Armoplasty: what it is, how it works, the price
As the most popular procedure, which is also called manual plastic or manual liposuction, it helps to get rid of the hated fatty deposits.
It’s no secret that there are too many areas on the body of women where fat deposits can be. The most popular are breeches, inner thighs, belly, sides and back of the arms. If you have ever encountered this problem, then you certainly know that getting rid of excess fat in these parts of the body is quite difficult. Even sports training does not always help fight these deposits. That is why massage therapists and body specialists decided to come up with a special technique – armoplasty. As the name suggests, this is a handcrafted technique that acts like plastic.
In fact, this is a very intense massage that is aimed exclusively at problem areas. The procedure is advised to be done from the age of 22, since it is up to this age that the constitution is formed and a person may have hormonal fat, which will appear again even after the massage. But having crossed this line, hormones that affect the creation of this layer are not produced, therefore, after armoplasty, there will be no more deposits in the worked out area.
In one massage session, which lasts about three hours, the specialist kneads only the area, and his movements are directed in a certain direction. Thus, during the procedure, the place of accumulation of fat is very well worked out, and the process of losing weight occurs due to the flow of blood and lymph. The procedure will be repeated the next day, then the master will work in a different direction.
It is worth noting that armoplasty improves metabolism, due to which, within a month after the procedure, decay products, which are a consequence of the inflammatory process after the massage, will be excreted from the body along with the lymph flow. In other words, all excess fat will be excreted naturally from the body.
Do not be afraid if, a couple of days after the massage, you notice slight redness on the treated area, they will go away very soon, but the swelling may remain for the whole month.
First you need to decide which zone you want to work on, since the specialist will only deal with one part of the body. After that, the massage begins, which, we recall, is very intense, and in the first minutes it will be somewhat painful. Then your body will get used to it and you will not feel any impact; according to the masters themselves, the skin is numb.
During armoplasty, there may be intoxication due to the fact that hormonal fat begins to gradually move into the body, which is not ready for this. That is why, during the procedure, the patient is given water to drink so that toxins quickly leave the body.
And now about the most important thing. Since the procedure is done without any special intervention in the body, and the elimination of fat occurs naturally, the result will appear within a month. Perhaps the specialist will prescribe a couple more procedures for you to completely remove stagnant fat in the problem area. Fat is located on the body in layers and sometimes, to get to the lowest layers, you will need another session. After visiting the procedure, fat will no longer accumulate in the treated area.
As you can imagine, armoplasty has some contraindications, including pregnancy, cancer, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus and thrombophlebitis.
Prices for one hour of the procedure range from 3000 rubles to 5000.
The procedure has already been tried by our stars: Anna Semenovich, Aurora and Ekaterina Strizhenova