Aromatherapy against aging and stress

We live in a time pressure mode: stress, emotional burnout, chronic fatigue and, as a result, a dull complexion and premature skin aging. How can essential oils help?

Essential oils are a unique phenomenon in the world of cosmetology. They were used by people thousands of years ago, “aromatherapy” procedures are found even in the drawings of primitive people. In one drop of essential oil, from 150 to 500 active molecules are concentrated; a person cannot reproduce such a complex composition on his own.

Essential oils can enter the body in two main ways: through the skin and through the sense of smell. The perception of smells is directly related to the limbic system, and, accordingly, to emotions and memory. Aromas affect them faster and more effectively than visuals or sounds.

The mechanism of action is as follows. Olfactory receptors in the nasal mucosa terminate in olfactory cilia. Gaseous substances dissolve in the mucus surrounding the cilia, and as a result of a chemical reaction, a nerve impulse occurs. Nerve fibers send impulses to the olfactory center of the brain. There, the smell is detected and a response is formed. For example, if you inhale essential oils with a relaxing effect, your brain will tell your muscles to relax to relieve stress.

Although oils are aggressive against microbes, they are completely harmless to humans.

Due to their volatility, small molecular size and similarity to skin lipids, essential oils are able to penetrate deep into the epidermis, having a beneficial effect on skin cells and on the whole organism.

Due to phytoncides, all essential oils have antiseptic properties and even antiviral activity. This is a real “natural antibiotic” for the skin. And although the oils are aggressive against microbes, they are completely harmless to humans.

The best aroma oils to combat fatigue and stress

  • Lemon essential oil tones, increases efficiency, relieves fatigue, improves immunity and improves mood, which is so important in the fall.
  • Rosemary fights chronic fatigue, invigorates, tones.
  • Camomile calms the central nervous system, relieves tension, improves sleep, is considered a mild sedative.
  • rose flower harmonizes the emotional state, relieves anxiety, fights depression.
  • Geranium fights stress, depression, uplifts mood and eliminates anxiety.
  • sweet orange promotes complete relaxation and has pronounced soothing properties.
  • Neroli relieves stress, soothes and relaxes.
  • Lavender fights stress, relieves tension, calms.

Aroma massage for healthy and youthful skin

To apply Decléor aromatic essences, a simple massage was developed based on the ancient Japanese technique of shiatsu (“shi” means fingers, “atzu” means pressure). It is based on the impact on biologically active points on the body and face. Such a massage helps to eliminate edema, improve blood circulation, remove toxins and toxins.

Warm up 2-3 drops of aromatic serum (choose according to the type and condition of the skin) in the palms of your hands.

Enjoy the aroma of essential oils by doing a breathing exercise.

Close your eyes, bring your hands to your face, palms folded – thumbs under the chin, the remaining fingers cover the face.

Take three deep breaths: the first breath with the chest, the second with the diaphragm, the third, the deepest, with the whole body.

Then apply the product on the face, neck and décolleté. For a radiant complexion, improved circulation, reduced puffiness and improved overall well-being, perform the Decléor Acupressure Facial.

The location of biologically active points is similar to the outline of the number 2 (from point A to F). Points A are located at the inner corners of the eyes, B are the inner tips of the eyebrows, C are the outer corners of the eyes, D is the middle of the zygomatic bone, E is under D (a couple of cm lower), F is at the contours of the face at the level of the tips of the lips. Points A and B correspond to the meridian of the bladder, the impact on them improves the functioning of the excretory system. Point C corresponds to the gallbladder, points D, E and F correspond to the stomach.

Act on the points symmetrically on both sides. Pressing should be slow and deep. Important: you need to press on the exhale with the pads of your index fingers. Hold each point for five seconds.

About expert

Olga Gorokhova – cosmetologist and expert of the Decléor brand.

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