Arnold Erett’s Mucus-Free Diet

Severe kidney and heart disease became the basis of a new discovery in the field of nutrition. Almost a hundred years ago, the German scientist Arnold Ehret unsuccessfully sought help from the best medical luminaries of the time, but did not receive proper help.

Desperate to find help in official medicine, Ehret began his search in non-traditional directions. He experienced starvation, vegetarianism, food on fruits and water. After the “incurable” diseases disappeared without a trace, the professor decided to share his experience. In his opinion, the main enemy of human health is mucus, which is formed during the metabolism of many products. The result of his observations and personal experiments was the book The Healing System of the Mucusless Diet.

Diet Features

The scientist presented a new look at the main provisions of official medicine. According to his findings, a person does not need additional protein at all, especially of animal origin. The main component of nutrition, according to Eret, should be glucose. The only source of nutrition for the brain should come from fruit, which will also be the main ingredient on the menu.

An equally important point is the complete cleansing of the body so that glucose enters in sufficient quantities, is broken down and utilized by the body’s systems. According to the author, the obstacle in her way is precisely the mucous coating on the internal organs and blood vessels, which appears due to malnutrition.

Any meat scientist refers to the main causes of many diseases. Even a fresh product is at a certain stage of decomposition. In humans, this component causes decay and the formation of the same mucus. Meat and its derivatives should be excluded in any form.

Excluded from the menu are mucous diets and eggs. They also have sticky properties and have the potential to accumulate harmful substances. White flour, according to the scientist, in the human body clogs the entire digestive system. From baking, only bran and rye bread in a dried form is allowed.

The main essence of the diet comes down to what a person must eat to live, and not vice versa. The amount of food at the main stage of the blind program is minimal. Eret, in his attempt to recover, completely refused to eat for 46 days, “eating” only with fresh air and water. Fasting days on the water, according to the doctor, are required. The scientist argued that a person needs a very small amount of food to really get enough.

Mixing different components of the food is not allowed. In his work, the scientist draws a parallel with wild animals. They never mix several types of food at the same time, and they also do not mix hunger and thirst. You should not drink liquids during meals, as hunger and thirst are different concepts and there should be a gap between them. Official medicine agrees with this point, as water dilutes the gastric juice and stretches the stomach wall. Eating on this system or the other, try not to drink food drinks.

So, the basic tenets of the diet says: you need to eat a little, only vegetable food, do not drink food and once a week spend fasting days on the water. Such methods, according to Eret, will completely cleanse the body of harmful components, free radicals, excess salt and remove mucus. Purified organism, as a unique phenomenon, is able to get rid of inflammation and dangerous diseases.

Contraindications to the method

Silent diet is a method of cleansing the body, which is based on fasting and a strong restriction in the menu. Therefore, it is necessary to approach it with caution. It is best to consult with a specialist about the possibility of such a program.

Resort to the Eret diet should not:

  • with diseases of the endocrine system;
  • if there are diseases of the digestive tract;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • diabetes;
  • having functional insufficiency of any internal organ.

If during the period of adherence to a diet there are severe digestive disorders, frequent dizziness and nausea, the diet should be gradually stopped. To do this, go directly to the stage of exit from the diet.

Eretu Nutrition

The entire diet of a healthy person, according to the professor’s theory, should consist of plant foods. The menu should include fruits, vegetables (mostly green), herbs, leafy salads, nuts. The main part of the diet should be made up of raw and fresh foods, it is periodically allowed to subject them to heat treatment. It is impossible to fry food, only boiling, stewing, steaming or in the oven is allowed.

Fruits and berries can be used to make smoothies or purees. It is advisable not to mix several types, but to use only one product for one meal. Nuts are definitely recommended to be added to the diet, as this is practically the only source of healthy fats. Cereals, despite the fact that they are also vegetable, are not allowed. Sometimes you can only cook beans.

All other products, according to the doctor, cause mucus formation and rotting processes. It is also impossible to use food additives (salt, sugar), since they are among the ingredients that are unnecessary for the body.

The power scheme is as follows:

  • breakfast – water, juices or decoctions;
  • afternoon tea – vegetable salad, fresh juice;
  • lunch – vegetables, raw or cooked, vegetable broths, crackers;
  • snacks – berries, fruits, nuts;
  • dinner – vegetable salad, crackers, raw or ready vegetables.

A hearty breakfast in a blind diet is excluded. Natural cleansing of the body occurs at night when a person does not eat. The doctor claimed that the person wakes up hard and feels bad in the morning because the body is still trying to get rid of poisons. With the first intake of food, the state of health improves, since the body directs all its forces towards digestion, and not towards purification.

