Mom and dad: an exclusive love
Does your eldest seem very jealous of his little brother? It’s all natural, he suddenly has the impression that a real treasure is being stolen from him: the time that Mum and Dad have devoted to him until now. However, toddlers often tend to equate this time with the love we have for them …
It is therefore essential to continue to spend sufficient time with the firstborn., starting by taking her to visit her mom at the maternity. If you have the possibility to keep it at home with the dad during this period, do not hesitate. He might feel a sense of abandonment if you push him aside.
On a daily basis, do not botch the famousbedtime ritual, so important to him. And reserve him moments in duet with mum or dad so that he understands that he remains unique in your eyes.
How can your child show jealousy?
First of all, the elder will certainly seek to test you and get your attention, for example by multiplying the stupidities while you are just feeding the younger child or by getting angry.
But if Baby’s jealousy is sometimes obvious, through aggressive words or gestures to his little brother or sister, it can also be expressed in a roundabout way : for example, some children start to regress while others show the greatest indifference towards the newcomer… It also depends on the character of your little one!
Other children can have nightmares which can be quite violent and wake you up at night.
Avoid triggering jealousy: instructions for use
In the presence of the elder, avoid that your conversations revolve exclusively around the newborn. Ban the incessant comparisons between the two children, especially if these are always in favor of the smallest! And don’t forget that these are two very distinct beings, so no need to put them in competition. It is also preferable, especially if the age difference is important that your big (e) keeps his room just for him …