Army life stories: “Thank you” to the officer

😉 Friends, I welcome you to this site! Thanks for stopping by! Today for you army stories from life, the revelations of one soldier – “Thank you” to the officer.

Army stories

Shortly before the army, I met a beautiful girl Olesya. We were drawn to each other from the very first minute. And finally, we declared our love. Soon I was drafted into the army. Olesya promised to wait for me.

And, to be honest, I doubted a little, because we had known each other for only three months. I served not far from home, but I was not allowed to leave. Our romance began – a correspondence. Oh, what letters she wrote to me!

And then I accidentally learned that an officer from our unit was traveling to my city on business. I began to send my letters with him. And I also received mail from my beloved through him. There was only six months left to serve, but then she suddenly stops writing.

I asked the officer what was the matter, he answered only one thing: “I don’t find her at home.” Soon this officer was laid off and went home, and I finally managed to break free. I rush at full speed to my only one.

She met me coldly. I spent the whole evening trying to get the truth from her. She roared, and from her scraps of words, I understood that the same officer had seduced her, and they began to meet. She considers this a mistake, repeated that she only loved me, begged me not to leave her.

I forgave her and left with hope. “You love her too much,” my parents told me. And what could I do, well, I can’t live without her.

Flip flop

That’s all, but there’s a sharp turn! At the celebration of the birthday of one of the guys, everyone loosened their tongues. And then I found out that the same officer had recently come to Olesya and everything happened again.

And he constantly bragged about his “adventures” to one of the guys, who, in turn, decided to make fun of me in front of the others. Like, my girl slept with my commander, and I approved of it to make it easier to serve.

I could not resist, there was a cool fight. As a result, a criminal case was opened against me. Many thanks to that officer. And since then I have not written to my friend. So, in a moment my life broke down, and I’m only twenty …

😉 But what about the code of honor? Share this article “Army Life Stories:“ Thank You ”to the Officer” with your friends on social networks.

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