Film «Yours, Mine and Ours»

Army parenting style.

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Film «Liquidation»

Do not talk to a senior in rank while sitting!

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Army style of education — discipline-based education (a disciplinary approach to education) with army paraphernalia (military uniform, whistle, formation, army teams).

Film «Officers»

Stop mumbling! If you please, produce a loud commanding voice!

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The military style is close and understandable to men and usually unattractive to women. See →

The military style of parenting can be one of the best parenting approaches, subject to a number of conditions:

  • The teacher is reasonable and positive,
  • The educator aims to develop the freedom, creativity and responsibility of children. See →
  • This parenting style does not conflict with the views of others.

If dad is for army style, and mom and grandmother are for free upbringing, the conflict that has arisen will be difficult for children to respond to.

Related and opposite styles

Close to the Army style are the Barracks style (a negative version of the Army style of education), as well as the style of various Religious schools that put discipline at the forefront (Jewish education, Orthodox education, Catholic education).

The army style should not be confused with the style of the Zone, which came to the Soviet Army after the Great Patriotic War and from there spread widely to orphanages and even family culture.

The army style of education is opposed to styles based on the principles of free education.

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