In the morning, the body is not ready for heavy food in large quantities. In addition, when the day begins with eating porridge and sandwiches, the body does not have time to remove mucus and harmful components before a new portion arrives. Breakfast, in the usual sense, is absent from the mucusless diet. In the morning, you can drink herbal decoction or freshly squeezed juice.

For lunch, prepare a vegetable salad of cabbage and grated carrots. The scientist called it a “broom” and consumed it daily. Nowadays, this dish is known as a “brush” and is used in the popular Malysheva diet.

For dinner, you can boil or stew vegetables, baked fruits and the same coleslaw are welcome. Periodically, you can boil the vegetable broth for lunch and dinner. Crackers and toasts made from dried bread (bran or rye) can be eaten for lunch, lunch and dinner. For snacks, it is allowed to take nuts, fresh berries and fruits.

The scientist himself wrote in his book that it is dangerous for an ordinary person to switch sharply to a blind diet. Before the main stage, you need to undergo a thorough preparation so that the body can tolerate changes.

The transition to a dull diet

At the entrance to the diet will take quite a long time. Phasing out harmful products should take about three months. Modern man is dependent on food, so the exclusion of everything that he likes will require preparation.

First of all, you need to spend 2 weeks without food with harmful additives. This includes semi-finished products, street food, synthetic seasonings, sausages.

At the next stage, it is desirable to completely abandon meat products, i.e. go to vegetarianism. The list of banned includes all derivatives of animal meat: fats, fillets, gelatin, offal. During this period, you can eat dairy products and eggs. Gradually you need to add more plant foods. Fried is also excluded. For the second phase, casseroles, stews, fresh products, cottage cheese, etc. are suitable.

Through the 2-3 week vegetarian menu you need to minimize salt and sugar, exclude eggs and dishes with them. Dairy products, vegetables, fruits, nuts remain. At this stage, you can cook roast without meat, vegetable soups, cereals, there is unsweetened pastries.

After another 2 weeks without meat and eggs, it is necessary to exclude products from white flour and milk. At this stage, cereals remain on the menu, which can be cooked up to 3 once a week. All other nutrition should be based on plant foods. You can cook vegetarian soups, stew vegetables, bake fruits, make smoothies or salads from berries. In the same period, you need to gradually reduce your servings to the size of your palm. It is necessary to adhere to such food for 2 weeks or more.

At the last stage, only greens, vegetables, and fruits should remain in the diet. You can use rye crackers or bran bread. Gradually, more dishes from raw ingredients should be introduced, from vegetables one should choose non-starchy ones. At the end of the first week of a muddy diet, it is necessary to carry out the first unloading on the water, if desired, this can be done in the previous stages. The basic period of the diet should last 2-3 of the month.

According to the author, already at the first stages, the purified organism will begin to fight with various diseases. Feedback from the followers of the Tern argue that many did not need to observe the main stage, since significant relief comes in the first phases.

Out of the diet

The results of the diet have impressed many blind people. A large part of them consider such a diet as the only correct one and observe it all their lives. The scientist himself set an example and ate according to the presented menu until the end of his life. The exit from this diet, according to the professor, is optional.

Modern nutritionists completely disagree with this statement and call for a balanced diet. Turn gave an example of a cow: we do not give her milk to increase milk yield, we do not feed her meat so that she grows. So with a person, the doctor argued that we absolutely do not need additional proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order to develop normally.

Modern medicine completely refutes this statement: without a normal amount of nutrients, the body is depleted. Silent diet is recommended as an additional measure, if there are no contraindications.

In order to properly exit the diet, you need to go the same way as for the transition to a blind diet. First you need to return dairy products, then cereal, after them eggs and meat. Each product should be added gradually, at intervals of the week in 1-2.

Conclusions about the tactile method

Almost a century ago, Arnold Ehret cured himself and treated hundreds of people with a mucusless diet and fasting. The two sanatoriums he opened in Switzerland housed thousands of patients rejected by mainstream medicine. But until now, science does not know exactly how this technique affects the human body.

The technique is strict and requires caution on the part of practitioners. In addition to recovery, adherents note weight loss and weight stabilization, improved well-being and appearance. Among those who used the diet, there were also those who were categorically dissatisfied with the diet. Refusal of almost all familiar products is rather difficult and is often accompanied by malaise and depression.

When resorting to such categorical measures, it is imperative to monitor your state of health, and to consult a doctor before entering the diet. Most modern doctors consider this technique as a vegetable diet for detoxification, and not as a panacea for all diseases. If the plans usual weight loss, experts recommend choosing a more balanced and nutritious methods.

Sources of
  1. Arnold Ehret: The Healing System of the Mucusless Diet. Treatment with hunger and fruits; Conceptual, 2018

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