itself.

The Peruvian restaurants of the Ceviche Group 103 are in charge of developing a gastronomic proposal that covers all aspects of the cuisine of the Andean country, from Nikkei to contemporary cuisine. Pisco and an exclusive gin from the Amazon are some of the star ingredients of the liquid proposal from space. Besides, until March 17, in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, Peruvian restaurants join the initiative Perú Restaurant & Art Week offering special menus designed exclusively for the occasion.

Finally, the chef of Luma, Omar malpartida, will be in charge of the inaugural dinner next Thursday that will take place at the Palacio del Pardo and a dinner at the Reina Sofía Museum on Friday inspired by the landscapes of Peru. Saboring the vanguard, both artistic and culinary, from one of the most attractive destinations in the world.

NuBel, cocktails and music

Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

NuBel, one of the restaurants of the Reina Sofia Museum, reinforces his link with art in the coming days. On the one hand, dance nights return after-ARCO The Art Dance Club, a project that will host, among others, the visit of DJ Greg Wilson as an international star. On the other hand, this establishment enriches the gastronomic offer of the enclosure of ARCO Madrid with a space, designed by the Madrid architect Paula Rosales, called NuBel by Zacapa.

The space measures 100 m2 and exhibits on its walls the work of the painter Alicia Velazquez made with aged rum, coffee, almond milk and rice, brown sugar, watercolor, Chinese ink, marker and graphite. A cozy corner where you can enjoy dishes that perform tribute to Peru and to the cuisine of the Pacific in all its nuances. From the octopus to the olive tree to the yucca and plantain cracker, passing through the Chifa-wok of buckwheat and knuckle. One more reason to go to the appointment.

Osteria Francescana, contemporary art en la mesa

Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

Osteria Francescana is the restaurant that ranks number 1 in the lista 50Best, something that makes your tables the most desired of the moment. In addition to cooking and music, one of the chef’s great passions Massimo Bottura it is contemporary art. On the walls and in the corners of your elegant room, Osteria Francescana exhibits and keeps works by contemporary artists such as Damian Hirst or Maurizio Cattelan.

How could it be otherwise, art also sneaks into Bottura’s kitchen. Both in the form and in the content. Two dishes to stand out. The Mediterranean Sole, cooked with three different techniques and inspired by the work of the Italian artist Alberto Burri y Burnt, “black” fish like the works of the conceptual Glenn Ligon. Savoring art in the world’s most sought-after restaurant.

The Thyssen, in haute cuisine version

Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

Lucio Fontana and Andoni Luis Aduriz. Mondrian and Arzak. Jackson Pollock and Sacha Hormaechea. Paul Klee and Ángel León. These are some of the daring “pairings” compiled in the book The Thyssen on the plate, a project that challenges some of the country’s great chefs to prepare dishes inspired by the works in the collection.

From the Ceviche de Gala a la Mousse de anguila Smoked meat and flowers with a sugar fork, passing through the Soup of prickly pears, red berries and coconut ice cream. An anthology of brilliant recipes with which to surprise the most demanding palates. Both from a gastronomic and artistic point of view.

Nerua: a unique kitchen in a unique space

Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

There was a time when eat in a museum it was a necessity. We weren’t even trying to eat well, but simply to recharge our batteries. Fortunately, all this is history and the gastronomic spaces within the art centers they have become one more reason to visit them.

Nerua, restaurant located in the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, marked a before and after in this trend in Spain. This establishment, led by Josean Alija, Has 1 Michelin star and focuses his cuisine on nature, showing off his roots and bringing to the table the best of the garden, the sea and the farms. A pure and unique gastronomy, rodeada de arte.

Arzábal Tavern, at the height of Picasso

Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

Leadered by Alvaro Castellanos e Iván Morales, Arzabal is a reinvented tavern that interprets the dishes in a modern and creative way “lifelong”.

One of its spaces is located right in the Reina Sofia Museum and it has a magnificent terrace. Foie terrine, free range eggs with black truffle. red tuna or ray tartare with black butter. If you doubted with what “Marry” a PicassoIn Arzábal’s letter you will find a few valid alternatives.

The “foodie” side of Jackson Pollock

Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

Everybody knows his facet as an artistBut many are unaware that he also grew tomatoes and aubergines, that he loved to gather friends and artists at the table and that his apple pie was so delicious that it even earned him first prize at the Local Fisherman’s Fair.

The photographer, artist and director Robyn Lea tells this unpublished side of Jackson Pollock in a very original recipe book. The book Dinner with Jackson Pollock it focuses on the handwritten recipes and anecdotes that the Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner House Museum still holds.

Read compiled in a photographic project the artist’s favorite dishes made by a team of chefs from original recipes. The perfect present for them they love art as much as food.

Art Belenguer chocolates: chocolatier art

Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

Violet and armagnac, pineapple and ginger, green tea with roses, Gin and tonic, apricot and honey with lemon. These are some of the suggestive combinations of the chocolates Series Art of Belenguer, Aragonese pastry with one hundred years and three generations of sweet journey.

These artisan chocolates they have a peculiarity that makes them small masterpieces: they are painted by hand. They all shine like pearls in the light, but none obviously looks the same as the other. A box of twelve units touches the 17 euros.

Comer arte

Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

What would the foodie world be without tasty snapshots? Before it existed Instagram food photography took an unexpected leap from being a simple illustration of a recipe to being a work of art in itself.

One of the “fathers” of this revolution was Francesc Guillamet, official photographer of the Bulli since the early 90s. Thousands of iconic dishes of contemporary cuisine have paraded in front of his camera lens.

The book Comer arte, essential, although it is not an editorial novelty, it compiles the most creative images of this legendary photographer. A visual delight where culinary art merges with photography.

Dinara Kasko: sweet artistic creations

Art by bites, how to celebrate ARCO eating

We could spend years arguing about what art is or is not, but it is quite likely that when you see the sweet creations of Dinara Kasko we would all agree that they are authentic masterpieces.

The Ukrainian pastry chef claims that everything around her is source of inspiration for her: from everyday objects to nature. In his work he also relies on software which, he declares, helps him create something beautiful (also through custom-made silicone molds).

Cakes that are architectures, colorful, inspiring. One of its icons is the Spheres cake bright red with creamy apricot, candied kumquat and apricot, caramel chocolate mousse and cream cheese. His art will make you fall in love.

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