Aromatic stress relief, i.e. herbs in the fight against stress!
Aromatic stress relief, i.e. herbs in the fight against stress!Aromatic stress relief, i.e. herbs in the fight against stress!

In today’s busy world, when duties and deadlines often accumulate in the form of tension in the shoulder area, stress that keeps us awake at night, and even difficulties in gathering our thoughts, it is worth turning to nature.

Herbal medicine has the advantage over the use of pharmaceuticals that the composition of the prepared panacea is completely natural. What herbs are worth using in the fight against rising tension? Read our article and see for yourself that it works!

What exactly is stress?

Stress is an indispensable part of our lives, a natural reaction to emotional, psychological and physical stimuli. Susceptibility to its occurrence can increase sadness and joy. Living in constant stress, we lose vitality, and the resistance of the immune system also decreases. With increasing sleep problems and nervousness, sometimes stress pushes us into the arms of depression.

Stress can manifest itself both mentally and physically through:

  • alternating and uncontrollable bursts of laughter and anger, depression, irritability,
  • fatigue, insomnia, sleep disorders, nail biting, teeth grinding, trismus, upset stomach, diarrhoea, constipation, ulcer pain, hypertension.

Recommended herbal infusions

  • Brewed chamomile, it is worth seasoning with a few spoons of honey. Consume it a moment before going to bed.
  • A teaspoon of common verbena should be brewed for about ten minutes, consumed once a day after straining the infusion through a sieve. Twice a day, however, it is recommended to drink a mixture using verbena in equal proportions with oats and passion fruit, and use a teaspoon of the mixture to brew. Verbena has stress-relieving properties.
  • Both nettle and mint will soothe shattered nerves, so the best solution will be to prepare an infusion of both herbs, to which we can add a slice of lemon.
  • Elderberry reduces migraine pains, strengthens the immune system and the nervous system, so it is worth having it permanently in your medicine cabinet.
  • Lemon balm has an antidepressant effect. It is worth using it when our nerves are damaged and when we have problems falling asleep, because it helps to achieve a state of relaxation. The infusion is recommended to be prepared with the addition of lime and lavender inflorescences. Melissa can also be used as part of a relaxing bath, inhalation or massage.
  • Valerian has no equal rivals in terms of sleeping effect. It has a relaxing effect on our muscles, reduces neuroses, calms down.
  • Ginseng tea, apart from a stressful day, is also recommended for strengthening after a serious illness.
  • For states of nervous tension, it is worth buying hop tea, which will have a strong calming effect on us.
  • Lavender will help you fall asleep and relieve headaches. You don’t have to limit yourself to just consuming it in the form of an infusion, adding lavender to a salad or even meat dishes will be a great solution.
  • St. John’s wort will help in the treatment of neuralgia, depression and anxiety. However, it should be used with caution, as it can cause allergies in some people.

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