Aromatic massage oil. Video

Aromatic massage oil. Video

Massage with aromatic oils is doubly effective. Correctly selected, they have a beneficial effect on the skin, improve well-being, can help to relax or, conversely, give vigor. This massage can be used in the complex treatment of certain diseases, for weight loss, or simply to restore mental balance and relieve tension.

Preparation and application of massage oil

Ready-made massage oils can be purchased at a pharmacy or a beauty supply store. They are optimally balanced in composition, and you can choose a special oil for a specific purpose – relaxing, toning or anti-cellulite. There are formulations fortified with fat-soluble vitamins to nourish the skin.

You can prepare massage oil yourself. To do this, you will need to select an essential oil and mix it with a base oil – due to the high concentration of biologically active substances, it is not recommended to apply pure essential oils to the skin, this can lead to irritation, pigmentation or rashes.

Carefully study the properties of the selected oil, find out if it suits your skin type, if you have any contraindications to the use of this particular product. Don’t forget the skin sensitivity test

You can mix essential oils according to your own taste or according to the purpose of the massage. It is best to prepare a mixture of essential oils with a base oil just before the massage, as a last resort, make a small amount of the mixture and store it in a tightly sealed dark glass container away from light sources in a cool dry place. Do not use the mixture that has just been taken out of the refrigerator – remove it beforehand and let it warm to room temperature.

During the session, do not leave the oil in an open container – the components of essential oils will quickly evaporate

One massage session usually requires 10-15 drops of an essential oil or mixture and 25-30 milliliters of base oil. If you are planning daily massage sessions for several days, it is better to slightly reduce the concentration of essential oils in the mixture. Before starting the massage, pour the required amount of oil on both palms, warm it up a little and distribute it over the surface of the body being massaged in a thin layer. So that your hands slide, but do not drown in oil. Too much mixture makes it difficult for the massage therapist to move, is poorly absorbed, can clog pores, creating the effect of a fatty film.

The selection of essential oils is now very large. Almost all of them have anti-inflammatory effects, affect the emotional state.

If you suffer from insomnia, nervous tension, chronic fatigue, lavender oil is for you. Peppermint, lemon, and rosemary oils are excellent tonics, while peppermint oil, like geranium oil, can be used to relieve headaches.

The oils of rose, sandalwood, bergamot, neroli and ylang-ylang not only relax and soften tension, but also can increase sexual desire, so they can be used by lovers for erotic massage

For slimming massage, citrus oils are usually used, orange oil has a particularly pronounced anti-cellulite property. In addition, all citrus essential oils are excellent for smoothing the skin, improving blood circulation and lifting mood.

Different oils are suitable for different skin types, for example, nutmeg and ylang-ylang oils will improve the condition of dry skin, while eucalyptus, bergamot, juniper and mint oils are suitable for oily skin. For sensitive and mature skin, lavender and clary sage oils will help.

Thyme essential oil warms up and improves the body’s resistance to infections, while black pepper oil relieves muscle pain.

The choice of base oils is equally wide and varied. There are both familiar oils, which can be found in almost every kitchen, and exotic types.

For massage, you can use mineral oils as base oils, but, according to some experts, vegetable oils have a better effect on the skin, are better absorbed and do not clog pores.

Great for massage, especially anti-cellulite, grape seed oil. It is better not to use it for those who have oily skin prone to acne; for dry and aging skin, shea butter is suitable – it perfectly nourishes and smoothes the skin, while helping those who suffer from rheumatism and joint pain.

Ordinary cold-pressed unrefined olive oil can also be used for massage, it relieves swelling, heals small wounds and cracks. It is best used in a mixture with essential oils and grape seed oil – it is too sticky and heavy to use in its pure form.

Massage with essential oils

But almond, peach and apricot oils can be used without even mixing with essential oils – they themselves have a light and pleasant aroma, while making the skin soft, velvety and elastic.

High quality jojoba oil is suitable for both oily and dry skin – it normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands and retains moisture well

Massage with essential oils is not recommended for people with hypertension, allergies, asthma and epilepsy. It is better for pregnant women to refrain from using essential oils, since some of them can cause strong contractions of the uterus, but base oils during pregnancy are recommended to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

Massage with essential oils is also contraindicated for women who have had heart surgery or heart attack, and for children under the age of five.

Also interesting to read: olive oil for hair.

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